Chapter 124

In the huge paddock, a battle between dragon and tiger had just ended, and the attack of a handsome man with long hair caused a shock.

A handsome, masculine young man with Lei came over, saluted, and said, "Thank you for your attack just now, I wonder if we can heal Leidong, he also didn't mean it!"

He was Yu Tianxin who had just finished fighting the boss of the Seven Shrek Monsters. Seeing Oscar's appearance, why did such a good-looking man still have a big belly? Oscar wanted to say that there was a baby in it!cough cough!

Oscar thought about it for a while, and slowly replied: "Helping you with treatment is just a matter of course. As for your teammates, I believe they will get better before the finals!"

Yu Tianxin also nodded, bowed to the master and prepared to leave. After all, it is hard to say anything now, you can tell by the serious expression of the master.

After thinking about it, Oscar shouted, "Wait!"

Yu Tianxin turned around, saw this unharmonious man again, and said, "Little brother, what else do you want?"

Seeing this upright young man, Oscar thought, he should wake up, and said: "From today five years later, your family may be able to avoid difficulties by taking precautions day and night within a year! Remember! Remember!"

It's a complete god stick tone, anyway, I feel it's a pity, a powerful family is down, it's really scary for a woman to go crazy, for a man with a zombie face, murder a family, after all, what's wrong with other people, they are all children.

Yu Tianxin also wanted to ask, Oscar let it go, the meaning was clear, and in the end he had to, kid, do you have many? ?left.

The master on the side also heard the clue, and after Yu Tianxin left, he brought Oscar to the side and asked, "Xiao Ao, do you know something?"

Do you want to tell him, after all, it is also a teacher-student relationship, the handsome man thought, looked at the anxious master, and replied: "The secret of the sky must not be revealed, I can only say that Yu Tianxin will do as I say, it will be beneficial and harmless, otherwise, End, exterminate the clan!"

Oscar finally said in a serious, biting accent, obviously not joking, the master trembled, subconsciously said: "Impossible!"

"That's all!" Oscar said, he didn't know if it would change, but he was relieved, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School would be his treasury, Soto City would be his arsenal, and Crescent Moon.

Tang San, a good apprentice, saw the pale face of the master, and said to himself: "Xiao Ao, what did you say to the teacher?"

The beautiful man kept a secret, and said leisurely: "The secret must not be leaked, I can see that you are very talented, Xiaosan, and your future achievements will be limitless!"

Little Pepper Ning Rongrong said bluntly: "It seems that you are crazy!" Others agreed, after all, Ao Ge is a cheater.

Oscar is hugging his little master, so he doesn't care about you anymore. After being out for so long, he misses Xiao Nizi. I don't know what this silly girl is doing. She is in the middle of the bigu stage, and she is about to enter the golden elixir stage.

The group from Shrek Academy was about to go back to the camp when Feng Xiaotian came out, oh, I was worried about the green tea, but it's okay, I should be with Huo Wu in the end, it was Tang San who gave the kiss, I think Now, even the men of Douluo, why can't they think about it so much? There are so many women in the world, why hang them on a tree!

"Tang San, I'm going back first, you are the staff officer, oh no, you are the brain of our Shrek Seven Monsters, you can do whatever you want!" Oscar said leisurely, without looking at Feng Xiaotian, you are considered a genius, But hanged, NPC!

In the private courtyard of the beautiful boy Oscar, he pulled a charming one or two-year-old girl out of his arms, and said, "Master, if you don't come out again, apprentice, you will be welcome!"

After speaking, he began to touch it with a wicked smile on his face, making the little girl babbling and smiling, like a father and daughter with very good feelings.

The image in the little girl's mind: "..., Apprentice Shabi, I won't even let go of my cubs, it's up to you, you are mine anyway, haha!"

"Master, come out!" Oscar said helplessly, I also feel uncomfortable when I have a big belly every day, and I suffer from their supercilious eyes, woo woo!
"Hmph, unworthy apprentice! Why did you call me!" Suddenly, the long black gauze dress fell in front of her eyes, and a beautiful figure with charming eyes appeared, and in the blink of an eye, a beautiful boy with tears and snot in her arms threw herself into her arms.

"Wuuu, master, I finally saw your face, why did you come here and how did you go back!" Oscar said excitedly, smelling the fragrance of hugging the figure, his spirit power already at level 46 also loosened a bit, and he began to ask 47 to go.

"Let go, disgraceful apprentice!" Oscar's master said disgustedly, what is it, does my old lady make you so disgusted, with tears in her eyes.

"Don't let him go, even if you beat him to death!" Oscar hugged, this rascal master is indeed strong, with a proud posture, silky and delicate, not a fairy, more like a fairy, ah bah, she said she is a fairy.

"It's up to you!" His master suddenly said softly, as if he was stroking a child, stroking his hair, Oscar was at peace for a while, it was beautiful, and he liked it very much.

Afterwards, Oscar was extremely satisfied, and obediently said, "Master, what's your name?"

Qianying trembled, her hands had already stopped, and she suddenly smiled and said, "It's been thousands of years, I've forgotten, I'm so beautiful, you can call me Master Mei, haha!"

Why does Oscar feel a bad taste, this rascal master is too stinky, it seems that there is really no one more beautiful than her, said: "You think beautiful, rascal master!"

Looking at the obedient apprentice, Qianying said angrily, "What are you talking about! Is it itchy?"

Oscar hugged the beautiful master tightly, looking like an obedient apprentice, and said: "No, no, Master Mei, this name is good, master, that!"

"Speak if you have something to say, fart if you have something to say, isn't it a man!" Master Mei said, but after speaking, looking at his good apprentice, he really looked like a woman, even more charming than a woman.

"Well, Master Mei, can you go back, clinging to me every day is uncomfortable!" Oscar said in pain, he couldn't let it go when he had sex, and there was still a little woman waiting for him.

"Begging to be beaten!" Master Mei made a gesture to hit him, Oscar stopped, she was still holding himself, and the two of them fell on the clean bed.

Just when she wanted to put her hand into her bosom, the beauty responded, and said angrily, "Hmph, bad apprentice!"

Then a black light flashed, what kind of beautiful master is there, Oscar felt melancholy for a while, he said to his master, ah bah, cheap master, he didn't think so much, and finally left.

In Xuanmingjian's space, a blushing shadow said: "Phew, I was almost confused by this kid, and I haven't recovered yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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