Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 1032 I guess, it shouldn't bother you

Chapter 1032 I guess, it shouldn't bother you
"Why do you wake me up..." Li Xiran rubbed her eyes, and said to Wu Ming with a little resentment.

"Going home, don't you want to sleep in the tomb? You are still young, at the age of 16, you just think..., sure enough, God is not jealous of beauty, beauty is jealous of itself." Wu Ming scratched Li Xiran The bridge of the nose, smiled softly, and then, it was a look of sighing, it's just that beauties don't understand style.

Afterwards, he helped her up, and it seemed that she had returned to reality. Wu Ming took out a part of the psychic liquid, and said to the third brother and his group of six people: "These can increase the lifespan of ordinary people, but don't take too much at once. More, besides, don’t casually expose the effects of this spiritual liquid, otherwise, someone more powerful than me will definitely come to you. As for the gold and silver, you can take whatever you want, and return the rest to the owner of the tomb, Asado The original has been resurrected, I will restrain him and not disturb the current life..."

Looking at the three or five bottles of psychic liquid, although the third brother was calm, he almost staggered. This is sending beggars, you scooped up close to ten bottles, not to mention the five or six bottles that Li Xiran scooped up, Wu Ming and you , all made dozens of bottles, this comparison, it seems a bit shabby, but Wu Ming discovered these, he can't say anything, as for other people who don't know, they naturally think it's a rare thing,

Therefore, everyone didn't care too much about it. A series of words about increasing lifespan and strengthening physique came from Wu Ming's mouth. People who have half a foot in the door like Liu Ye Baiying naturally know that this thing can also strengthen themselves. Strength, as for our enhancement, of course we take it directly, but we still need to pay attention to it and add some elixir.

Walking in front of the third brother, Wu Ming stuffed three or five bottles secretly, and said with a smile: "Third brother, as for the dagger, let me keep it for the time being. You can drink half a bottle of these three or five bottles every six months. After three or two years, you I will thank you...hehe."

The third brother nodded, it is better to use his own big knife. Wu Ming's dagger was only used for self-defense occasionally. At the beginning, he saw that Wu Ming's dagger was extraordinary, and he just wanted to collect one. He knew that Wu Ming was eager for these Some took out ten bottles of ectoplasmic liquid, which was quite generous. Of course, he took half of it himself.

That's it, after a brief exchange, the rest of the people started to move antiques, and Wu Ming just looked at them like this, "Third brother, don't be embarrassed, take as much as you want, it's yours, Asado has already followed me , These things, I naturally want to accept all of them, the biggest winner of this trip to the tomb, is me, as for Ding Yanzhu, tell the thin mouse not to show off, it will kill people."

Looking at the fat man and the others, Wu Ming said to the third brother beside him, at this moment, he should treat the third brother as a friend.

The third brother also nodded, what Wu Ming said is reasonable 1, it is better to carry a few catties of gold, although it is a bit heavy, but it is all real gold and silver, and it is calculated by gram when it goes out, it is always valuable,,

"How many can I look for too?" Li Xiran blinked her long charming eyelashes and said to Wu Ming as she looked at the hot sisters who were looking around like treasure hunters. Obviously, she also wanted to see Let's see how lucky she is, whether she can find more distinctive and valuable antiques.

"Well," Wu Ming nodded, Li Xiran was full of interest just now, but when he stepped forward, his interest was half wiped out by Wu Ming's next sentence, "It's all from our family, you can flip through it casually," Li Xiran was speechless, she didn't have much interest in looking through her own things, but Asado, who was watching from the side, also had a sullen face, with helpless and resentful eyes in his eyes,

"What about your family? It's obviously the treasure I have accumulated for half my life. This is the biggest treasure in the country of Ji. One or two are so shameless. It's simply exploitation," Asadora gritted his teeth secretly, but dared to be angry. Don't dare to say, Wu Ming's strength has soared now, and his aura is completely suppressing him, how can he resist?

However, the result is that, looking at the treasures of my life, and planning to rebuild the treasures of the Ji country, Wu Ming still has them as his own, and I can't help but feel a lot of emotion.

"Okay, I will give you a complete training method when you go back. You are from ancient times, and you know a lot about Taoism. As for the character of Bigu, Zhang Sanfeng is well-known now," Wu Ming looked at Li Xiran Going to treasure hunting, looking at Asadohara's resentful little eyes is also a word of comfort.

"Zhang Sanfeng? Who is Zhang Sanfeng? I know Wuhou Zhuge Liang. It is rumored that he owns no less than three gossip tripods. He knows the strength of the gossip formation. The changes in it are all understood from the tripod." Asado said originally. His eyes became admiration, a prime minister of a country, a teacher of a small country, the status is almost the same, but also a lot worse, one died after devoting himself to death, and the other came back to life,

"Is there such a thing?" Wu Ming murmured. He didn't know about this scene, but he knew that he was just an ordinary person before, and he couldn't touch so many things at all.Now, to have strength is to unravel the veil that is not mysterious at all. China is still a great country with mythical characters,

Asadora nodded, expressing his response, these are just matters between Taoism, it is rumored that Mr. Shuijing is a human immortal who is about to ascend, and Guan Ren is just a bigu warlock. Can be teased among princes,

Seeing that the third brother, Fat Treasure, and the others couldn't take it down, they were also preparing to return.
"Is it a treasure map?" Li Xiran asked Wu Ming when she came back with a picture with vicissitudes of history.

"Young Mistress, that is just a specially made parchment scroll, which actually records a treasure. It's just that I don't have as many tombs as this one. However, it can be regarded as a small supply warehouse, which is intended to be used by the army," Asa said. Duoyuan is to explain.

Li Xiran was overjoyed when she heard it, and smiled at Wu Ming, but when she woke up, she found something strange, her mind was very clear, her eyes seemed to be loaded with binoculars, but now they have recovered, but those who need to see far away The place looks good enough. As for the strength, it seems to be stronger than the third brother and other thick men. Looking at the golden bead that the third brother and others can't lift, she can pick it up, but no one Just pay attention, Li Xiran also didn't pay attention to this point, she has become a female man,
"It's very lucky, I'll go hunting for treasures later," Wu Ming smiled softly, rubbing Li Xiran's black hair, a little doting.

Asadohara: Spread dog food...

"Young master, I have set up many traps and mazes in this treasury, but, I guess, it shouldn't be difficult for you..." Asadora said more, because everyone else has something to do Yes, his tens of thousands of volt light bulbs must shine brightly.

I guess, it shouldn’t be hard for you, Wu Ming smiled wryly, you really know how to joke, as far as these organs are concerned, you can break through them if you have the right skills, okay? As for the third brother and his party, they will definitely lose three or two, but still You can come in.

(End of this chapter)

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