Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 123 Dad's Treatment

Chapter 123 Dad's Treatment

On the first day, Shrek defeated Barack Academy, but the second day's draw turned out to be Blazing Academy. Of course, this is also the glory of the junior, because the barracks are hidden, so a certain handsome man is very leisurely.

The other academy teams are enough for Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing to show their prowess. Ma Hongjun, from the Botany Academy, said that he came for a barbecue.

"Fusing rings, exploding rings!" In a barracks, a charming handsome man was thinking, seeing Huo Wu's ring melting skills, thinking of Haotian School's secret method of exploding rings, he also wanted to create his own soul ring attack.

Advance to the arena!
A simple boy said: "Teacher, let me play today!"

The simple boy is Tang San. During this time, he was "protected" by the master because he was injured. Today they are facing Thunder Academy, a powerful academy. So far, they have only lost one game.

"Crackling!" Oscar, a beautiful paddling man, thought, is it right to go this route? He is in a paddling state.Hard work!But if I can survive to eat chicken, ah bah, if I strive to become a god, it's a good ending, but, would I be willing to become a second-level god mansion! !
The middle-aged man with a zombie face said: "Little San, if you play, how many can you beat?"

Tang San froze for a moment, said: "At least one!"

"Hum!" Feeling his chest moist, you master, I have no milk for you, Oscar pushed the rogue master away, but fortunately no one paid attention to him, they were all watching the game.

After discussing for a while, the master said: "I now announce that Tai Long will be the first to appear, followed by Huang Yuan, Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, Ma Hongjun, and Oscar!"

Oscar, who had just grabbed a handful of popcorn, was surprised, and said, "Master, did I hear correctly, did you want me to play?"

The master replied: "You are the trump card. To be on the safe side, of course, I also hope that you won't be played. It's up to other people!"

Oscar felt better, nodded and said: "That's all right, you guys work hard, to cover me! Sausage, enough, hehehe!"

Looking at this cheat, the others were speechless, and they didn't know why the master put this guy in, but they also doubted his strength, because this guy was too lazy to die, and he wouldn't make a move if he couldn't make a move.

The master said: "No problem!"

Everyone said: "No!"

The competition started soon, this time the protagonist had to paddle, Oscar also said that there was no way, your protagonist was already paddling, um, the popcorn smells really good, luckily I brought enough, this little white pig like Ning Rongrong is really edible Returned.

"Zhuqing, would you like a bucket?"

"it is good!"

Because of this rogue master, I didn't even promote my relationship with them.

In the first round, Tai Long with pure strength was very good. He lost one, and his thick skin was also an advantage. For example, a certain handsome man, Diamond Diamond, consumed another one in the second round.

"I have a big sausage!"

Oscar made a sausage with his hands, and Tai Long was not too polite, it would be better to grab it and eat it, saying: "Xiao Ao, thank you!"

Oscar flicked his hair, and said in a deep voice: "You don't need to thank me, brother is short of money, you can contribute hundreds of thousands, 10,000+ is fine, just buy some delicious food for brother!"

Looking at this beautiful man with a baby in the game, Tai Long dodged resentfully, it was too scary, I was not willing to spend tens of thousands!

"Ah," the beautiful man sighed, Huang Yuan was a lone wolf with a martial spirit, a strong attack system, and Tai Long's consumption, he won the third game, but still lost in the fourth game, he was sighing money.

"I hope it won't come to me, there are still a few Shrek Seven Monsters ahead!" Oscar muttered, isn't it good to paddle?

Ma Hongjun came over and said, "Brother Ao, are you nervous?"

Oscar smiled and said: "Yes, little fat man, but my brother has full confidence in you, come on, Aoli!"

No matter how you look at it, you don't look like a good person when you smile!He replied: "Don't worry, I will burn them all with one fire, and I will never let you do it, brother Ao!"

Oscar also patted him on the shoulder and said, "Good brother, your wife will introduce you to you when the time comes!"

Tang San had black lines on his face, this is his wife, but he was still shocked when he saw the girl in his arms, she was so cute, like an elf.

Xiao Wu entered the stage, eliminated the fourth opponent, and then entered the stage fifth, a soul sect, Xiao Wu should feel bad, but this is not her own worry, let the protagonist worry about it.

In the sixth opponent, Xiao Wu couldn't hold on anymore, Tang San also felt sorry for Xiao Wu, and helped her down, trembling with thunder.

"Little San, let me try it!" Looking at Xiao Wu who was shocked, she felt pity for herself, a black mysterious aura with a trace of green breath, this is what surprised me, it contained a soul The bone has subtly affected his body, and the aura has more pure breath.

"Okay!" Tang San replied, seeing these breaths thicker than the recovery sausage, nodded, it should be good.

A cool spiritual energy entered her body, and Xiao Wu also breathed a sigh of relief, feeling so comfortable and relaxed, in her simple words, now she can do it again.

Tang San was also surprised, this effect is too good, but I still thank you gratefully, it is rare for the pit god to produce such a large amount of milk today, in fact, Oscar also tried the white mouse, oh no, it is the little white rabbit That's all.

Ma Hongjun looked at Xiao Wu who was revived with full blood, and said in mourning, "Brother Ao, why didn't you give me a treat last time!"

When Oscar heard it, he said angrily: "Aren't you happy with the fight, ah bah, let you have a good time, I like women!"

As the boss, and with the entrustment of a certain wife-protecting madman, Dai Mubai had already given face to his opponent, with a second kill and more damage, he was domineering, and then Yu Tianxin appeared on the stage.


"White Tiger Lie Wave!"

In the arena, the real tigers fight each other, which is wonderful.After a while, Dai Mubai said proudly: "Let's fight it out!"

Yu Tianxin also replied, "Okay!"

When all the dust settled, Yu Tianxin also fell to the ground and bled, the injury was very serious, Dai Mubai was not bad, blood arrows spurted out, he was slightly better.

"Oh, it's really young and passionate!" Oscar sighed, and a black light with traces of green scattered into the bodies of the two of them, helping them recover.

VIP desk!
"What kind of healing technique is this? It's even incomparable to the soul saints of the healing department!"

Emperor Xue Ye, Ning Fengzhi, the crown prince, and the Platinum Bishop were all startled, the treatment that makes people revive instantly with full blood!At this time, Oscar successfully attracted the attention of other academies, this support was too strong.

Dai Mubai, the boss of the Seven Shrek Monsters, walked down in high spirits at this moment, and said, "Xiao Ao, what's going on? I think I can fight again!"

Looking at the proud young man, Oscar was about to speak when a voice came, "Nonsense, Oscar, what's going on with you, you've already attracted the attention of all the academies!"

The voice expressed his anger. With such a treatment method, can such a team win? This is the reaction of other colleges. Of course, he hopes that this trump card will not be exposed.

Oscar didn't know either. When he waved his hand, how big was this pen? It was a pot with a soul bone inside, which complemented his own Xuanming spiritual energy, and the healing effect was multiplied.

The handsome man said embarrassingly: "Master, I don't know much, my soul power has mutated from this! That's why I have the ability to heal!"

After Oscar finished speaking, he pointed to his heart, and the master understood that it was the soul bone attached to the heart. This was both relief and regret, because it was exposed too early.

The master sighed: "It's too early to be exposed. In future games, when you meet these teams, they will target you especially!"

Oscar said speechlessly: "Master, am I afraid? I'm not just an assistant!"

The members of the Shrek Academy sneered, this guy is our trump card, try to move him, the master is speechless!

(End of this chapter)

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