Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 108 Make Some Popcorn

Chapter 108 Make Some Popcorn

"Little San, don't kill him yet!"

In the quiet grove, a charming man who woke up from sad thoughts shouted, but it was too late, the simple boy's anger struck, and the black light had already shot into the body of the old man in white, and the old man was instantly corroded It's gone, leaving only a puddle of black water.

The charming man sighed: "Oh!"

The two were Oscar and Tang San who were intercepted. Panting heavily, Tang San obviously suffered a lot just now, and said: "Xiao Ao, if we don't kill him, we will die!"

In Tang San's opinion, the time at level 72 was too terrifying, a threat from a soul sage, and Oscar sighed with charming long hair: "Forget it, she's gone, she's already gone!"

"Little Ao!"

Tang San took out two pieces of Longzhi leaves from the Ruyi Hundred Treasure Bag, and said to himself one piece, meaning it was for you to recover, he didn't know what Oscar saw, he was so nostalgic.

Thinking about that dream, that silly girl, Oscar shook his head, Long Zhiye, he has it too, so he said: "No need, I don't consume as much as you!"

It's a pity to walk towards the black water after talking, I really want to arrest you, Meng Wuhun, it's really rare, I said, I took the dead branches and picked out a ball of colorful light, this Hades post really lives up to its name, this tree branch It was also corroded.

Tang San, who was recovering on the side, looked at a piece of colored light Oscar picked out, and said in shock: "Xiao Ao, this is a spirit bone!"

Seeing Tang San's appearance, he smiled secretly, you will have a torso bone for millions of years in the future, do you still want to covet this tens of thousands of years, Oscar slowly replied: "Yes, I am very lucky!"

Tang San nodded, if Shi Nian used this spirit bone, he would definitely not be able to resist it, it's a pity, the spirit bone was taken by Oscar, and he wanted to pry it out, is it possible!
"Little San, I still have use for this spirit bone. In the future, I will give you a better one!"

As Oscar said, he took out clear water and rinsed this colorful soul bone. No matter what, it was more suitable for Ning Rongrong, so I should give it to her by myself, and I didn’t have any of the three soul bones in the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition. Got it, so there is still a basis for this sentence!

Looking at a pool of black water, I shook my head regretfully. It's a pity, so I said, be careful!
"It's okay!"

Oscar put away the spirit bones, supported Tang San who had agreed painfully just now, and asked with concern.I thought to myself, you are a man who will become a god in the future, so is this empty!Afterwards, the two also started rushing back to the academy.

Just back to the gate of the academy!
"elder brother--"

A beautiful figure rushed towards him, Oscar could only let go of the "kidney deficiency" guy next to him, and let the two get in close contact. I hope the lovers will get married in the end!Haha I'm such a nice guy.

"Little Ao!"

Well!Oscar didn't expect that he would be treated like this. The first person in his arms was a figure in a black dress, an ice beauty, and then Pepper also came. Oscar smiled.

Tang San, who was obsessed with nightmares, also relaxed and fell asleep in Xiao Wu's arms. Yes, he didn't faint, and he didn't know what he went through. He shook his head, I'm Oscar now, living in the present .

As Ye Ye's teacher, and entrusted by Tang Hao, the master cared about Tang San's situation, and said to himself: "Xiao Ao, what happened!"

Oscar smiled wryly, shook his head and said, "Master, it would be better if you wait for mistress to wake up and ask, I'll go back to sleep first!"

"Can I go back..."

Competition area!
The qualifiers are still going on, the tenth round is over, Shrek has won all, and is firmly in the first place, and besides the Elephant Armor Academy, the Five Elements Academy also has ten victories.

The Shrek team appeared, and the audience cheered. This time, the opponent was Blazing Academy. The so-called strong showdown, how could they not cheer, the strength of Shrek Academy has successfully attracted their attention.

The master explained the opponent's situation to Tang San, Shrek Academy can win, he is the one who puts the most effort into it, and he always wanted to prove it to her, but he didn't know that it was all oolongs.

Tang San said to the master: "Teacher, let's fight normally!"

