Chapter 127
A valley, very quiet, if you don't pay attention to the traces of blood, you don't know that there has just been a big attack here, people come and go in a hurry, leaving no cloud, the situation of some colleges is not optimistic.

After recovering, he started his normal journey again!
"Okay, Xian'er, see you in Wuhun City!" A charming man said softly, gently kissing the forehead of a young girl, looking at the reluctant girl, leaving temporarily for a better encounter.

The spiritual sense probed the girl who kept looking at him, wishing he could smile, her dimples have long eyelashes!

In the end, the girl watched the man leave without changing her gaze. An old man appeared beside her and comforted her: "Okay, little princess, he is 16 years old and is about to become the soul king. How can you stop your little one?" The man has become outstanding, and in the future, he, Titled Douluo, will also occupy a place!"

The smart girl nodded, suddenly laughed, and said confidently: "That's it, I don't know who it is, old man, you talk too much!"

"There!" The old man laughed, the old man has settled down, the two are like grandparents and grandchildren who have a good relationship, and it is Oscar who left, which is closer to the Star Dou Forest, thinking, it is better to get the fifth soul ring first .

Level [-] is completely different from level [-] after obtaining a spirit ring. Not only is it a title, but it is also an improvement in strength. The fifth spirit ring can absorb ten thousand years of energy, and that spirit skill is also a qualitative improvement.


Yujian was flying, and Oscar was holding the little girl in his arms, babbling, because of the life sharing contract, Oscar could chat with Master Mei spiritually.

"Master, you're going to grow bigger!" the long-haired charming Oscar laughed, hugging the master more than holding the little master, and the aura of the two is the same, the aura of the master Mei is of higher quality, and can be cultivated.

"No change, you despise me for being young!" Master Mei's moving voice came from his mind.

"No, it's just that Master Mei becomes more beautiful!" Oscar replied, the little Master Mei can also practice together, but the effect is not so obvious, the contact between the two is like the fusion of martial souls, there is no gap.

"Good apprentice, wait!"

While chatting, Master Mei's voice came from my mind.

"What's the matter? Master!" Oscar replied, he could hear that Master Mei was a little excited, it must be something good.

"There is a top-level spiritual weapon below! Come on, find it for me, and my recovery will be faster!" Master Mei said excitedly.

Oscar said with a smirk: "Well, Master Mei, is there any reward for finding it?"

"..." Master Mei wanted to say, my old lady has fallen for you, what more do you want?But he still said: "Well, let you kiss the beautiful master, is this reward okay?"


Oscar was excited for a while, this goblin master is indeed a rascal, I like it so much!

Oscar thought, the Xuanming Sword first devoured a piece of black metal, the Eye of Ice and Fire, and a plant of black iron fairy grass at the booth, and she appeared only after absorbing the fairy grass by himself, so it should be very necessary.

A top-level spiritual weapon, that is a weapon that even ancestor-level practitioners would covet, but this rogue master will give it to her, it doesn't matter if you kiss it or not, haha!

"Master, you are not mistaken, what kind of top-level spiritual weapon is there!" A charming black figure with long hair walked around the village, holding a charming girl in his arms, and said.

Why hold it? As the name suggests, Master Mei wants him to practice all the time, but it also reduces his shameless life.

"Why are you so anxious, the top spiritual weapon is already close to a fairy weapon, and the Xuanming Sword is still the master's greatest masterpiece!" Master Mei scolded, with a look of hatred for iron.

"Then why did you get yourself involved?" Oscar muttered, really wanting to know what secrets this Master Mei still has, Xian, why is he still in such a mess?

Master Mei said angrily: "What are you talking about, you unfilial disciple!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" An old man ran into him in a hurry, and he fell to the ground himself, and kept apologizing. The people are simple and honest!
Just now, he quarreled with his master, and when he regained his senses, Oscar helped the old man up and said, "Old man, what are you going to do in such a hurry!"

Afterwards, when he saw what he was holding in his hand, a pack of medicinal materials, he knew what the strong medicinal smell was. It was all due to Master Mei, and he didn't discover the details.

The old man was stunned, what a beautiful man, he didn't listen to the voice, almost thought it was a woman, and then said bitterly: "Oh, they are all my granddaughters, I'm sorry for her, don't talk about it, are you okay!"

Oscar said it was fine, and the old man hurried away again, not knowing that the handsome man who followed him was upright, because he was a beautiful master, if she said that the old man had a spirit weapon aura, he should have a spirit weapon.


"Cough! Is it grandpa?" A pleasant voice came from the simple wooden house, but the voice was very weak, obviously lacking in Qi and feeling seriously ill.

The old man who opened the door said: "Qingqing, it's grandpa!"

The weak voice sounded, and he said with a look of lovelessness: "Well, grandpa, don't worry about me, I have tried so many methods, it can't get better!"

The old man replied excitedly: "How is it possible, you are the only spirit of grandpa, grandpa will not let you have trouble!"

Because the door was not closed, the small courtyard was filled with the smell of medicine. Fortunately, this place is considered a remote village, otherwise the neighbors would not be able to bear it. After Oscar came, he thought, even if there is no spiritual weapon that Master said, he can save everyone.

After walking in, the old man found Oscar and panicked, "It's you, why are you following me? My family has no money!"

Oscar thought, I look like I've touched porcelain, but when he saw the person on the bed, Oscar shuddered, what tortured her into this, so haggard, skinny, pale, obviously suffered a lot The unimaginable pain, this skinny girl of sixteen or seventeen, is a pity!
Oscar just watched quietly, causing the old man to misunderstand, and said: "My granddaughter is like this, and you are still staring at her, are you human!"

Uh, Oscar was embarrassed, smiled sarcastically, and said, "Old man, I didn't mean to be malicious, I just saw your granddaughter..."

The old man didn't finish his sentence, he pushed Oscar and said, "Get out!"

I haven't finished talking, Oscar said, this skinny girl, no matter what, let her recover!
The old man came back angrily, and the girl coughed and said, "Ahem! Grandpa, he doesn't look like a bad person!"

The old man said: "Looking at him like that, you know he's not a good person, and he's still hugging a girl!"

Oscar came in and said, "Old man, this is my eldest daughter, and I said that I can save your granddaughter, do you believe me?"

Master Mei: "If you take advantage of being a teacher again, you will have to clean up your door!"

Upon hearing this, the old man grabbed Oscar and said, "What? Really!"

Feeling the old man grabbing himself excitedly, the strength is really great, for the smile of a bony girl, Oscar nodded

(End of this chapter)

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