Chapter 112

Crowded arena!
The colored light converged, and the surroundings became clear. There were originally fourteen people in the arena, but now there is only one standing, and that is Tang San, our protagonist, with his own aura!
As for the seven members of Canghui Academy, they were already foaming at the mouth, rolling their eyes, as if they were going insane. Perhaps, they were already idiots. This is the fate of NPCs.

Some of them will carry it down, and on Shrek Academy's side, Zhu Zhuqing rushed forward first, followed by Ning Rongrong, then Ma Hongjun and Jiang Zhu.


Zhu Zhuqing, the ice beauty, supported the "fainted" Oscar, and said worriedly, but when he felt Oscar's bad hand movements, he was speechless, why are you the best at pretending, but you didn't expose him and let him pick.

"Little Ao!"

What followed was Ning Rongrong, the little pepper. The fate between them was already doomed, but she also suffered from the same action. She was even more angry and lied to me to worry about you.

Afterwards, the four people from Shrek Academy reluctantly supported the six people who "fell to the ground", and they were greeted by cheers from the audience. It was so wonderful, winning [-] games in a row was enough to overwhelm the audience.

Dai Mubai who was supported by Ma Hongjun couldn't help but said: "Little San, you are too cruel."

There was a fat man blocking him, with his head down, no one could see his expression, Zhu Zhuqing supported him, and Ning Rongrong could only support Xiao Wu.

Oscar also understood Dai Mubai's words, what Tang San said was right, cutting the weeds does not eradicate the roots, spring wind blows and regenerates.In matters like this in the practice world, the more decisive the better, after all, there are many stories of revenge for future generations.

At this time, the master, Liu Erlong and Flender also rushed over, and with mutual support, they quickly left the rest area, leaving the audience with their backs in deep thought.

Because the seven people from Canghui Academy became idiots, and the experts said that the soul skills were backfired, Oscar wanted to say, why didn't they believe what the experts said.For this reason, the Empire and Wuhundian formed an investigation team to investigate.

Shrek Academy, conference room!
Eleven people from the Golden Triangle and the Shrek Academy team were among them. Oscar, who had "passed out", was also leisurely. He wanted to eat popcorn to relieve the atmosphere and suppress the shock, but when he saw the master's zombie face, he chose to compromise. In Jianghu, you can't help yourself!

Finally, Shrek Academy took the lead and said: "If my guess is right, the investigation team will come to investigate in less than an hour. How did you do it?"

Everyone looked at each other, Oscar said, we are all "fallen", the culprit is Tang San, let him go!

Sure enough, Flender stared at Tang San, and said: "You little monster will cause trouble for me, the seven who participated in the competition will go to retreat later, oh no, little San stays, there is always someone who will be investigated, You are the least injured and the most suitable candidate!"

Several people replied: "Yes!"

The sky is falling and there is a tall man standing on top of it, besides, I didn't do anything myself, huh, but I still believe in the protagonist, everything will be calm!

Just after Oscar, Dai Mubai and the others left, it was unknown what happened to the sloppy things, anyway, Jiang Zhu also followed, and Tangdou Soul Sage also came in handy.

Soon, a group of more than ten people rushed into Shrek Academy. To Flender's surprise, the people who came were Platinum Bishop Salas, and Ning Fengzhi, the suzerain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Next, let's look at the acting skills of the old rascal who adopted Oscar, and see him leading the master Liu Erlong to welcome him out.

Ning Fengzhi said with a kind smile: "President Flender, you take the liberty to interrupt me!"

Of these two old foxes, one is picky and the other is even more picky. The original soul power of the two is similar. Because of Oscar's betrothal gift, he sold Ning Rongrong, a hero of his generation.

At this time, Flender returned the courtesy and said: "Sect Master Ning, you are welcome, you can come here and make Shrek shine!"

Afterwards, Ning Fengzhi introduced: "This is the Lord of the Heaven Dou City Wuhun Temple, Your Excellency the Platinum Bishop of Salas!"

Flender was also slippery, and said: "So it's His Excellency Bishop, Flender is being polite, please!"

Ning Fengzhi brought Bone Douluo alone, while Salas brought twelve people, two of them in red robes were cardinals, and the ten temple warriors were all at the level of soul kings. The Hall of Souls has grown stronger.

Salas' behavior was not good, and he put on a show: "Dean Flender, you should know our purpose!"

For Flender's search, Ning Fengzhi wanted to laugh, treat him with "good tea" among the stars in the sky, and the next thing is to show off his acting skills.

In a secluded courtyard that is "ready for battle", six people are receiving "treatment". They are now "wounded" and seriously injured.

"Brother, are you hurt?"

Before anyone arrived, voices of concern came in, and a soft and weak figure came in, with a face full of concern.

"Cough! Cough!"

"Yeah, Nini, quickly rub it for brother, it will be fine!"

When Oscar saw the person coming, he looked seriously injured and would soon leave the world, causing people to be in a hurry, Dai Mubai and the others had black lines, you are numb, so envious.

"Brother, it's okay!"

With a child in her arms, the little girl who cares a lot, gently rubbed Oscar, this bad guy's chest with her small hands.

"give me!"

The ice beauty Zhu Zhuqing came to pick up Oswald, saying that she was too lazy to expose you, and teased Oscar with her jade hands. I don't know why, but I like this little guy very much.

Feeling the silky little hands, I didn't expect it to be so comfortable, Oscar continued: "My brother's heart hurts, little girl, rub it!"

A while
Bitch O went on: "Oh, the left too!"

"And the back too!"

Finally turned over, you are numb, your wounded can still turn over, be serious, other people really want to beat him to death, but they can't beat him.

Zhu Zhuqing hugged the kid Osihua, and the little girl was also massaging with all her heart, Oscar felt happy physically and mentally, so comfortable, never thought that Nini would have such a technique.

The current boss of Shrek, Dai Mubai began to express, coughing: "Cough, Xiao Ao, it's almost over, there are still so many people!"

Tai Long, Huang Yuan and the others expressed their envy, Dai Mubai was really afraid that Nini would give him a full body massage, everyone else is single, other than envy is jealousy.

It felt almost the same, Oscar said softly: "Well, it's much better, don't worry little girl, you'll feel much better after rubbing it, brother won't be able to die for the time being!"

Xiao Nizi replied with concern: "Brother, it will be fine, you still have me and the child!"

Uh, all the people present are petrified, you two are enough, we have internal injuries, and want to vomit blood! !

The curtain on Flender's side also came to an end. The master brought out the Pope's decree, and Salas could only let go tremblingly. After all, there was Ning Fengzhi present next to him. Disrespect to the elders was not a small crime.

Next, the beauties from Tianshui College appeared on the stage, and the promotion competition began!

(End of this chapter)

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