Chapter 107
Heaven Dou City Division!
A week passed quickly, and the qualifiers for the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition also successfully completed the first six rounds. The academies that won all six games included Thunder Academy, Kamikaze Academy and Shrek Academy.

In the rest area, because of the last shot, Oscar has been paid great attention to, the ten thousand year soul ring, killing the soul sect in seconds, but he has not moved for a week, and he has gradually been forgotten this week.

"Oh, it feels so good not to have to play!"

Oscar said with a smile, he completely lived a life like a salted fish, teasing the little pepper Ning Rongrong from time to time, and he can bring the baby with him when he goes back.

Jiang Zhu said lightly: "Why don't you play for me, anyway, you are so strong!"

The last time he made a move, this handsome man from the Shrek Seven Devils convinced all four of them. Apart from Ma Hongjun, Oscar had a few more die-hard fans.

Oscar said leisurely: "A handsome man like me is suitable for quiet cultivation. Leave that kind of rude thing to other people to do!"


Touching it with a jade hand, Oscar felt a pain in his waist, and it was this little chili pepper again, who had repaired her a lot in the past few days, but it got even worse. Sure enough, after three days of not beating her, the house was exposed!

"Look at the fight!"

Oscar directly flashed his big move and rushed over, the others were speechless, whoever was rude would go up and blow them away.

Seeing an opportunity, Ma Hongjun leaned over and said, "Sister Jiangzhu, why don't I play for you, and I can help you too, or you're not good if you're exhausted!"

Jiang Zhu patted the little fat man, it must be someone's good intentions, she said with a smile: "It's still good little fat man, later sister will buy you delicious food, this time, let's use it as a battle to gain experience, for victory!"

Looking at the naive Ma Hongjun, Oscar shook his head, alas, don't you understand what he means, he would rather go to battle without your help!

After a while, the Shrek boss Dai Mubai said domineeringly: "Okay, stop making trouble, the lion fights the rabbit and goes all out, don't be careless!"

Master Zombie Face came over, still a little moved, and said: "Mubai is right, but this time your opponent has abstained, let's go, let's go to the contestant viewing area, knowing ourselves and the enemy, we can win every battle!"

The Shrek team came out with the master, met Cang Hui, Oscar secretly thought: The soul bone sender is almost here too!
Oscar didn't care to watch the game, Tang San who was communicating with the master suddenly said: "Teacher, I want to go back to the academy first!"

The master was stunned for a moment, and said, "You don't want to watch the game anymore?"

Tang San replied with reason: "I haven't mastered the heart of the three orifices, you are right, it is better to strengthen myself than to study others!"

Oscar also nodded, waiting for now, and said: "Yes, I'm going back too, let's go with Tang San! Cultivate the next generation!"

The master listened to the black lines all over your head, you are just a wife and child, but this support is really powerful, finally nodded, and said to Tang San with concern: "Be careful on the road!"

On the way, Oscar was envious, and missed Nini's concern so much, Tang San suddenly asked: "Xiao Ao, are you..."

Oscar shook his head, knowing what he wanted to ask, and interrupted: "Everyone has a secret, why should we reveal it? Sometimes, living in the moment and being able to cherish today is already the greatest gain!"

Tang San nodded, and said to the philosophical words: "Well, you are right!"

At this time, Oscar's spiritual sense probe, the old man in white who was following, Oscar's mouth slightly raised, followed Tang San.

Fortunately, it was Tang San who discovered something was wrong, seeing him suddenly said: "Xiao Ao, did you notice something was wrong?"

Oscar pretended not to know the details, nodded, and said, "It seems to be!"

Just when the two were doubting, a faint figure appeared ten meters away in front of them, and the old man in white said: "As expected of Shrek's most outstanding disciple, it's a pity that you discovered it too late!"

Tang San was still entangled, thinking of a way, but it was Oscar, it didn't matter, Tang San said: "Do you think your academy can win by killing both of us!"

The old man replied domineeringly: "Then keep killing!"

What else did Tang San want to say, he used the Godly Zhuge Crossbow, and asked himself: "What should I do, Xiao Ao!"

The indifferent Oscar forced his voice into a line, and replied: "Don't panic, isn't there a post from the King of Hades! While he's not paying attention, one hit will kill him!"


Tang San also responded

Shi Nian thought everything was under control, but here was a sparsely populated forest, and said with a strange expression: "Tang San, do you know what my greatest joy is!"

Tang San was puzzled, in order to divert attention, he asked: "What is it!"

Shi Nian said indifferently: "I just saw you go crazy in my remnant dream until you die!"

After Shi Nian finished speaking, Oscar also relaxed his body without any resistance, wanting to see how powerful this Remnant Martial Soul could see what he didn't want to see in his heart.

In a desolate place, a handsome young man was followed by a seven or eight-year-old girl with tattered clothes and dusty face.

An indifferent young man said to a little girl: "Don't follow me!" The little girl still followed.Finally, looking at the persistent little girl, the youth trembled, and his heart couldn't bear it for many years.

The young man said: "Then follow me from now on and call me Master!"


The little girl nodded excitedly. After being rescued by him, she had nowhere to go but followed this kind man.

A small hut, surrounded by mountains and rivers, there are not many monsters invading, and the environment is quiet, it is a place that ordinary people yearn for.

The young man asked, "What's your name?"

The little girl replied weakly: "Master, I don't have a name!"

The young man said: "Then you will be called Yi Nu from now on, I hope you can do whatever you want in the future!"

The little girl nodded excitedly and said, "Yeah, thank you Master for giving me the name!"

More than ten years later, a slim young girl followed a young man whose appearance had not changed. The girl was always curious about how old her master was. Usually, the master only told her to practice, what was she thinking about alone!
The young man said indifferently: "Yi Nu, you have reached the stage of transforming into a god, so let's go!"

The girl's eyes were full of reluctance, but she also liked, respected, gentle, and persistently said: "No, Master, Yi Nu wants to follow you all the time!"

Find a secret place!
"Old Ancestor Xuanming, haha, we have all wanted your fairy sword for a long time, but we never thought you would send it to us!"

Patriarch Xuanming said indifferently: "Three old monsters, really give me face, if you want, speak with your strength!"


A world-shattering battle was going on, and the girl on one side was worried that she couldn't get involved.

"Master, be careful!" the girl shouted worriedly, performing her stunt.

"Xuan Ming flashes!"


Finally, Patriarch Xuanming looked at the girl whose primordial spirit was gradually dissipating in his arms, and said in pain: "Yi Nu, why are you so stupid, with our cultivation level, we can't die!"

"Master...Master...Father, Yinu, I don't want to see Master get hurt,"

You didn't even say the last word, Yuanshen has already dissipated in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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