Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 500 Personal care is online [1 more]

Chapter 500 Personal care is online (16) [one more]

After Lin Yifan called Ye Zi and asked her to take a few days off, he followed Wei Xu to Province Z without hesitation!
On the plane, she looked at the white clouds outside the window, and felt that every cloud that floated by brought her closer to Lu Mingcheng!
Her eyes are firm!

There is hope in her eyes!

Wei Xu, who was sitting opposite, looked at the side face wrapped in the halo, and the slightly upturned corner of the mouth seemed to radiate light.

Such a good-looking girl, if she can enter the entertainment circle, she will definitely cause a sensation!
In the blink of an eye, Wei Xu had an incredible idea!
"I still have a press conference to attend." While speaking, Wei Xu handed over a key, "I'll send you the address later."

When Lin Yifan took it, he recognized the key, he had seen it before, and said, "The key to your house?"

Wei Xu's expression paused, and he looked at Lin Yifan in surprise.

"I guessed it!" Lin Yifan put the key away naturally, "Don't worry, I won't steal anything!"

Her smile is like an old friend.

"You really know me?" Wei Xu's doubts surfaced again.

He is not a forgetful person. If he really saw such a beautiful girl, he would definitely be impressed.

"I've seen you on TV! You did a great job!" Lin Yifan's words obviously didn't want to answer Wei Xu's question, so it was somewhat perfunctory.

"I'll let Xiaofei take you there." Wei Xu's voice has not yet finished.

"I know where it is, go there by yourself!" was interrupted by Lin Yifan!

Lin Yifan immediately realized that he had made a slip of the tongue...

"Let Xiaofei take me there!" She pretended to be calm, in order not to arouse Wei Xu's suspicion.

Wei Xu leaned on the seat, feeling more interested!
He couldn't figure it out more and more, and he couldn't see through the girl in front of him anymore. What was her purpose?
Plus, she really does seem to know something about herself!

This aroused Wei Xu's curiosity!

It's been a long time since I encountered such an interesting thing!

When Lin Yifan arrived at Wei Xu's apartment, the decoration was similar to what she remembered.

Suddenly there was a gurgling protest from my stomach!
Ever since Lin Yifan returned to real life, he hasn't had a satisfying meal.

After the tossing just now, I will be really hungry and feel like my chest is attached to my back!

She simply opened the refrigerator to see what to eat.

"Not bad, much better than Gu Hao!" Looking at the full refrigerator, Lin Yifan immediately started it!
Cook fry fry, make soup!
A lot of the same!Everything!
It's such a blessing to be able to eat the food you cook yourself!

Looking at the four dishes and one soup, Lin Yifan was very satisfied!
Just then, the door was opened!
Wei Xu is back!
An extraordinary smell of rice wafted into his nostrils.

"You came back so early, I thought I would be busy until night!" Lin Yifan walked to the door and started to chat.

At this time, she was still wearing an apron, with a smile on her face. That appearance gave Wei Xu the illusion that he was married for a moment!
"I made some food just now, do you want to eat together?" Lin Yifan offered to invite.

"I was a little hungry, so I used the ingredients in your refrigerator without authorization. I'm sorry!" Lin Yifan suddenly remembered that Wei Xu was indeed an old acquaintance to him.

But for Wei Xu, he is still very unfamiliar!

She's a bit familiar~

Thanks to Sichenmengyu, in Buye, Dream Girl, Shi Tianfeng for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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