Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 582 A Destined Encounter [3 more]

Chapter 582 A Destined Encounter (54-55)

Slowly steaming mist!
Water flow from top to bottom!
At this moment, Lin Yifan was washing his tired body!
Under the shower, she was gently rubbing her long hair!
The raised arms are slender and delicate!

Like a dancing fairy~
She closed her eyes and massaged her fingers through her long hair.

"What are you thinking about?"

Suddenly opened his eyes!

Because that feeling is too real!

Lin Yifan hurriedly peeped around!

For a moment, she felt that Lu Mingcheng was right in front of her eyes!
She pulled off the bathrobe and put it on.

Pick up the hair dryer and blow it casually!
After relaxing, the body is always attached to the comfort brought by the big bed.

At this moment, Lin Yifan was lying on the bed casually looking at his phone.

There have been a lot of messages in the circle of friends, she clicked to check.

Ye Zi: Wow, Yifan, you did this?How did I not know you could cook?It looks delicious~ drooling, drooling, drooling!
Looking at this, Lin Yifan seemed to see Ye Zi swallowing desperately, and the corners of her mouth turned up unconsciously.

President Dong: I never expected that you, who are both good at character and learning, are also so good at cooking!Uncle Dong is very pleased!
Lin Yifan felt his whole body tremble!Especially when she saw Uncle Dong's words, she always felt that the enthusiasm came too suddenly, and she hadn't fully digested it yet!
Li Mingyuan: Fanfan, your cooking skills are so good!
A serious compliment from a senior!

Wei Xu: Why are you ignoring me?Where are you?
Lin Yifan continued to watch, and found a surprise in the likes list!

It's a 'black face'!
Boss Lu actually gave him a thumbs up? !
She sat up suddenly!
Old Antique, he actually gave himself a thumbs up!
What a big hair!

She raised her eyebrows, and began to imagine how Lu Mingcheng looked when he liked her.

Is it serious?
Still deadpan?

Or do you think that your craftsmanship is really good with praise?

Lin Yifan, thinking about it, laughed unconsciously. She clutched the phone to her chest, and lay on the soft pillow to laugh.

"I don't know what Boss Lu is doing now?" Thinking of this, Lin Yifan decided to take a sneak peek~
Open the door, the corridor on the second floor is quiet!
Lin Yifan tentatively walked to the stairs, his eyes fell, and there was no figure of Lu in the bright hall!

She walked down the stairs suspiciously!

Looking left and right, there is no trace!
Looking at the fruits on the coffee table, Lin Yifan walked over.

She sat on the sofa casually, took a slice of orange and put it in her mouth!

Sufficient juice and full flesh~
In an instant, a fresh fragrance spreads~
"It's delicious!" She quickly took another piece and put it in her mouth.

As expected of Boss Lu, he is good at shopping. This orange is very different from the one I bought in the fruit supermarket at school. The taste is simply incomparable!
It's useless for a while, three or four yuan to eat!
"Hi~" Lin Yifan burped contentedly, leaned on the sofa, and savored the taste in his mouth with intoxication.

She patted her stomach with a happy smile on her face.

At this moment, slight footsteps slowly approached!
Under the bathrobe, the white and smooth calves were folded, looking very comfortable.

The slightly wet long hair was scattered casually, looking a little lazy and cute!
And that small porcelain white face, slightly closed eyes, and upturned corners of her mouth all expressed her happy mood at the moment!


Thanks Yuzi for the reward!

After Lin Yifan had had enough of the coolness brought by the orange, she slowly opened her eyes.

"Mom!" She whispered, raising her hand to cover her chest!

In front of him, a deep gaze was staring at him!

Lin Yifan got up quickly, with an embarrassed smile on his face.

The man didn't speak, but walked to the sofa, sat down, and put the cup in his hand on the tea table.

"Milk?" Lin Yifan looked at the glass full of milk in doubt, then at Lu Mingcheng's expressionless handsome face, "Boss Lu, when did you start drinking milk?"

She leaned over and touched the milk glass, it was cold.

"Let me warm it up for you. It's late now, and drinking it cold is not good for your stomach!" After finishing speaking, Lin Yifan picked up the milk glass and walked to the kitchen!

After a while, there were some rustling noises from the kitchen!
Lu Mingcheng couldn't help getting up and walked over.

It was the sound of milk boiling.

Turn off the heat and pour the milk back into the glass.

"Hiss~" Lin Yifan raised his hand and touched his ear.

Then tentatively picked up the milk glass again.

When she turned around, she was stunned for a moment, obviously she didn't expect Lu Mingcheng to stand behind her, "Boss Lu, are you a ghost? You always appear suddenly!"

While she was speaking, she quickened her pace and quickly put the hot milk cup on the coffee table!
"After a while it won't be so hot, you can drink it." After Lin Yifan finished speaking, he stepped back, "I'm going to sleep, good night!"

After finishing speaking, she turned around and quickly walked up the spiral staircase!
Because of anxiety, the soles of my feet slipped a bit halfway up, but luckily I was holding on to the handrails, so no accident happened!
Mr. Lu, watched her the whole time until she walked back to the bedroom!

After closing the door, Lin Yifan let out a heavy breath, he was so nervous just now!
Especially when Lu Mingcheng suddenly appeared, he didn't know how long he had been looking at him!

The hot cheeks had already betrayed Lin Yifan's mood at the moment!

Happy than nervous!
Even with a little excitement!
Boss Lu's attitude towards him is obviously better than before!
Regardless of whether it's because of the food I cooked, it's a good development!
Lin Yifan hopped to the side of the bed, jumped on it happily, and hugged the pillow in his arms~
Then quickly took out her cute pajamas from the suitcase and changed into them!

But looking at the changed nightgown, Lin Yifan couldn't help thinking about it.

The way Lu Mingcheng looked at him just now, did he have a little liking in it?

"Hey hey!" Lin Yifan covered his face shyly!
In the real world, when will she be able to handle Boss Lu?

at this time!

The phone screen lights up!
"From now on, every night, I want a glass of milk!"


(End of this chapter)

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