Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 469 Fragrance infused with the soul [2 more]

Chapter 469 Fragrance Infused with the Soul (56) [Second More]

Finally, in the torment of high-speed fear and the sound of taking pictures, the crazy roller coaster stopped...

The soul floating above Gu Hao's head has not yet possessed his body, and he only heard a childish voice.

"Brother, are you dumbfounded?" The little girl bounced around from behind Gu Hao, patted his knee, looked at his expressionless face, covered her mouth and smiled.

"Brother, brother, come down quickly." The little girl patted Gu Hao again, trying to call back his wandering thoughts.

"Sir, please get off your seat, the next group of tourists will be boarding the bus!" Seeing that Gu Hao was holding back, the staff stepped forward to remind him.

Lin Fan pulled up Gu Hao, who looked like a walking dead, and left from the roller coaster.

During the whole process, Gu Hao remained expressionless, his legs were weak, and the soles of his feet were floating~
"Gu Hao?" Seeing that Gu Hao hadn't recovered, Lin Fan couldn't help worrying, he couldn't have been scared to death~
She found a seat and asked Gu Hao to sit down and rest.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Gu Hao sat down, he hugged Lin Fan, pressed his head firmly against Lin Fan's stomach, and sobbed softly!

"Scared me to death! Aww~" Gu Hao's voice was slightly hoarse, probably because he yelled for too long just now, his throat was cracked~
Lin Fan looked at his childish appearance, and quickly patted Gu Hao's head to comfort him, and by the way, helped him smooth out the fried-hair hairstyle that was just shaped by the roller coaster!
"Baby Fan, I thought I was going to die~" A series of moaning voices came out of Gu Hao's mouth.

"Okay, it's okay, it's already down, don't be afraid, don't be afraid~" Lin Fan chuckled.

A big boy is so timid, he doesn't know what is going on with a certain devil!
If you have a chance, you must pull him to try~
Lin Fan rolled his eyes wide, and there was a mischievous smile on the corner of his mouth, he was planning something~
After a while, Gu Hao's mood finally stabilized, and he pulled his head out reluctantly, but he never lifted it up.

Now that he would regain his sanity, his cheeks were on fire, and he felt ashamed to face Lin Fan.

"What's the matter?" Lin Fan looked at Gu Hao who kept his head down and kept silent, and simply squatted down, only to notice the embarrassment and shyness on Gu Hao's face.

And his eyes kept staring at his feet, not daring to look at Lin Fan.

"It's okay, I won't laugh at you!" Lin Fan raised his arms and pinched Gu Hao's cheeks on both sides, forcing him to look at himself.

A pure and clean smiling face was immediately imprinted in his eyes, Gu Hao pursed his lips, his heart almost melted.

Seeing that porcelain white and smooth skin, and a small piece of blushing face in the scorching heat of summer, the pink lips slightly parted, and the delicate collarbone looming from the sleek neckline of the dress, Gu Hao's eyes were drawn to linger.

Before I knew it, I saw God!

"Little Haohao?" Lin Fan shook Gu Hao's cheek with his hand, and then pulled Gu Hao's wandering thoughts back.

"Baby Fan, get up quickly, you're tired from squatting." Gu Hao reached out and lifted Lin Fan up easily, and he also stood up naturally.

"I'll accompany you to eat, don't you mean you're hungry?" Lin Fan suggested seeing that Gu Hao had recovered.

Holding the map of the playground, the two looked for the nearest restaurant while exploring the scenery.

"Good voice competition! Everyone is welcome to participate enthusiastically. The winner will be given a luxurious set meal worth 388 yuan!" A host wearing a clown hat was yelling vigorously at this time~
(End of this chapter)

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