Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 583 A Destined Encounter [5 More]

Chapter 583 A Destined Encounter (56) [Fifth Watch]

"Yes, sir!" Lin Yifan replied very quickly!
Then revel in the joy brought to her by the elderly!
Boss Lu actually sent himself a WeChat message!

With such a rare probability, you can buy a lottery ticket!

"Boss Lu, you can actually type!" Lin Yifan sighed.

And someone sitting on the sofa, when he saw this sentence, his face was black...

The official business he handles every day is as high as a hill, and he doesn't know how many words he has to type!
After Lin Yifan finished posting, he was eagerly waiting for a reply!

But after 5 minutes, there is still no movement!
She was a little disappointed, but not particularly sad either!

After all, she has another way to communicate with Boss Lu!
Chat on WeChat!
What a significant progress!
It was useless for a while, only to hear a slight sound of footsteps outside the door, it should be that Lu Mingcheng went to the study!
Her room is the only way for Lu Mingcheng to go to the study!
It's ten o'clock in the evening, and Boss Lu went to the study, presumably because he has to be busy with business!
I hope that cup of hot milk can give him some help!
While flipping through the documents, Lu Mingcheng drank the warm milk that Lin Yifan had warmed for him!

It turns out that there is another way to live!
A warm current poured into the whole body in an instant, and all the limbs and bones were relaxing!

The efficiency of reading files has improved a lot!

Useless for a while, the cup bottomed out!

Lu Mingcheng took the last sip, and drank it all in one gulp!

He looked sideways at the wall, his sharp eyes seemed to penetrate the thick wall!
Because, on the other side, is Lin Yifan's bedroom.

She, is she asleep?
Lu Mingcheng was shocked by his subconscious thoughts!
What does it matter if she sleeps or not?
He frowned slightly, and continued to immerse himself in the documents!
Looking at the string of messages, Lin Yifan is in the right mood and ready to reply!
First, the leaves.

"Little Leaf~~"

After that, it was Wei Xu.

"I've already met Lu Mingcheng!"

Ye Zi: "Yifan, Yifan, tell me quickly, when will you be able to cook!"

Little Yezi's words are full of joy!

"Well~ Actually, I taught myself on the Internet!" Lin Yifan didn't know how to explain it, she couldn't tell Ye Zi about the Almighty Goddess system, she couldn't help feeling crazy!
While waiting for Ye Zi's reply, Lin Yifan waited for Wei Xu's reply by the way, and found that he hadn't moved for a long time, probably busy.

"But I think your cooking is super good, I'm hungry just looking at the pictures!" Ye Zi continued, "Yifan, I want to eat your cooking too!" followed by three drooling emojis !

"Okay~ I will make it for Xiao Yezi, I'm afraid that after you eat the food I cook, you won't like the food in the cafeteria anymore!" Lin Yifan looked arrogant!
"Even that Liji braised pork can't compare?" Xiao Yezi was surprised!

"It can't be compared, it can't be compared!" The expression with a proud face is the same as Lin Yifan's expression at the moment!
Just then, the phone vibrated again.

Wei Xu: "I just took a shower, today I'm really tired!"

"Hard work!" Lin Yifan replied.

"The boxed lunch is too unpalatable!" Suddenly complained.

"It's still delicious!" followed closely!
Lin Yifan smirked, and sent Wei Xu the pictures of a table of dishes that he cooked for Lu Mingcheng today!
Wei Xu: "Heartbroken expression!"

Wei Xu: "Yifan, you haven't told me yet, where are you? Who are you cooking this table for?"

"I'm at Lu Mingcheng's house!"

 Kong Kong, good night, babies~
(End of this chapter)

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