Chapter 1060


Afterwards, following this burly man to Cao's property, he saw a prosperous surface, shrouded in a wave of evil spirit.


Afterwards, the ring on Wu Ming's hand vibrated slightly, and a muffled sound came.Wu Ming pressed it down, "If you move again, I will destroy you immediately."

Destroyed, of course, not to the ring, but to the ghost inside, because she was often nourished by Wu Ming's spiritual energy, and a lot of nourishment took care of her so well, she was a little flustered, and she didn't know at all , who subdued her, and began to ask for it.

However, Wu Ming's unquestionable voice still stunned her.

"The evil spirit in this room is probably the head of Cao Da. I don't know what kind of treasure he got, hehe, interesting." Wu Ming smiled faintly, and said secretly in his heart.

Looking at the evil energy filling a building, and even overflowing, it can be seen that this is not an ordinary dirty thing.But what was the reason for finding him?

Following the big man, he naturally knew when he met Master Cao. Wu Ming lost again and was too lazy to guess directly. His left eyelid jumped. Good thing, it should be coming soon, Wu Ming smiled slightly.

"Hehe, little brother Wu Ming, can you return the bronze tripod for us to study?"

Afterwards, Master Cao looked at Wu Ming with a warm smile and walked slowly.

"Master Cao." The burly man said respectfully to Master Cao.

"Well, Huang Rong, since you're here, you can go down," Master Cao waved his hand, and said flatly to the big man.

"Yes!" The big man nodded, and then withdrew. In this room, only Wu Ming and Cao Da were left in charge.

Looking around, there is a wave of black air, among which, whichever house on the left is the most dense.

"Hehe, Master Cao, I'm still researching that bronze tripod. It seems that I found something that is not extraordinary. Its value is more than [-] million. Now, I am willing to return [-] million to you. You don’t need to pay for the debt, you earn [-] million before you make a move, isn’t that great!”

Seeing that Master Cao looked like he was really trying to collect debts, Wu Ming responded neither humble nor overbearing, straightforward, and this was also the purpose of his coming.

After returning the money, he left. If something good happens, he can naturally pick up some bargains. Anyway, he won't lose any money. .

"Hehe, that's a good idea, but in this case, we have agreed before that those that can prolong life..." What Cao Dazhang cares about is not the several hundred million assets, but the life-prolonging treasures that Wu Ming said.

Naturally, it can prolong life, and it can naturally treat some difficult and miscellaneous diseases. Before that, he went to the doctor in a hurry, and the only thing he thought of was Wu Ming.

Those who were in the same business, who were furry, could see that something was wrong, but they all shook their heads and sighed softly, unable to see the source of where it came from, which led to the fate of Master Cao.

"Here, this is the one. One drop can relieve pain, half a bottle can prolong life for five years, and one bottle can last ten years." Wu Ming then calmly took out a bottle of spiritual liquid, and said to Master Cao.

Master Cao was dubious, and took the bottle of "water" that was glowing with dots.

"Jade?" Feeling the roundness of the bottle, Master Cao's sharp eyesight immediately knew that this was actually a valuable jade bottle, and what was inside was naturally extraordinary.

A bottle is at least tens of thousands, worth 10,000+. Moreover, such finely crafted jades are made of excellent materials.

"Okay, I don't know, does little brother Wu Ming believe in metaphysics?" After accepting the spiritual liquid, Master Cao said to Wu Ming with a smile.

Those eyes were full of light, as if they could see through a person, but, to Wu Ming, these were just ordinary things, and, besides, he was just a student, so he needed to hide something!unnecessary.

"If you believe it, you have it. If you don't believe it, you don't have it. I am a student, but I am still curious about these mysterious and mysterious things!"

"Could it be that Mr. Cao believes it?" Wu Ming replied, and then asked a simple rhetorical question!
"I believe, but I haven't seen it with my own eyes. I want to find a master of metaphysics to solve some things." Master Cao shook his head, and then, Yu said in a helpless tone.

Because Wu Ming was the only one in the room, he naturally didn't hide so much, and it was also because Wu Ming's pure appearance confused him.

Wu Ming listened and nodded, "It seems that Master Cao has encountered something. Generally speaking, those fortune-tellers who set up a stall will talk like this."

"Hey!" Mr. Cao was a little interested at first, but he lost interest when he heard Wu Ming talk about the "magic fortune teller" on the street.

Next, he just wanted Wu Ming to transfer [-] million yuan, so he hurriedly kicked him out. Because of the spiritual liquid, he wanted to use a dead horse as a living horse doctor to see if it would work.

"Don't sigh, it happens from time to time. Since you came to me, I will help you solve it, but the matter is a bit tricky." Wu Ming smiled, seeing the helpless look of Cao Dazhao who was being teased by himself, and did not pretend up.

"You know?" Master Cao's eyes suddenly became interested again, with a wave of hope, and then he grabbed Wu Ming's hand and asked.

Wu Ming nodded, looked at Master Cao's hand, and signaled him to let go.

"This debt collection under a pseudonym, in fact, is to see my secret, but if I don't make a move, you can't resist Santuan here."

"A black air filled the air, I don't know what kind of dirty things you have provoked."

Wu Ming spoke to Master Cao calmly, walked around and said.

Master Cao followed Wu Ming and checked his surroundings. There was nothing wrong with it. The Fengshui layout here was arranged by a Fengshui master at a high price.

Perhaps, it was also because of the feng shui here that it was a disaster for him.

"Could it be?" Master Cao was puzzled, thinking it was that kind of dirty thing, but he still misunderstood it, but it was almost the same.

Wu Ming nodded, "That's right, a wave of evil, you provoked something evil to come in, it should be your daughter who returned to China, she is still lying in the hospital, so something to prolong life is needed."

"Brother Gao Ming, that's true. I really have no other choice." Wu Ming's words made him believe in Wu Ming completely. "Brother, if you can make a move, we don't want that money, that copper tripod."

"Hey, businessman, how can you lose money? The [-] million is fine. The spiritual liquid is considered interest. As for the evil thing you provoked, let me see if it has a lot of energy. Go to that room." Wu Ming waved his hand, and then became very serious. As he said, he naturally didn't want to owe too much, because [-] million helped Wu Ming solve a lot of things, this is human favor, cause and effect.

"Okay!" Master Cao nodded, and then led Wu Ming into the room where the black air was most intense.

(End of this chapter)

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