Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 113 The sound of snow falling

Chapter 113 The sound of snow falling
"Huh! You can come out and do some activities!"

In a secluded yard, a long-haired charming man shouted, otherwise he would have to stay with a rough man for "treatment", and he would not be able to accompany his wife and children, but the dean was really helpful, and they settled it all.

The charming long-haired Oscar approached his first cub, and said, "Xiaohua, come, let daddy kiss you!"


Facing this cheating father, Oswald expressed his resistance. There are some similarities between the two, one big and one small, and I don't know if one is cheating the father and the other is cheating the son.

"You boy, you are so happy to drink milk every day!"

Long-haired Oscar said, rubbing his little face constantly, Oswald waved his little hand in protest, it felt good, it was really fun for a father to bring a baby.

"Okay, why are you still competing with the child!" Ning Rongrong, the little pepper who couldn't stand it, said, this guy rubs his son every day, as if he has a deep hatred.

Oscar turned to Little Pepper and replied calmly: "My son, I am happy!"


Ning Rongrong snorted, rubbed her belly, wondering if she would have one, if Oscar knew, just kidding, how could she have a child, I don't want to bring the baby to Douluo.

Shrek Academy announced that they would give up the next two games. In order to prove that the members of Shrek Academy were seriously injured, Oscar teased his son in every possible way.

The next day, Shrek Academy came back, greeted with cheers from the audience, the academy also entered the top five, the final round, against Tianshui Academy, Oscar was looking forward to it, prepared all the popcorn, this is Tang San and his sister's Fighting, and it's unusual.


Oscar spoke earnestly, patted the current boss of the Seven Shrek Monsters, and said, "Mubai, it's up to you whether you can get it!"

Dai Mubai thought, it's fine if you don't intervene, and confidently replied: "I have confidence in myself!"

I understand, Oscar threatened with a smile: "Well, it worked, remember my three things, or I'll take your wife away!"

Hearing this, Dai Mubai's head was full of black lines, he gritted his teeth and said: "I know!"

Seeing Dai Mubai's resentful gaze, Oscar waved his hand, and said like chasing flies: "Go, I wish your tryst a success!"

Ning Rongrong, the little pepper of the Seven Shrek Monsters, touched her waist with her small hand, and said quietly: "Bad guy, three in the family, one in the Heaven Dou Royal, don't you think it's not enough!"

Oscar smiled, grabbed her little hand and said solemnly: "Isn't it because you are afraid that you will be bored at home? It would be nice to find a few sisters to fight with you or something. Well, it would be wonderful to think about it!"

"Look at the claws!"

Upon hearing this, Ning Rongrong snapped angrily and said such righteous words by this guy. .

In order to avoid suffering from kidney pain, Oscar quickly took out a large bucket of popcorn, and said lightly, "Popcorn, do you want it?"

Withdrawing her claws, Ning Rongrong took it, holding a large bucket of popcorn, not to mention how cute she looked, and said angrily, "Forgive you for now!"

a while!

A sneaky figure came in. Seeing Oscar, he no longer had the desire to look at the girl, and said tremblingly, "Brother Tang, it's the last round today, you guys have to work hard!"

Everyone saw who was coming, it was Feng Xiaotian, Oscar walked up with a smile, Feng Xiaotian said tremblingly: "Friend, I understand, I understand!"

After finishing speaking, he consciously took out material support, a bag of gold coins, and handed it to Oscar, ashamed, this guy.

After receiving the money, Oscar put his shoulders on his shoulders and said, "Oh, what a shame, we are all friends!"

Feng Xiaotian wanted to say, then you return the money to me, if it wasn't for the information, I wouldn't even know who you are.Oscar said that no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, but this kid has put in enough effort to pick up girls.

After finishing speaking, this guy ran away in a slippery manner, afraid that Oscar would do something wrong, which would attract Shrek Academy's substitutes to look at Oscar with admiration again.

"Elder sister, look, Dai Mubai from Shrek Academy is so handsome, I heard that he is nicknamed Evil-eyed White Tiger, he is born with double pupils!" The one who spoke was Shui Yueer from Tianshui Academy, who did not hide his interest at all.

