Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 116 The Rogue Master

Chapter 116 The Rogue Master
In a quiet small courtyard, there is a sixteen or seventeen-year-old man with long hair hanging freely, exuding a faint white mist all over his body, which made him more agile, but at this moment he was surprised, because an unexpected visitor suddenly came to his mind .

"Hey! Hey!"

The long-haired Oscar looked inside, looking at this babbling, elf-like little girl, she looked very charming and cute, like a child of only one or two years old, with a black gauze skirt, and a jet-like body all over her body, eyes , Oscar doubted whether this girl was his illegitimate daughter.

Oscar looked at the flustered little guy with a dazed expression. What was she anxious about? She asked, "What do you want to say?"


The little girl yelled, Oscar was speechless, I don't understand your language, it's impossible to communicate, the little girl stomped her feet anxiously, looked at Oscar, she looked angrily, the small look didn't feel any threat.

Afterwards, she began to dance with her hands and feet, as if she was dancing. Oscar watched quietly, feeling a little fascinated, and shrugged.


"How did you get into my head?"

How is this going?so crying?Oscar looked at this little guy, started to approach, touched her little head and said.


Being touched, the little girl became quiet, she liked the feeling a little bit, felt at ease, and cried again after a while.

His left hand trembled, and Oscar was suddenly shocked. Why did Xuanming Sword move by itself? Could it be that she has something to do with Xuanming Sword?

A black shadow flashed out of the left hand, and the little girl also flew out, standing on the Xuanming Sword, similar to flying with his own sword, but still babbling,

"Are you the little sword spirit of Xuanming Sword?"

Oscar asked curiously, a little shocked, what's going on, you and meow didn't make any movement half a year ago, why did you come out by yourself now, could it be that the fairy grass has been consumed, but the aura he just had was absorbed by her.


The little girl nodded and yelled. Oscar didn't think it was noisy, but rather interesting.

"Yeah, ah! ah! ah!"

Oscar laughed and babbled with her, one big and one small, very charming, like a father and daughter, with exactly the same aura, after thinking about it, really, I was interrupted by you when I was only level 45 and a half, very upset.


Oscar panicked, he had a good chat just now, why did he cry again, what the hell is this, if he is a rambunctious child, he should lose it as soon as possible, anyway, he already has a baby now, and it will be difficult to take care of another one.


The quaint Xuanming Sword suddenly pointed directly at him, a black light flashed, and a drop of blood floated out from between his brows, with traces of green light.


Oscar felt weak for a while, he knew the sharpness of the Xuanming Sword, he actually took away a drop of his brow blood like this, it was his essence blood.

Oscar was shocked, this little guy could swing the Xuanming Sword, he should be the sword spirit, and asked: "What are you doing!"


The elf-like little girl didn't pay attention to herself, and stopped babbling, but swallowed her own brows, looking very comfortable, her small face trembling.


I feel that I have a lot of connection with Xuanmingjian. I have spent thousands of years nourishing it, but I don't feel as free as I am now, as if his Xuanmingjian is a part of his body.

There was a burst of black light flickering, making people unable to open their eyes. Suddenly, there was a young girl in a black gauze dress with crystal-like long hair hanging casually and a small bow tie behind her. Her face was exquisite, exquisite and charming.

Beauty, that is not a compliment, but an insult to her, she has gone beyond this limit.After letting myself see it, I feel that Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong and the others seem to have lost their luster, as if no one can compare with them.

"Wow! It's finally out!"

The voice is very charming and comfortable, but the tone is full of indescribable joy, as if trapped for many years, suddenly free.

"Brother, am I beautiful!"

Seeing that Oscar's obsessive appearance was somewhat similar to his own, the girl in the black gauze dress covered her small mouth, smiled a little funny, and asked. .


Inadvertently said a word, Oscar is also a person who has lived for a thousand years, shook his head, almost in a daze, and asked lightly: "Who are you? How did you appear here?"

"It's so sad, I've been with you for so long, and I don't even know about you!"

The girl said, lying lazily on the bed beside her, she looked very charming, a man would pounce on anyone who didn't care about her appearance at all, but Oscar was not impulsive, no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't tell, this girl's aura was not weaker than his own , If you are impulsive, the consequences will be very miserable.

Trembling in his heart, Oscar asked tentatively, "Are you the sword spirit of Xuanming Sword?"

The girl in the black gauze dress smiled, as if she was seducing herself into committing a crime, and said, "Haha! You're so interesting, but it's about the same. It's been tens of thousands of years. I didn't expect it to take so long to be released by you. I will miss you very much." What about the life outside! So excited and happy!"


Oscar has a black hair, it's none of my business if you miss, just be happy if you're excited, don't seduce me, my nosebleed can't stop.

"We made a contract just now, do you think I should call you master!"

The girl in the long black gauze skirt came to her like a ghost, without any aura fluctuations, her slender jade fingers still hooked her chin, her waist was bent, her breasts were half exposed, and her nose had two streaks of red liquid. flow down!
"as long as you are happy!"

Oscar replied indifferently, as if don't look at it, there is a chill, that breath, that is not the breath that should be in the Transcending Tribulation Period, what kind of monster is this, help!
"Haha, I can't stand it just now, but you are still in good spirits, otherwise, even if the contract is concluded, I will end you!"

The girl in the black gauze dress put away her jade fingers, and said lightly, every movement is so alluring, Oscar, listen, fairy?Knew it.

The girl seemed to think of something, and suddenly said sadly: "After learning my Xuanming Jue, just call me Master!"


Don't stop, but suffer from the chaos, your life is the most important thing, Oscar immediately kowtowed and saluted.

"Well, dear, Master has nothing for you, come on, you are Master's first apprentice, let Master have one!"

The girl in the long black gauze dress kissed her after she finished speaking, why did Oscar dodge, then, her face became wet for a while, and she really wanted to slap herself, to see if she was dreaming, if she met a rogue master.

"Oh, I'm running out of time, let Master love you well next time, my first obedient apprentice..."

Twisting her slender waist, she suddenly changed.


A little girl who looked similar to the girl just now started babbling again, Oscar was already in a cold sweat, and had another headache.

Master, you don't tell what this is, your daughter!It shouldn't be, take advantage of you while you are young, hehehe!
(End of this chapter)

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