The master shook his head and said, "No, your opponents are very strong this time. I have vaguely noticed that they have begun to adopt balanced tactics to make up for the shortcomings of extreme tactics, so Oscar must be added!"

On one side, the spiritual pillar of the Shrek Seven Devils, the Canadian-American man Oscar said dissatisfiedly: "It's none of my business again, I don't have the champion spirit bone, and you're staring at me again after only paddling for a few days."

After thinking for a while, Oscar said with a smile: "Master, Tang San's spirit bones are useless, and this time he caught him by surprise, didn't he, Tang San!"

Thinking, just kidding, your apprentice is precious, use me as a thug, I am a nanny, ah bah, a nanny dad.

Tang San, the staff officer of the Shrek team, thought that Oscar should know his situation, and replied indifferently: "Well, indeed!"

The master, who didn't know why, was dumbfounded, and said, "What charades are you playing!"

Oscar and Tang San looked at each other and smiled, and finally, Tang San said firmly: "Teacher, I have decided, I still play normally!"

Seeing the master who was about to say something, Oscar persuaded: "Master, don't you know how outstanding your disciple is, and he is the brain of our team. I believe there is already a plan, trust him more!"

Master listened, his disciple was really happy to be praised for his excellence, but what do you mean by your relaxed appearance? Do you want to continue paddling, so he nodded: "Okay, just follow Xiaosan's opinion. Sometimes, giving up is a very important thing. Good strategy."

"Huh! I don't want to be a coolie!"

Oscar heaved a sigh of relief, this time everyone is playing with fire, there is no need, haha.

"The first round, the central arena, Shrek Academy vs Blazing Academy!"

After the host's announcement, the audience cheered, Shrek Academy has already attracted them, and the opponent is still hot, but the handsome young man who killed Soul Sect in seconds was also faintly forgotten.

"Don't think about making progress!"

From the audience, a voice of dissatisfaction sounded. It turned out to be her own little pepper, and she looked dissatisfied.

Oscar moved his pretty face closer, and said quietly, "What did you say? Tonight..."

Afterwards, Oscar and Ning Rongrong flirted with each other, completely lacking the atmosphere of an on-stage competition. .

"Game start!"

The referee announced that the double-opening began to act.Staff officer Tang San controlled it very well, Dai Mubai and the three in front all had a blue silver grass wrapped around their waists, directing their teammates back and forth.

Sparks lit up on the stage, the soul masters of Huo Leopard and Huo Crane, and Huo Wushuang's captain of the attack-type fire dragon.

Looking at the dazzling scene, Oscar said dissatisfiedly: "Oh, there's no popcorn, yes, go back and try to get some!"

A tender white figure approached, and said leisurely: "Xiao Ao, what popcorn!"

Oscar smiled, and explained to his little woman in detail: "It's a kind of flower popped from coarse grain corn, it's edible, you know!"

Ning Rongrong simply replied: "I don't understand!"

Oscar was speechless about this little cabbage, why did he explain so much, there is no popcorn here, so he said: "You're so stupid!"

"Call me stupid? Look at the claws!"

Ning Rongrong was furious, and grabbed it with her little hand. I have to say that after becoming his little girl, she became much more courageous.

Oscar smiled, covered his little hand, and said, "Pig Hand, watch the game! Oops!"


The ice beauty looked at the two laughing young couples and said coldly.

"Look, Zhuqing is jealous!"

Oscar said to Little Pepper, and touched it with his hand, but the ice beauty didn't resist, and it was also a pleasure to bring beauty to the competition.

Looking at the battlefield, Oscar muttered, "Unexpectedly, Tang San's group fighting skills seem to be getting more and more slippery. Huo Wushuang should be able to bear it. Wow, is that Huo Wu? It's amazing!"

Seeing that Huo Wu had activated, the third spirit ring lit up, and a huge fire ring appeared, Tang San's plan fell through. Tang San didn't expect that he would be besieged by several NPCs.

The battle has also reached a fever pitch. Under the aura of the protagonist, do you still want to win? Go back and think about getting some popcorn, melon seeds are also fine, and then I will rarely appear on the stage, just like a fat man.

It has been continuously updated, no rewards or anything, please support, thank you everyone!I wish you all the best of luck!
(End of this chapter)

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