Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 501 Personal care is online [2 more]

Chapter 501 Personal care is online (17) [Second update]

"Uh..." Seeing that Wei Xu hadn't responded, Lin Yifan scratched his head in embarrassment.

"It smells good!" Wei Xu smiled, and the atmosphere eased, "I didn't expect you to be able to cook."

In the past, he used to call the nanny to cook at home, and takeaway was really not used to, and it was not good for keeping fit. I didn't expect that there were ready-made ones today.

When looking at the delicious dishes on the table, Wei Xu's eyes could not help flashing a little surprise, he couldn't wait to taste the taste!

When he took his first bite!
The aroma that instantly filled his mouth moved him so much!
Yes, it is touching!
After a busy day, it is really touching to be able to eat such a delicious meal!

Wei Xu quickly took a second bite!

The fish that melts in your mouth is tender and delicious, full of umami!
At this moment, Lin Yifan filled a bowl of soup and handed it to Wei Xu.

"Lotus root ham and tangerine peel soup, invigorating the spleen and appetizing, nourishing the heart and lungs, is just right for you, try it!" He looked at Lin Yifan again in his eyes, as if he was looking at a fairy.

Wei Xu quickly scooped up a spoonful, and instantly felt warm all over his body, and his stomach was also warm. A feeling called happiness suddenly spread all over his body.

"Not bad!" Seeing Wei Xu's reaction, Lin Yifan knew that he liked to drink.

"I didn't expect your cooking skills to be so good!" Wei Xu's compliment was full of surprises!

"It's okay." Lin Yifan smiled slightly, enjoying himself too.

"If you like it, I'll bring out your share every day when I cook, and it will be considered as paying rent!" Lin Yifan said naturally!
"Every day?" Wei Xu felt a little happy when he heard the word.

Wei Xu's attitude towards a stranger who visited suddenly was uncharacteristic. Not only did he not hate Lin Yifan for using his own things casually, but now he was actually looking forward to the next meal!
"Lin Yifan, you are really different!" Wei Xu's voice was not too loud, and it seemed to be talking to himself.

"Just because you can cook?" Lin Yifan asked back, "Then you are also different, because you can act!"

Wei Xu smiled, a smile from the heart.

Because I was very happy chatting with Lin Yifan!
This meal is the best and most relaxing meal he has eaten in so many years!
The whole person, physically and mentally comfortable!

Especially, no longer alone!

Looking at the girl opposite, talking and laughing, Wei Xu suddenly felt that it was time for him to fall in love at his age~
As a popular front line, his career has reached its peak!
Now, might as well think about lifelong events!

After all, as a human being, it is impossible to be alone for a lifetime!

Especially, in the dead of night, when there is no announcement, the days of staring at the white wall in a daze are too long!
"How old are you?" Wei Xu asked suddenly.

"18!" Lin Yifan answered simply!
"I'm an adult!" Wei Xu smiled.

"Yeah, otherwise how dare you run around!" Lin Yifan's tone was always relaxed, which made Wei Xu get closer to her unconsciously, directly skipping the embarrassing stage of getting in touch.

"Phew~ I'm finally done!" Lin Yifan took off the plastic gloves and stretched, "Washing the dishes is really tiring!"

"I forgot to tell you, there will be a cleaner to take care of it." Wei Xu leaned against the door frame, leisurely.

Lin Yifan could only pout his mouth, with resentment in his eyes, he swallowed back the words he was going to say.

"By the way, what are you looking for with Lu Mingcheng?"


Thank you for the three consecutive rewards of Sichenmengyu!
(End of this chapter)

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