Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 1090 Ancient Monk

Chapter 1090 Ancient Monk

"Yes! Young Master!" Gu Duoyuan nodded, and replied respectfully, and then raised his eyes to look at those figures, as if they were not much weaker than him.

"It seems that the young master is right. There are still many secrets hidden in this world. At least there are still some ancient monks like me who have survived." Gu Duoyuan looked at the three or five figures in the distance. , I still can't clearly detect it, but there are quite a few, whose strength seems to be comparable to his, and it is also the strength of the foundation period.

After that, he didn't dare to ask Wu Ming. Looking at Wu Ming with a calm face, he stood quietly behind Wu Ming. After that, he and Wu Ming foolishly drenched themselves in the rain.

Because I was running in a hurry, I didn't bring an umbrella, otherwise, I could have held an umbrella for Wu Ming, so that Wu Ming wouldn't be so embarrassed.

"I'm going to get a storage container here, and bring a bag of loose powder. However, when it rains during a battle, let the little brother Gu Duoyuan hold an umbrella, tsk tsk, it feels like making a movie, passionate..."

Wu Ming is also embarrassing, but he still doesn't have many means, not even in the foundation building stage, what can be used are all offensive, more realistic combat skills.

However, when you are the boss, you must keep calm. Even if the sky falls, you must support the younger brother. This is the obligation of being the boss. You don’t have to do it yourself, because that’s how you have the temperament.

In the end, it was looking to that side, the scene of the battle was full of wind and clouds.

"Hehe, that's not necessarily true. I was able to slay dragon offspring before, but now, it's not impossible to slay dragons as a part-time job." Afterwards, I saw a figure replying to the black dragon.

Wu Ming could see the strength of these eight figures, the lowest, they were all at the eighth level of Qi Refining, and there should be no spiritual liquid, so they must have declined from the foundation building period.

If Gu Duoyuan hadn't turned to Wu Ming at the beginning, the ending would have been the same. Those who fell out of the foundation building stage and became "masters" in the qi refining stage would have been even more difficult if they just wanted to go back. The strength of the upper and lower layers seems to be good for a lifetime, but when they meet the Jiaolong who is just out of trouble in the early stage of Bigu, these people should barely cope.

"What are you doing with so much nonsense? Is it a dragon slayer? You'll know if you do a fight."

"That's right, this is the first time I've encountered a creature like a dragon in a hundred years. Thinking about it, it's quite exciting."


Then, I saw these ancient monks holding swords, spears, and axes. .

Fighting is imminent. These people all have a century-old history, and most of them are similar to Gu Duoyuan, national teachers and the like.

"Duoyuan, you can help me out. By the way, let me see if you have regressed from the perfect method, plus you have been practicing for so long." Then, watching the scene, he barely resisted, but he still couldn't kill the dragon. It's okay to go to the dragon.

Therefore, Wu Ming wanted Gu Duoyuan to participate in the war. In this way, he could cultivate Gu Duoyuan's hands-on ability, but he hasn't exercised for a long time. He has been working in the boss's office and is dedicated to making money, but cultivation, not Dare to be negligent.

"Yes, young master." Gu Duoyuan always followed Wu Ming's meaning, that is, followed the emperor's decree,

Afterwards, it accelerated, and also suspended,
"Be careful, don't try your best." Wu Ming looked at Gu Duoyuan who was suspended, and reminded him.

"Yes!" Gu Duoyuan nodded, and then rushed towards the evil dragon impatiently. However, he has no weapons, and all he casts are magic spells. Only those fire spells are used for physical attacks, but the restraint is too great , it is raining now.

Of course, his psychedelic technique can still serve as a cover for these strange ancient monk teammates.

When a person was about to be shot by the dragon, Gu Duoyuan gave a helping hand and rescued this ancient monk in the Qi refining stage in time.

"Thank you fellow daoist for your help." The ancient monk at the stage of refining Qi was also extremely grateful.

If it weren't for Gu Duoyuan, he might have to leave this world again. In the next few years, he got familiar with this peaceful and prosperous world. He has people he likes, a job he likes, and it's relatively stable.

This dragon was born, although it is dangerous, but everything on the dragon is a treasure, even the dragon scales, worn by his children and grandchildren, can live a long life and replenish aura.

As for the rest, such as the dragon's blood, it can replenish qi and blood, help him cultivate to a higher level, and restore his strength is right in front of him.

How could such an opportunity, which had existed for more than a hundred years, not be moved by him.

"You're welcome, this dragon is not ordinary, but Marquis Wu suppressed it back then, so it's not easy to kill! How about you just retreat?" Gu Duoyuan shook his head, knowing that this ancient monk admired his strength, as for saving his life Gratitude is only superficial. As a national teacher of a country, and also in the Ming Dynasty, he naturally has more thoughts than these ancient monks. Judging from their appearance, they are at most from the late Ming Dynasty, waving the Qing Dynasty.

The Qing Dynasty was also the last time to watch TV and watch history. Gu Duoyuan only knew about it. Therefore, he knew a lot of historical endings. He knew that the Ming Dynasty was destroyed. Even if it is a powerful empire, there will still be a day of chaos and a day of collapse. However, after every disaster, a new dynasty will be born, which is just a change of dynasty, and the benefits for the people are very few.

Today's China is already what he admires the most. Together, everything is thriving, but the country still needs to be strengthened and unremitting. Those big powers are still eyeing China's fat.

"Hehe, fellow daoist, don't you want to swallow it all by yourself? This dragon, even if it was suppressed by Marquis Wu, has passed for thousands of years. Its current strength is only stronger than mine, and it is not enough. Fear." Then, a monk at the stage of refining Qi faced Gu Duoyuan.

It's just that this one has malicious intentions. It's okay for Gu Duoyuan to join in and get a share of the pie, but it's simply impossible for them who have lived so long without making any progress.

Afterwards, the former monk who was grateful to Gu Duoyuan also looked closely at Gu Duoyuan, "Hehe, fellow daoist, you don't really want to take it all by yourself, do you?"

"..." Gu Duo was speechless, but this is the human heart. He is a strong man in the foundation building stage, and he must have gotten more than these ancient monks who have fallen into the Qi refining stage.However, the key is to be able to kill this flood dragon,
Looking at these ancient monks in the Qi refining stage, it feels like looking at a clown.

Gu Duoyuan stopped talking, he was too lazy to compete with these idiots, he came here to warm up, and secondly, to control the situation after these ancient monks were defeated.

"Oh, I was hit, so I ran away."

Seeing Gu Duoyuan rushing towards the dragon and fighting against the dragon with those ancient monks, the ancient monk who had previously harbored ill intentions towards Gu Duoyuan laughed and said.

(End of this chapter)

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