Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 1091 Three Names in the Foundation Establishment Period

Chapter 1091

Gu Duo didn't care about the sarcasm of the ancient monk at the stage of refining Qi, but he just felt a little bit sad for them. He didn't understand the truth of things, so he would just laugh at others here.

"Huh? Fellow Daoist, it seems that you are also extraordinary. Have you joined the National Dark God Team?" As soon as Gu Duoyuan approached, he attracted the attention of the three most powerful people.

Regarding this dragon slaying, it was also organized by them. The country does not allow the appearance of dragons and needs the treasures of this dragon.

Therefore, some of them who like quiet practice were transferred by the country. These people are ancient monks, but they are also infected by the prosperity of the country today. For this reason, they are willing to join the modern country and give the country Make a contribution and contribute to China.

And this dragon slaying incident was organized by them, and their current strength should be regarded as the strongest one.

The Dark God team is a small team, and they usually live as ordinary people. Firstly, they have no worries about food and clothing, and secondly, they still have a lot of resources to get. However, there are very few people who can help them. Now the Black Dragon Appeared, they seem to see hope, this is a win-win.

The country is beneficial, and they can also use the dragon's blood to restore their vitality and live longer, and the second is to prevent the black dragon from appearing in this world.

"Dark God Team? No, I'm just an ordinary boss now." Gu Duoyuan secretly sighed, it seems that the country still has some such strength, hidden so deep, if it wasn't for the emergence of the current Jiaolong, I'm afraid it would be seen Less than these eight ancient monks.

The lowest level is the eighth level of Qi Refining. These three are the main force, but their strength is comparable to his. They should be at the level of the Foundation Establishment Stage. The three Foundation Establishment Stages. Fortunately, he heard Wu Ming and got these three people. resources that are hard to come by.

If he dared to take advantage of the three strong men in the foundation building stage, he might not survive the next day. At that time, he could only hide them at most.

This is not the most important thing, the second is, falling back to the Qi refining stage, not the foundation building stage, naturally there are very few means.

However, he has a Juyuan Ding, and the resources he has hidden must be enough for a period of time, and these people do not have such good resources as himself.

These three ancient monks who have not yet fallen back to the stage of refining Qi should be powerful monks who have successfully established their foundations and even entered Bigu.

"Then how can your cultivation be preserved so well!" one of the three monks was shocked and asked.

"It's a personal matter. Before I woke up, I collected a lot of resources." Gu Duoyuan shook his head and replied casually, unwilling to explain the situation.

However, when the others looked at Gu Duoyuan, they were more curious and had a lot of crooked ideas.Because, if not, let's keep the aura, and they will have to bury the loess again in the morning.

Therefore, Gu Duo was stared at in this way. Four strong men in the middle and late stages of foundation building, fighting a half-step dragon in the early stage of bigu, this can still be barely maintained.

But, next, there is not so much time to come and chat.


"Ready." Not far away, Wu Ming watched the battle that had been wrestling for a long time, and saw that the four began to lose their strength.

As for Gu Duoyuan, he was still vigilant, because those who were also ancient monks often thought that he had some kind of treasure to keep his aura from slackening.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!!"

Then, three loud bangs! !

The three strongest ancient monks in the foundation building stage were directly knocked back and lost their combat effectiveness. As for the ancient monks in the Qi refining stage, they were directly stunned.

"Roar!" The giant dragon roared triumphantly, and then stared at Gu Duoyuan, who had only one opponent against him.

"Xuan Ming flashed!" Afterwards, Wu Ming's figure flashed, and then he came to Gu Duoyuan's body.

"Look at them first, leave this evil dragon to me." Wu Ming said with his back to Gu Duoyuan.

The voice was serious, but it made Gu Duoyuan unquestionable.

Gu Duo was shocked at first, because the sudden appearance of Wu Ming was really shocking. What kind of spell is this, shrinking the ground to an inch?It shouldn't be, shrinking the ground to an inch won't arrive in such a flash.

After being shocked for a while, the defeated ancient monks with these pride began to move aside.

"Ahem, who is it?" Then, the oldest monk in the Foundation Establishment period asked, Wu Ming's appearance gave them a very high and unpredictable feeling, and Wu Ming really looked too young, Just like a junior high school student.

"My current master, if it wasn't for him, I might continue to sleep. If it wasn't for him, my spiritual power might be the same as theirs. It's just that he has the air of an emperor, and people can't figure it out." Gu Duo Yuan glanced at Wu Ming and sighed, "Wu Ming, it left an indelible impression on him.

With that kind of feeling, he can stand shoulder to shoulder with his idol, Zhuge Liang. As for Liu Bowen, he doesn't seem to be worthy of Wu Ming.

However, very few knew Wu Ming, and they always obeyed and handled Wu Ming's affairs well. For this reason, Gu Duoyuan gave [-] million to Wu Minghui just after returning to the original.

"Ahem, I really shouldn't be conceited, this evil dragon has a lot of cultivation!" Another ancient monk said.

All of them were injured a lot.

As for those ancient monks in the Qi refining stage, even if they did not die, at least they would have some sequelae.

"My name is Chen Yuan, Song Dynasty... Now, it's only the late stage of the foundation building stage. Not long ago, it was still in the perfect state. However, now that the spiritual energy is weak, I'm afraid it won't last long, and it will fall to the late stage."

"My name is Hu Cong, Yuan Dynasty, and now it's the late stage of the Foundation Establishment Stage. After this injury, I'm afraid, I've fallen back to the middle stage. I also want to use a mouthful of dragon's blood to replenish some blood, alas, good luck tricks people..."

"My name is Ai Zhen, Qing, and I'm in the middle of the foundation-building period. This time, it seems that I'm going back to the early foundation-building period. I really hate it. Why is there so little aura in this era."

The three foundation-building monks began to introduce themselves one by one, and Gu Duoyuan was not injured in their cultivation, but was taking care of them. The previous attitude obviously chilled Gu Duoyuan.

"My name is Asadou, and now the master has given me a name, Gu Duoyuan, the foundation-building stage, the peak of the middle stage, and I am ready to enter the later stage. After the master refines the foundation-building pill, I can enter the late stage of foundation-building, and even complete it in one step. . "Gu Duoyuan began to introduce himself, but more of it was in his own cultivation.

"Building Foundation Pill!" The three foundation-building monks were shocked when they heard this.

"That's right, the master needs the Foundation Establishment Pill to establish the foundation. He is an ascendant of unknown age, and now he is recultivating, and his strength is unpredictable. My aura was also slack. He helped me stabilize my cultivation and perfect my cultivation method. , Let my potential be magnified several times..." Afterwards, Gu Duoyuan began to show off Wu Ming's "achievements", and made the three foundation-building stage monks almost limping.

As for Wu Ming,

(End of this chapter)

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