Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 468 Fragrance infused with the soul [1 more]

Chapter 468 The Fragrance Infused into the Soul (55) [One More]

Gu Hao hadn't brought it up in one breath, but the roller coaster was thrown out unexpectedly!

A violent force rushed over, making Gu Hao's body instantly stiff, the blood in his whole body surged up quickly, and the scene in front of him was so fast that he couldn't distinguish it, and he didn't even dare to open his eyes.

Holding Lin Fan's hand, he was holding on tightly at this moment, like holding on to a life-saving straw.

Breathing almost stopped!
At this moment, Gu Hao felt that his whole body was suddenly hung upside down. He gritted his teeth desperately to prevent himself from screaming, otherwise it would be too embarrassing~
At this time, Lin Fan was not only not a little nervous or afraid, but also looked sideways at Gu Hao with a smile on his face.

"Xiao Haohao, are you scared?" Lin Fan asked knowingly, seeing Gu Hao's stiff expression, he couldn't help snickering.

The old man Gu Hao turned his head and turned his head to look at Lin Fan who was talking to him, and was about to speak up to defend himself.

At this time, the roller coaster reached the peak position, and the speed suddenly slowed down.

The car body is climbing to the highest position bit by bit.

He was overjoyed, and saw Lin Fan pointing his finger down.

Gu Hao looked down subconsciously, and found that he was in the entire playground, the highest position, and his breathing began to tense!

"How could I... ouch~" Gu Haoqiang pretended to be fearless, and as the roller coaster quickly slid down, it collapsed in an instant!

The roller coaster descended sharply from the peak, causing Gu Hao to let out an uncontrollable scream~
"Ah!!!!" The eardrum-piercing scream ran through the entire slideway.

With the violent speed and strong wind speed, Gu Hao felt that his heart was about to fly out.

All I could hear was my own screaming and the creaking sound of the runway rubbing against the roller coaster.

His world is spinning, his brain is not blank, but a paste that has been bumped and stirred evenly~
"It's dead, it's dead~" Gu Hao kept muttering like a repeater, as if this could help him relieve his fear.

Isn't it the agreed 27 seconds?

How does he feel that he has been on the roller coaster for half a year and hasn't gotten off yet.


A crisp photo-taking sound rang in my ears.

what's the situation?
Is anyone still taking pictures at this time?
In doubt, Gu Hao slowly opened a gap in his closed eyes!
! !
In front of him, Lin Fan was snickering, holding his mobile phone and shooting wildly at himself~
"Fan~ao~bao~aoao~" Gu Hao found that he couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

His facial features were twisted into a ball, and his mouth was screaming all the time, Zhang's boss, Gu Hao couldn't restrain this crazy emotion~
His expression must be ugly now!

Looking at Lin Fan who is getting more and more energetic~
Gu Hao is about to cry~
But this wicked roller coaster runs harder and harder.

The viscera kept bumping and scurrying around in his body, Gu Hao had no choice but to grab Lin Fan and scream loudly!

Gu Haoduo wanted to say, stop taking pictures of Fan Bao, but in a simple sentence, under the current scene, he couldn't say a single word.

When will it end! !
Despair keeps spreading in the body~
Gu Hao felt that the blood in his body was thrown out by the roller coaster, and his soul was floating on the top of his head~,

That soul must have pale face, distorted facial features, empty eyes filled with horror, helplessness mixed with despair~
But this expression was all recorded by an unscrupulous person!
Riding a roller coaster is not scary, but having someone to help you remember is the most embarrassing thing!

Thanks to the Queen of Blue Sound for the second consecutive award!
 I did a roller coaster once, and I still remember that feeling~
(End of this chapter)

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