Oscar has kept his promise, and he can bury his head in eating popcorn with peace of mind. This is also strongly requested by Dai Mubai, because he is afraid that he will be too eye-catching.

Oscar took a few glances quietly, and thought to himself: Wow, it's a college that only accepts beautiful women. I even want to disguise myself as a woman and mix in. They are all in their twenties, and they are not comparable to Ning Rongrong, who is in his teens.

Center ring!

Boss Dai of the Seven Shrek Monsters was already staring at Shui Bing'er, thinking, this is a girl with characteristics, everyone is very beautiful, Xue Wu and Shui Yue'er are not bad.

"Captain of the Shrek team, Dai Mubai, a level 44 assault-type Battle Soul Sect!" As a gentleman, Dai Mubai said respectfully.

"Shuiyue'er, level 36 agility attack system battle soul master!"

After Shui Bing'er finished speaking, the girl said that she was already very interested in men, and she didn't hide it at all. She believed that this was a girl that most men liked, and if she liked it, she said it boldly!
Oscar in the audience ate popcorn and sighed: "Oh, Mubai, that's all my brother can help you with, it's up to you if you have a wife or not!"

Originally Zhu Zhuqing belonged to someone else, now if Dai Mubai got out of the order, the Shrek Seven Monsters would really have a good match, Ma Hongjun would just wait for his Bai Chenxiang.

Eating popcorn, surrounded by lots of beauties, Little Pepper suddenly said, "Xiao Ao, isn't it pretty!"

Oscar didn't think much, and Yoyo replied, "Well, it looks good, on time!"

A gust of cold air, a sudden pain in the waist, Oscar said: "Hiss! I said the game was good, what are you thinking!"

He said, what about the quality of the popcorn-eating crowd, can't you concentrate on watching the game? Of course, Oscar dared not say it.

"Game start!"

The referee saw that both sides had released their spirits and began to announce.

Oscar in the audience was caught off guard by a shiver, and said quietly: "I'll go, how can I let out the cold air!"

Seeing the ice sculptures on the field, he is the first soul skill, um, the popcorn smells so good, so exciting, watching the girls fight.

Then Shui Binger's second spirit ring lit up, it was to bless her teammates, and Dai Mubai also released skills such as white tiger barrier to break through the ice.

Afterwards, the ice and snow fell on the field, the cold wind was blowing, and listening to the wonderful sound of snow, Oscar thought of a song: I slowly listened to the sound of snow falling, closed my eyes and fantasized that it would never stop...

Oscar suddenly thought that he should be able to play it on the piano, and said, "Rongrong, I'll play a piece for you, do you want to hear it!"

Pepper Ning Rongrong looked expectantly, but also worried: "But it's a competition now!"

Unexpectedly, this eldest lady didn't like it, Oscar replied helplessly: "Oh, forget it, I only remembered it when I saw the competition, and it's hard to say whether I will play or not in the future!"

Ning Rongrong panicked, thinking about going back and listening, she hurriedly said: "Don't, I want to listen!"

Oscar said: "The competition!"

"in spite of"

Seeing her insistence, Oscar said lightly: "Then play a part!"


A colored light appeared, and the battle on the field was heated up, and the audience would not notice what was going on in the audience.

The handsome man was full of memories, and suddenly opened his eyes, and his slender fingers touching Xianqin also began to move.

"Gently, fall into my palm

Quiet, freeze in the palm of your hand"


"I listen slowly, the sound of snow falling

Close your eyes and imagine it won't stop
You can't get close, it's not too fickle

Just greedy for the beautiful scenery outside the window

The melodious and melodious sound of the piano is mellow and sad, deep and elegant, and the description of the snow is incisive and vivid. It is not because it is ruthless, but because it is attracted by it. If you don't cherish it, who will pay for the beautiful scenery in this life!

A sound of falling snow, for book friends, I am a book fan, and also a music fan, if you like it, please support it, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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