Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 122 Xian'er Vs Xiao Wu

Chapter 122 Xian'er Vs Xiao Wu

Royal hunting grounds!
The young Xue Qinghe wanted to know very much, but he didn't know this guy, alas, he replied: "Well, I don't want you to lose your life, little brother!"

Tang San on the side also responded, and greeted: "Uncle Ning, Brother Xue, please, sit inside!"

Ning Fengzhi smiled and said: "We won't sit down, just take a look. What about Rongrong, I haven't seen him for a while, I miss him a lot!"

Oscar complained in his heart, for a hero like you, it depends on whether the benefits are enough, thinking, that is impossible.Ning Rongrong also came out, followed by Flender and the others, Xue Qinghe kept silent to himself and Tang San, Oscar understood, and made an OK gesture, he was so confused!

The next thing is that Ning Fengzhi intends to send his disciples to Shrek Academy for training. On the one hand, he wants to befriend Shrek Academy, express his support for Shrek Academy, see the potential of Shrek Academy, and on the other hand, consider for his own sect .

"Teacher, it's getting late, we should go!" The Xueqinghe Road on the side caught Flender's attention.

Ning Fengzhi was about to leave, and Ning Rongrong said reluctantly: "Father, you left as soon as you came. Unfortunately, I am a support, otherwise, I will show you my strength!"

Oscar was speechless. He even helped count the money after selling it, and said with a smile, "Oh, old father-in-law, I am also a supporter, so don't embarrass you!"

Ning Fengzhi almost fell, Little Pepper Ning Rongrong stared back, Oscar said, I went to see the baby.

On the outside of the main field, there were [-] royal knights, and the crowd was tight. Oscar said that it would be difficult to rush out without the strength of the transformation stage. The stages are also very different.

Fifteen teams participated in the promotion competition. In the first round, Shrek Academy had no bye. The next round was a duel between [-] teams. It was very bad. Barak Academy still faced Shrek Academy.

Afterwards, Grandmaster summoned a few people, and said: "I will announce the lineup, Xiao Wu, you are the first to go, then Tang San and Dai Mubai!"

When the master said this, he even scanned his side, Oscar said: "I'm a support, don't use it!"

Girl's mind: "Shameful guy!"

The others were speechless, and they were still looking forward to it, such as Zhu Zhuqing, she also wanted to go up, and the master stopped talking.

Puzzling, Dai Mubai couldn't help but said: "Master, didn't you send seven?"

Afterwards, the master's explanation greatly boosted their confidence, alas, concentrate on being a baby daddy, the popcorn is all ready, I don't know if Xian'er can get rid of one.

Everything was ready, Emperor Xue Ye said: "The promotion competition starts today, and next, I hope all the colleges will show their style! Let's start!"

The first match has already started. Blazing Academy vs. Fabia Academy is a slap in the face. After all, the strength of the five elemental academies is obvious to all. Of course, Elephant Academy has been eliminated because of the match. From Shrek Academy.

In the second round, Meng Yiran played. As the vice-captain of the Alien Beast Academy team, he also lost three people in a row. He was full of spirits. When he walked down, he didn't forget to wink at Oscar, as if to say, how about it?I'm great!Make Oscar feel ashamed, think of Xian'er, alas, she came here because of herself!
Oscar's brainless fan, Ma Hongjun said: "Brother Ao, I really admire you!"

Oscar was speechless, smiled, and said: "Ma Hongjun, believe it or not, brother, brother will find you a good woman!"

Ma Hongjun said without hesitation: "I believe it!"

Oscar also said: "Okay, start from tomorrow, wash yourself clean, don't go to that kind of crappy place again, within five years, I will find you a white and tender wife of a female soul master!"

Ma Hongjun said bitterly: "Brother Ao, it will take another five years!"

Oscar said angrily that he will die after only five years, "Forget it, I will collect it myself, and I won't keep it for you!"

Ma Hongjun tremblingly said: "Don't, Brother Ao, I believe, I will endure!"

Only Dai Mubai was still smiling, the sisters of Tianshui Academy that Oscar said, but unfortunately he just accepted one, alas, it’s not fake to think about fat people, I don’t know where Oscar knows so many beauties, I wonder if he has been there Tianshui College, thinking of the lovely Shui Yueer, is already satisfied.

Next, in the third round, they faced Barack Academy. The first player to play was a young man who looked to be in his 20s, against Xiao Wu.

"Little sister, your Shrek Academy will not be deserted! You are sent to fill the number, you go down!" said the tall young man, a soul sect, he is indeed very confident, but can you underestimate the Shrek Seven Monsters?

There was no suspense in this battle. In a short time, Xiao Wu instantly killed a soul sect, and said domineeringly: "Next!"

In Barack Academy, except for Mu Xian'er who frowned, everyone else rushed forward without thinking, which made Liu Erlong angry, and the NPC Salas came out to hold back a few words.

The next one to appear was Mu Xianer. As the vice-captain, she had to regain her confidence. Mu Xianer said, "You are very good!"

"Mu Xian'er?" The Shrek Seven Monsters looked at Oscar, if something happened to Mu Xian'er, this cunning god would get mad, Dai Mubai once said that he would not be Oscar's opponent, one can imagine Oscar's fighting power is gone.

The competition has already started, so is Xiao Wu, another soul sect, who has been exposed just now, she has not seen Mu Xianer, she has only heard of it, Oscar's nagging girlfriend.

Xiao Wu said: "I will not show mercy!"

Mu Xian'er replied: "Me too!"

"White Ape Cat Possession!"

Mu Xian'er's white cat-shaped martial soul appeared again like an ape-shaped martial soul, the master was shocked, the mutated martial soul was not low in quality, Xiao Wu was in some trouble, and her soul power was suppressed.

Mu Xian'er was the first to attack, she was of the agility attack type, and she was in a powerful form, she clawed down, Xiao Wu quickly dodged, she was also surprised, she didn't expect it to be so fast, and she couldn't lose to Zhu Zhuqing's Nether Claw.

"Second Soul Skill, Charm!"

With a flash of red light, Xiao Wu confuses Mu Xian'er, the first soul skill Waist Bow is activated, can she provoke Mu Xian'er in melee combat?

"White Ape Transformation!"

Mu Xian'er's third soul ring flickered, her strength and defense were significantly improved, Xiao Wu's attack was fruitless, and Mu Xian'er's fourth soul ring lit up.

Xiao Wu was caught off guard by an impacting figure, so she could only use teleportation, her soul power was no longer enough to support her.

Oscar, who was eating popcorn, said: "Xiao San, let Xiao Wu come back, be gentle, don't use the second soul skill!"

Oscar said, the ending is already obvious, if the first to face Mu Xianer, Xiao Wu might win, but the spirit power is not enough, Tang San nodded, the second spirit ability is to think of Meng Yiran's scene!

"I have a big sausage!"

With Oscar's supplies, Xiao Wu improved a lot. Immediately after Tang San entered the stage, Mu Xian'er was also defeated. Tang San's control ability became stronger and stronger, and the young man from Sunflower also appeared on the stage. Unfortunately, the opponent was Tang San, get rid of that, Barak Academy surrendered, and Shrek Academy won.

(End of this chapter)

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