Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 1033 Gu Duoyuan

Chapter 1033 Gu Duoyuan

Although it is not difficult, it is still interesting. Wu Ming is also preparing some antiques that are ready to be sold, and is discussing the return journey with the third brother and others.

When going out, Asadou also looked at the hidden weapon of the mechanism that was destroyed and failed, and shook his head. This group of people is really a bunch of reckless people. The mechanism is completely destroyed, and it will take a lot of time to install it back later. , this is a geomantic treasure created by heaven and earth, although it has become common now, of course, the reason is "attribution" and Wu Ming.

"Okay, I'm afraid you will come again." Wu Ming thought that Asado was reluctant to leave the tomb where he had been lying for hundreds of years, so he persuaded him.

It's just that others are just blaming them, a group of unskilled tomb robbers. Of course, if you don't spend effort to fix these, many random tomb robbers will easily come in, disturb his long sleep, and end his short long sleep.

"Yeah." To Wu Ming, Asadou also nodded, and followed the team, and started to go out.

In the dark river, Asadora was also extremely curious and surprised when he saw the ordinary fat man building an airboat.

Wu Ming looked at the astonished Asadona, and also smiled, this is science, in your superstitious world, your superstitious Taoist techniques are no longer popular, and in the future, tomb robbing will directly blow up the tomb.

Of course, that's the real "savage" layman grave robber.I don't want the third brother to be a real expert in tomb robbers.

After passing through the dark river for a while, Wu Ming signaled Asado to deter the things in the water and keep the road unblocked.

Arriving at the jade coffin, looking at the well-covered jade coffin, Asado was a little bit emotional, "Ah Duan is not my most loyal, the great general of Ji who followed me, is willing to help me with all his strength for the sake of Ji , and now, he has died forever."

"So, you spent a lot of time finding a jade coffin for him to put him in. It seems that you are a good master. Next time, if you can't ascend, I will find a place with good geomantic omens to extend your life. Don't worry. "Wu Ming listened, said to Asadora, and assured him.

"Pfft!!" Li Xiran listened, hugged Wu Ming's arm, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Thank you, master!" Asado didn't know anything about Wu Ming, because Wu Ming was thinking of him, just like he didn't care about Ah Duan.There is a good death.

"Well, although I'm not a good person, I must be a good master. In the previous life, you were for a country. Now that the country is gone, I will continue a path of ascension for you." Wu Ming nodded, and said seriously .

Then, after a brief stay, Asadoyuan petted the jade coffin for a while, and finally began to follow him out of the tomb.

I haven't come out for a long time, and a burst of sunlight feels very dazzling. As for Asadora, a centuries-old corpse, he started to emit smoke. From a technical point of view, he now exists in the appearance of a living dead.

Taking out a bottle of psychic liquid, he said to Asado, who was smoking white smoke, "Drink it, get used to the sun, and then consume a lot of spiritual energy, but you will be able to walk in the sun normally in the future."

With gratitude in his eyes, Asado took the spiritual liquid in Wu Ming's hand. It seemed that he made all of these, but the owner changed hands.

However, it is still worthy of gratitude, because if he uses his aura to resist the temporary strong sunlight, he will definitely be weak for a while in the end.

After a quarter of an hour, Asado had also adapted to the sunlight.

A group of people returned to the township, it was just a good place to sell, not suitable for this small town, because there were too few buyers, at least, they had to go back to T City to make big money.

After resting for one night, Wu Ming told Asadohara about many modern times, and finally asked Asadohara to replace his valuable "antique" and store it well. This is a cultural relic that is no longer there, machine collection It's worth it, besides, I still collect my own clothes, and I find it very interesting when I hear it.

"Remember, you usually live like a normal person. If you can't show your aura, you won't be able to display your aura. If you are noticed by the people of the country, these are all troubles. At that time, I will not save you. Even I am afraid People in the country pay attention to these things..." Wu Ming took Asadoyuan who was like a servant, and after going around the villages and towns, he basically understood the basic life pattern of people in this era.

Wu Ming also told him, but the people of the country, except for a large number of hot weapons to bombard this strong man in the foundation period, it seems that there is no one who is his original opponent.

Li Xiran kept following, but felt that what Wu Ming said was very interesting, and did not interrupt Wu Ming leading this ancient man into modern life.However, there was one thing on her mind all the time, that is, after returning home, Wu Ming must teach her "Kung Fu".

This trip to the ancient tomb, she also subverted a lot of worldviews, values, and outlook on life. It really turned the three views upside down.

Now, when it comes to gods, she won't even say anything superstitious, and she will believe them, because the ancient people have come back to life, and there is nothing impossible. Isn't the ancient gods like this?

"Well, master, I will keep it in mind, I will not expose it easily, and I will not cause trouble for the master." Asado promised, but even if he caused trouble, he believed that Wu Ming would not abandon him directly Yes, but just follow the instructions carefully.

In the end, after a lap, Asado realized a lot. Basically, he should know that gold, silver and ingots are not feasible. What is needed in this era is the exchange currency of RMB to exchange things.

An extra room was opened for him, and it was the day when Asado began to accept a new life.

"By the way, from now on, you will be called Gu Duoyuan. The ancient surname indicates your era. Duoyuan is still your previous name. It can be said that you should always remember that you are a person different from this era. "Finally, Wu Ming said to Asadora, as for the ID card, let the third brother and the others find some connections in T City, or just go to Huyou to apply for it.

"Yes, thank you, young master!!" Gu Duoyuan bowed his hands and saluted, thanking him.

"The one who called the waiter for you, if you don't understand anything, you can ask him to teach you. If he doesn't teach you, or laughs at you, just beat him up. Just don't beat him to death." Wu Ming finally reminded that there is some worry,

However, Gu Duoyuan kept nodding his head to express his understanding, so he didn't say anything more.

Taking Li Xiran with him, he went back to recover some vitality when the night came. The night was not bad, but it was a sleepless night.

(End of this chapter)

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