Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 470 Fragrance infused with the soul [3 more]

Chapter 470 Fragrance Infused into the Soul (57) [Third Watch]

Immediately attracted many onlookers!

"As long as you like to sing, you can come on stage and show off your singing voice. Don't miss it when you pass by~" The host's voice is full of passion~
"Fan Baobao, I'm Maiba. I'll let you see it today, and I'll definitely win you that luxury set meal!" Gu Hao walked to the registration office immediately with a confident expression on his face!

"Hey? Boy, we can only register as couples together!" The staff at the registration office stopped Gu Hao who came alone.

"Our luxury set meal is a 100% romantic meal specially prepared for couples in love! If you are still single, I'm sorry, ha ha." The staff rejected Gu Hao's registration with a smile on his face!

Gu Hao could only get out of the way and let the couples in line behind sign up first!
He walked up to Lin Fan in frustration, "Baby Fan, I wanted to show off in front of you, but they only let couples sign up, hey!"

Gu Hao sighed, and looked at the registration office eagerly.

"How about I go with you to try?" Lin Fan looked at Gu Hao and suggested.

At this moment, the couples who signed up for the first team had already appeared on the stage. The two of them received applause as soon as they opened their mouths. It was quite professional, and it sounded like people who often go to KTV~
"Okay, it doesn't matter if you don't get No.1!" Gu Hao looked at Lin Fan with a smile on his face, because his strength was only slightly better than that of the team on stage. , singing is generally a bit enmmmm~
Therefore, you must comfort yourself in advance, but don’t lose, it’s not good if the baby is unhappy~
Lin Fan smiled and said nothing, and led Gu Hao to the registration office.

"Hey, young man, you found a girlfriend very quickly!" The staff member said jokingly when he saw that it was the boy who was rejected by him just now.

"If it's fake, it's my girlfriend~" Gu Hao looked smug, wishing everyone could hear what he said~
"If it's a beauty comparison today, you two will definitely win!" The staff looked at the handsome man and beautiful woman in front of them carefully, with a very sure tone.

"Come on in a while!" He clearly said this to Lin Fan, there is no way, the beauty just makes people can't help but want to cheer her up~
"Fill in the repertoire you want to sing." The staff pointed to the position of the form, quite seriously.

"How about this one?" Gu Hao pointed at the suggested playlist next to him.

"Not bad!" Lin Fan nodded in agreement, and at the same time, he already had a melody in his mind~
"Okay, the first team has made a good start for our game, everyone give applause to the two!" After the host finished speaking, the second team came on stage.

This team is a bit unsatisfactory, it can only be said that it is not out of tune, but the eye contact and sweet atmosphere between the two are full, infecting the audience in the audience, so the whole song is not too difficult.

"These two are very affectionate, we give them applause~" After the host finished speaking, the audience in the audience gave them warm applause.

"Baby Fan, judging by the current situation, our odds of winning are quite high." Gu Hao whispered in Lin Fan's ear, at this time, the third group of couples came on stage.

Gu Hao planned in his heart that the two of them should get a lot of impression points for their good looks, plus he will work harder for a while, and the 100% romantic meal can be eaten~
"Okay, let's invite the next group to come on stage!" The host just finished speaking.

Gu Hao immediately pulled Lin Fan onto the stage.

"Wow, this pair is so eye-catching~"

"I just don't know how to sing~"

"Where did you find such a handsome boyfriend?"


Thank you Lixia~ Second consecutive rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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