Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 115 Serving Immortal Grass

Chapter 115 Serving Immortal Grass

"I won't like you!"

A sudden sentence stunned the sleeping beauty who had just woken up, thinking, who am I and where am I!Then he looked at Bai Fumei on the side with a questioning look.

The sleeping beauty asked confusedly: "Rongrong, what did I do to her? Could it be that I sleepwalked, and sleepwalking can't do anything to her!"

Shui Bing'er in the distance almost shuddered, thinking, could it be that I feel wrong, he doesn't like me?Why do I feel so lost!

Ning Rongrong also shook her head, expressing that she didn't know, and replied: "I don't know either, after my father and the others dispersed, you were by my side, sleeping like a pig!"

The sleeping beauty Oscar has a black hair. Your metaphor seems to be the same as yourself. I don’t know why he sleeps so extravagantly. He replied leisurely: "Then you are a little sow! Haha!"

The little friends Huo Wu and Tang San also collided a little bit. Unfortunately, Tang San, who was hit hard, said that he didn't want to talk to her. When he met Shui Bing'er, a powerful control system, Tang San began to see his flaws and fell into a trap. Downturn, today's battle is not what he wants.This is similar to Xueba, who doesn't give up until he solves the problem!

There are more than ten people in Shrek Academy. From the Tiandou Great Soul Arena to the academy, Oscar also thought about the plan for this month. Now the spirit power of level 42 is already ahead of others. The celestial grass is to help him improve. The key is now, and the later dungeons are also difficult to break through.

Consultant Tang San has been thinking about it all the time, he has never thought that his own advantages are just trapped in his own narrow space, he has encountered such things before, and now he is relieved, he has a woman he likes to accompany him.

Liu Erlong grabbed Xiao Wu: "Silly girl, it's better to let him think clearly at this time, give him some space!"

The funny master suddenly said: "Ahem! Alright, Tang San has gone to retreat. The previous training is still effective. During the next month's rest period, you guys will have another intensive training! What expression, stand still!"

The rest of the people cried out in their hearts, the master's training was too torturous, and, the leader was not there, so they were beaten passively.

The handsome man Oscar said: "Master, I am now level 42, and I plan to start taking celestial grass and retreat!"

Facing this "assistant", the master replied indifferently: "Then you have to accept training!"

The others were relieved, they couldn't let this guy be too relaxed, but it seemed that it would be more suitable for him to go to retreat, otherwise what kind of moth would come out.

Oscar said with a faint smile: "Master, you should know the effects of jelly grass. They have taken it, and the lowest level is five. I will improve it a little. It will be beneficial and harmless for us to participate in the finals!"

Master thought about it, after a month of training, he wouldn't improve much, but if Oscar took the grass jelly, his strength would definitely improve again.

So the master nodded and said: "Okay, you are allowed to retreat, come and train together after absorbing it, you are a group!"

Oscar almost saluted, nodded and said, "Yes!"

Oscar breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the Shrek Seven Monsters, especially Dai Mubai, who lived under Oscar's shadow from the time he entered school to the present, but after this competition, he met Shui Yue'er for a while, It should be done.

Oscar said quietly: "What expressions do you have? I am in retreat, and you are not happy. Don't retreat, and you are not happy!"

The red-haired fat man was the first to speak: "Hey hey hey! It's not because Ao Ge is too powerful!"

"Okay, I'm leaving first, and I can train with you in a few days, big sister, don't miss me!"

The handsome man Oscar smiled at the others. The last sentence was teasing Jiang Zhu. This big sister has kept silent ever since she found out about the woman beside her.

Jiang Zhu suddenly replied, "Ah bah, who would miss you, little brother!"

A quiet courtyard!
This place is exclusive to Oscar, who spent millions of dollars, more than ten rooms, well-equipped, elegant environment, his and Nini's home.

"Xiaohua is so cute, just like my brother!"

In the secluded courtyard, a tender and pityable little woman with a lot of femininity and motherhood was happily talking to a half-year-old child.

Oscar thought, how can he compare me with this brat, and then walked in with a smile. Nini felt the closest to him, just like his first apprentice, he would care so much about himself, seeing her Now that she has a child, she is not so boring anymore. Taking care of children is one of her pleasures.

"Little girl, do you miss your brother?"

Oscar approached quietly, stretched his slender waist from behind her, and put his arms around the little woman, whose figure was well developed, said with a smile.

Nini leaned her little head in her arms, and said with peace of mind: "Well, Nini has been thinking about it!"


The child was crying, and his big black jewel-like eyes were rolling. The warm side was interrupted by this brat, so Xiao Nizi could only coax him well first.

"You, you've been fighting for favor since you were only half a year old, go find your wife, I really want to lose you brat!" Oscar muttered.

The little girl who was coaxing the child wholeheartedly asked, "Brother, what did you say?"

Oscar gently stroked Nini's silky hair, and said with a smile, "It's nothing, my brother is going to retreat for a while, eat and drink, so don't bother!"

Xiao Nizi knew that their cultivation methods were different, so she nodded and replied, "Well, brother, Nini won't let anyone disturb you!"

Oscar randomly picked a few rooms in the deepest part of the small yard, and Shrek said, if you didn't bother me every day, you brat, I would just give you a yard.

"Phew, the difference in combat power becomes more and more obvious in the later stages. Now that my combat power is strong, it is difficult for the Soul Sect to threaten me. With the blessing of the Mysterious Underworld Body, the Soul King can also fight."

As Oscar spoke, he took out a jade box, in which lay an elegant flower, and among his own several celestial grasses, the most suitable one was his own, this eight-petal celestial orchid.

"I really don't want to part with it, fairy grass is hard to find!"

Looking at this noble orchid, Oscar was very reluctant to part with it. The jade box contained the fairy grass that could be kept forever.

Swallow it piece by piece carefully, as if afraid of profaning it, until the whole plant is swallowed, the power of the fairy grass radiates, very soft.

Sitting cross-legged, Oscar began to operate the Xuanming Jue, causing the aura of the fairy grass to flow into the Nascent Soul, and its formation occupied half of the dantian. He sighed to himself that this was basically dozens of times that of the previous life. If compared in the practice world, No one's Nascent Soul is bigger than his own.

The spiritual energy nourishes the body, the Xuanming body seems to have improved a bit, and the soul power has also begun to increase, 43, 44...

"Hey, this is it!"

A charming little person appeared, which caught my attention, who is she!
(End of this chapter)

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