Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 1034 T City

Chapter 1034 T City

Under the darkness of night, there was silence all around.

After Gu Duoyuan fell asleep, of course, after a while of tossing and screaming from the waiter, Gu Duoyuan learned how to use the water heater.

Taking a shower with a water heater has always shocked Gu Duoyuan. The waiter took the money and accompanied Gu Duoyuan to take a bath, dry himself off, and go to sleep.

It's just that this Gu Duoyuan is like an ancient person, with long hair and an earthy atmosphere, which is as dirt and grime as a countryman.

"Husband?" Like a kitten, Li Xiran, who was hiding in Wu Ming's arms, was like a kitten, at this moment, suddenly scratched Wu Ming's chest, and called out.

Wu Ming smirked, then covered up in the dark, did not respond, and pretended to be asleep, but seeing the originally reserved girl, she took the initiative to kiss her...

After a while, Wu Ming hugged the girl tightly and said with a smile, "What's wrong, my whole person has changed. Look at you, you woke me up."

"Husband? Didn't I call it that way before? In the dream, Wu Ming had two children, and Wu Ming got married. At that time, you had your career, and I felt very leisurely, and life was free. The money, rice, oil, salt and troubles of life, it feels like you are maintaining it..."

Li Xiran hugged Wu Ming tightly, and began to speak softly, thinking about the coming of that day, and Wu Ming gave her the same feeling.

In fact, that dream was also reality, and it was just an extension of what they wanted most in their minds. Gu Duoyuan also took advantage of this to perform this trick.Just ask, which person has no desires or desires?

"Well, yes, I will give you a warm home in the future and take care of you for the rest of your life!" Wu Ming promised softly on the girl's head.

It's just a lifetime. As for the next life, I don't know. Maybe, Wu Ming won't be able to "fly up" and become a pile of dead bones. Or, this is another world. It's just that it's endlessly close to the modern life of Wu Ming. At that time, everything will still disappear. of.

But, isn't life like this, at the end of life, no one knows whether there is a soul after death, whether reincarnation is possible, and the world after death, like in a novel?

These are all unknown things. Even Gu Duoyuan, who has not cultivated to the Golden Core, Nascent Soul Realm, will eventually die after three or two hundred years, or continue to live on.

To extend one’s life requires a lot of unreasonable things. Extending one’s lifespan is an act against the heavens. Zhuge, Marquis of Wu in ancient times, is a good proof. He wants to borrow the luck of the Shu Kingdom, but the luck of the Kingdom of Shu It doesn't seem too long to allow him to continue his life, so the medical history is Wuzhangyuan. .

"Well, man, I think..."

Finally, Li Xiran's delicate body became warmer, her voice was soft, but her hands were dishonest.

Wu Ming smiled, "Don't think about it, go to bed early, tomorrow, I have to go back with Big Brother Antique."

Stopped Li Xiran's movements, and then used spiritual energy to dispel her distracting thoughts and fell asleep.

Wu Ming looked at Ke Rener in his arms, and tapped his forehead lightly, and then, Li Xiran, who had been looking at the rationale outside, began to change.

"Could it be that Xiran will be able to practice because of this? I'll verify it at the time. If it is possible, I don't want her to be so ordinary. If..., maybe, it would be good to become an ordinary person." Thinking of Master Hongming, Wu Ming shook his head , to temporarily suppress the matter of teaching Li Xiran to practice.

I don’t want to do it because of this, it’s just one more regret. Although it was the power of him and his master Hongming to create each other, these are Wu Ming’s memories. Every time I look at Hongming, I feel that a woman , and look at her.

A night passed quietly.

Li Xiran slept soundly, did not have any dreams, and was as quiet as a kitten, curled up in Wu Ming's arms, absorbing the energy of heaven and earth just like using heaven and earth as a bed and quilt.

Wu Ming himself could not discover these feelings, because Wu Ming also did not know that he still had such abilities.

"Good morning!!"

"Just say yes, what bird language!"

"That's right, you know these two sentences, and if you have the ability to make a more advanced one."

Early in the morning, Fatty made a wave of operations and found other people to roll their eyes. However, this is a normal greeting in the city, and it is not too much.

Just a few jokes, the fat man also has a big belly, so it's over with a smile.

Pack your bags and prepare to return.

On the way, Wu Ming also approached the third brother, and said to the third brother and the others: "Third brother, sixth master...fat master, as for the national teacher Asado, I hope everyone will keep it secret."

"In addition, I want Asado to settle in T City. In the future, I can bring him with me when I do big business again. I want to make sure that his realm is higher than mine."

"Well, yes." The third brother nodded and returned to Wu Ming, who had nothing to do and was courteous, but he didn't expose Wu Ming directly, but waited for Wu Ming to say it himself.

"However, Asado's original ID card and other things, when the time comes, I hope that the third brother can help find a relationship in T, so that he can become a modern person," Wu Ming knew that the third brother's EQ is not low, so he didn't beat around the bush. .

"Don't worry about it, it's fine." The third brother nodded and agreed directly. The relationship was still a little bit at that time, and he was still discharged from the army...

It's just that the third brother didn't know that he would take up such a job, just for some high income, and to heal his internal injuries, restore and strengthen his strength,

"Okay, that's all, trouble third brother." Wu Ming nodded, indicating that these things are over, and at the end, he smiled, "Go back, and you can go to class with peace of mind."

"Haha, you're still a student? It looks like you're a high school student." The fat man also laughed when he heard that.

As for the expecting person, there is no doubt, Wu Ming is too young, and Li Xiran, who is basically less than 20 years old, can be seen at a glance.

"Well, I'm very anxious about the college entrance examination in a few years, whether I will go to Tsinghua University or Peking University."

Wu Ming smiled, and after that, his acting skills came to the fore, and he seemed to be really anxious to think about it.

However, it is still the university with the longest history. At that time, you can get in touch with more ancient things, or you can check more information. Both universities are top universities, and countless people yearn for them. However, if they are majors, they are a bit too much With science.

The fat man rolled his eyes, expressing his contempt, who is he bullying? Going to college is great, but I really envy scholars, he is just a strong man like this, no, he is a fat man, and he just wants to become stronger with the third brother , need money, this era is the era of money.

How many scandals happened because of these "broken silver", but there are still many good things in life.

In the end, the group of people rushed back to City T talking and laughing. There is a very prosperous place, close to the imperial capital, and there is no need to look for any land at that time.

For this reason, Wu Ming's spirit gathering formation was planned to be arranged in T City, because Gu Duoyuan, who was in the foundation period, was guarding it, fearing that flies would not be able to get in.

(End of this chapter)

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