Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 128 Master Mei's Confession

Chapter 128 Master Mei's Confession

A handsome man with long hair was grabbed by an old man with hopeful eyes. In the end, the beautiful man Oscar said helplessly, "Old man! Let me see first!"

The old man also knew that he was excited, nodded and said: "Okay, okay!"

Afterwards, Oscar also approached the bed and looked at the young girl from a close distance. Her red eyes were full of hope, and her face flushed slightly. She hoped that this good-looking man could make her feel better, so that she wouldn't have to suffer so much.

"It hurts!" Suddenly, the emaciated girl in front of her began to cry out in pain, and fragrant sweat appeared on her forehead. One could imagine how much pain she had suffered.

"Don't import the spiritual energy!" Oscar was about to penetrate the Xuanming spiritual energy, but was stopped by his master Mei. Oscar couldn't bear it for a while, and looked at the girl in front of him and cried out in pain!

"Young man, is there anything I can do!" The old man was also feeling uncomfortable. For the past ten years, he hadn't been able to help his granddaughter at all.

Oscar didn't answer him, but asked Master Mei, saying: "Why? Master, spiritual energy has the effect of healing and relieving people's pain, why not use it?"

She said that people who have passed through the tribulation period know that they are tired of being crooked with women every day, and they don’t read more books. Master Mei hated iron and said: "Idiot, that is her martial soul and spiritual weapon to compete, you input spiritual energy , it is equivalent to activating the spirit weapon, the balance will be broken, and then this girl can only be destroyed by your hands!"

Upon hearing this, Oscar lost his mind, and asked instinctively, "Then what should we do?"

"..." Master Mei was silent
The old man kept urging, Oscar was a little annoyed, and said: "She can't die, don't bother me to find a way!"

A powerful aura rushed towards his face, the old man trembled, yes, he was too anxious, his eyes were downcast, Oscar ignored him, and continued to ask Master: "Master, what can you do?"

"This..." Master Mei hesitated, she couldn't ask him to do such a thing by herself, this won't work!

After a long time no response, Oscar called out: "Master!"

Master Mei suddenly said coldly: "Let her fend for herself, she won't die anyway, aren't we going to get the spirit ring, let's go!"


The little girl was thrown on the ground, crying instinctively, and the old man was puzzled why he threw his daughter, she was still so cute.

With a flash of black light, a charming fairy-like woman in a long black gauze dress appeared, rubbing her buttocks, the old man was amazed, but with a wave of the woman's hand, the old man fell into a coma. He had already forgotten what happened today.

Master Mei said angrily: "You want to die, don't you? How dare you throw me away!"

After speaking, a wave of coercion pressed Oscar, and Oscar fell to his knees with a thud, out of breath, but supported the ground with his hands again.

In the end, Oscar still said coldly: "If you die, you can die. I didn't expect you to be such a person. If you die, you won't be saved. You don't need such a master!"

"You!" Master Mei trembled, his heart felt stuffy, a mouthful of blood spewed out, the coercion was gone, Oscar couldn't bear it, looking at the current master, whether it was possible to say that he didn't like her, his heart would be moved just looking at her.

Then, she said out of breath: "There are so many poor people in the world, can you save them, and it's useless work!"

Oscar replied: "There are indeed many poor people in the world, but have you ever thought that if you can save one, there will be one less poor person in the world!"

Master Mei smiled, beautifully but also sadly, approaching the kneeling Oscar step by step, raised his chin, and said coldly as if he had just come out: "Then have you ever thought about it, you come here help me!"

"Aren't you fine?" Oscar replied puzzled, thinking, if something happened to you, I would risk my life to pull you back!

Master Mei smiled uncomfortably, laughing at himself, and recalled: "At the beginning, I was curious as to why you succeeded in practicing the exercises I created, so I came out of Lingyuan, followed you, and saw your growth. As a cultivator in the transformation stage, until the peak of the tribulation stage, you continue to nourish me with your soul power every day and night, I really like this feeling, I haven’t seen you smile for a thousand years, and I feel sad for you!"

Oscar was already in a daze, with a pain in his heart, she stayed with me all the time, Master Mei continued: "Seeing you sleeping peacefully in the arms of other women, I will also be angry, until when you pass the catastrophe, when your soul flies away, I I just brought you into the void, this is just a world in the deepest part of your consciousness, they will all dissipate in the end, do you understand, I am the one who can truly accompany you! Fool!"

Listening to this idiot, Oscar liked it very much, and it began to dim again. Is this really the world where I have the deepest consciousness? Nini, Xian'er...

He couldn't imagine, Oscar yelled into the air, "No, this is not true, there is still the God Realm here, and they will live forever!"


The thunder on a sunny day seemed to be a warning, but Oscar ignored it, just like you suddenly won a lot of money and someone told you that it was fake, the mood of ups and downs.

Villager: "Why is there a sudden thunder on a sunny day? It doesn't look like it's raining!"

Looking at the dumbfounded Oscar, Master Mei said: "Don't you understand? I like you, every time I see you happy with them, I feel very sad!"

Oscar was stunned, he was living a happy life and was being watched by others all the time, this is not the point, the point is, is Master Mei confessing his love to him?
Suddenly felt her lips moist, she was so crazy, Oscar hugged the beautiful master in his arms again, could it be that he was wrong, he shouldn't be so careless.

"Fool, promise me that you won't find so many women!" Afterwards, Master Mei said in a charming and gentle way, and after a burst of frantic kisses, she felt much more comfortable and not so depressed.

Oscar embraced his beautiful master, and replied affectionately: "Yes, master, I promise you!"


The embarrassing atmosphere just now disappeared in an instant, and was broken by this goblin master, but her smile is so beautiful that people can forget everything.

The beautiful master said: "The way to save her is to become one with her, so as to pull the chain of doom that suppresses her martial soul! Receive it into your body!"

Oscar finally knew why this master was out of order. It turned out that he had been asking, master, how can I save her, and thought of her master's wicked answer, so let her be your woman?The picture is so beautiful!

Oscar rushed over, scratched her and said, "You're still laughing, you actually tricked me into your trap, no, I still need to find a few more women!"

The beauty master came back suddenly, the posture was too beautiful, Oscar said that he was no match, the beauty master said domineeringly: "If you dare, just take it here!"


Oscar felt sour for a while, because this goblin and rogue master, after finishing speaking, he grabbed his own lifeline, and he was suppressed, in order to live a happy life.

Oscar hurriedly said without dignity: "Master, spare your life, I will keep it for you, Master!"

The beautiful master said angrily, "Ah bah, who wants yours!"

After a while of flirting, the two had already revealed their hearts. She and him had formed a life-sharing contract, and they would be together forever!
(End of this chapter)

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