Chapter 1059
In the end, Tang Linling felt powerless all over, lying on the ping pong table, there was no elegant image there, but she had a dusty temperament in such a casual manner, which was quite interesting.

"Huh, you bastard, don't you usually practice table tennis less?" Tang Linling said to Wu Ming with a soft breath.

"I said, would you believe it if we only played for a while occasionally?" Wu Ming smiled, and then answered.

Naturally, Tang Linling didn't believe it, and she didn't even bother to turn her eyes.

After a moment of silence, Tang Linling suddenly asked, "How much will that Deng give you? I'll pay double. From now on, you'll come to practice with me. That guy, but..."

"Forget it, it's a long time ago." Tang Linling paused as she spoke. So far, Wu Ming is her favorite boy again.

Wu Ming looked at Tang Linling, who was hesitant to speak, and then said casually, "Could it be, you and her are good best friends, and then, because of a good boy's instigation, you then..."

"It's almost there, but, I don't know, my reserve will make the person I like leave me like this, I don't know why he approached me, made me like it, and then disappeared inexplicably. " Tang Linling sighed suddenly and murmured.

Speaking of this period of old past, I feel a bit of sadness.

Wu Ming listened, and didn't care so much anymore. In today's society, it is enough to fall in love a few times and meet the right person. Don't ask for so much. Nowadays, no one is perfect, not only It's the same for girls and boys, there are so many wonderful first times there.

Wu Ming also sighed!
"What's wrong, you were also abandoned?"

"Ahem, that's not true. I just think, why are you thinking so much? There is no grass anywhere in the world. There are many people in our school chasing a beautiful girl like you."

Wu Ming answered Tang Linling's question truthfully, because he sighed because he wanted to.He didn't sigh because Tang Linling sighed.

"Tch, a group of nerds, what romance do they know?" Tang Linling disdain, not because there are no suitors, but because those people are not enough to attract her.

She grew up in a superior environment since she was a child. In addition to talent, boys also need a certain level of appearance to make her pay attention.

After talking for a while, Tang Linling turned back to the topic and asked, "Say, how much did Deng give you? I double."

"100 million! You want to give 200 million?" Wu Ming looked at this rich girl, and also reported a number casually.

"How is it possible? I don't know how much money she has. Besides the 10,000+ monthly income from the business I just started, there is so much money to ask you." Tang Linling was also surprised, and then asked "sincerely" .

Wu Ming shrugged, "Who made you look like you always have money and want to support me."

"You... who wants to take care of you? It's just that I think you should stay away from her. I don't know if she is the number one person. Forget it. I won't talk to you so much." Tang Linling was a little anxious. A book friend also thinks that they have similar interests, read books together, and like to be quiet.

"Well, when I have time in the future, I will practice with you. But, if it is money, there is no need to talk about it. My worth can support you two for ten lifetimes." Wu Ming smiled, and then he became more confident.

Not to mention ten, thousand, or a hundred generations, it's fine. It's just that he doesn't like to harm a good girl like this anymore. Of course, it's okay to be friends with beautiful women.

"Tch, rich, why do you still want to be the coach surnamed Deng and practice with her." Tang Linling said to Wu Ming with some resentment.

Wu Ming smiled, and then left, and it was time to go to work.

"Let's go to the competition. I have to go to work later, so I can earn some extra money." Wu Ming walked out with his back to her, waving.

Looking at the tall figure, Tang Linling also stomped her feet, "Maybe, I really like you, Wu Ming..."

In the end, she still suppressed it. Excellent boys naturally have no shortage of girlfriends. After losing one, now, she just wants to pursue it well and take the initiative.

Wu Ming didn't know that he was so resolutely followed by a seemingly quiet girl who simply read books and played basketball.

The arena, Ping is already waiting.

"Quick game, quick game, I will teach you how to play."

Waving to Deng Yaping, Wu Ming said casually with a tone that she couldn't question.

Deng Yaping nodded, and then looked into the arena. At this time, betting on Wu Ming seemed to make no money, unless he bet [-] million or several million like Wu Ming did.

Maybe, if Wu Ming loses all of a sudden, it will be for naught, and the tens of millions will just bet on the hundreds of thousands.

The competition has started, and they are all top 1 players in the competition. They will challenge the No.[-] player Wu Ming one after another. Of course, they will also bet a little money on their own. If they lose to Wu Ming, they still have a little money to make. Free Sparring.

Of course, for Wu Ming, he still has an income of 10,000+ every time, so why not do it.

Moreover, the arena does not charge him fees, and Wu Ming also has his own private arena. At that time, it may not be possible to bring "good friends" to practice together, just like Tang Linling and Deng Yaping.

After the match, no surprises, Wu Ming still won. .

"Let's go, go to practice." Wu Ming walked down calmly, and said to Deng Yaping.

In the end, Deng Yaping took Deng Yaping to Deng Yaping's exclusive arena with ease, and could practice in it.

At this time of practice, Deng Yaping didn't seem to know that Wu Ming had already come into contact with Yu, her deadly enemy. However, Wu Ming was a very principled person, practice was just practice, as for the others, it was another matter.

Get off work, go back to the dormitory, "take medicine", go to sleep, and the day passes like this.

However, at noon the next day, when Wu Ming was about to go to the cafeteria, a middle-aged man with a rough appearance and a burly appearance stopped him directly.

"Excuse me, is this brother Wu Ming?" I saw this big man, facing Wu Ming, with some respect.

"Just call me Wu Ming. What's the matter?" Wu Ming nodded, looking at this uncle, the unique badge of Cao's jewelry logo made Wu Ming quickly recognize him.

Now that the Cao family is here, there must be something. First, it is not for debt. For a bronze tripod, the head of the Cao family dares to spend [-] million directly.

Looking at the man, he seemed to doubt his appearance.

"Wu Ming, Master Cao invited my little brother. I have one thing, I hope my little brother can come." The big man also looked at Wu Ming indifferently, with due suspicion and respect.

Wu Ming thought about it. Now that he has money, it is impossible to sell the copper tripod. Now that he has collected three copper tripods, and is collecting five, he will be able to support him to the realm of transforming gods. As for Soaring thing. .

(End of this chapter)

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