Chapter 141
In the huge square, Shrek Academy had just gone through a wonderful final. In the end, Shrek Academy won. Under Ning Fengzhi's treatment, Tang San had already recovered, and then he started to detoxify Hu Liena and the other two. They were carried down. In the end, the square only The remaining six of them were full of pride, and the handsome man Oscar was not among them.

At this time, the queen and all the titled Douluo stood up, and said: "The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, the final champion of this year is Shrek Academy, congratulations, talented young soul masters! With your own efforts, Achieved the final victory!"

"We are champions!" Shrek and the others exclaimed excitedly.

"Xiao San's father should come out!" Oscar thought, except for him and Xiao Wu, everyone else began to focus on the three precious soul bones on it, even a ten-thousand-year soul beast would hardly lose one.

The cardinal said loudly: "Next, please invite representatives of Shrek Academy to come forward and receive the championship prize!"

The Shrek Five Monsters looked at each other, Dai Mubai looked at Tang San, Oscar, Tang San touched him, motioned him to go up, Oscar also nodded, after all you are the captain, you contributed a lot.

Oscar also wants to say, I have contributed a lot to nurse you all the way, don't underestimate any nurse, the big sausage is delicious for you!
"Little San, this honor belongs to you. We all see your hard work, so you should go up!" Dai Mubai said, very affectionate, if you don't pay attention, it will really move people!

People in the royal family are really not simple, they have real feelings, Tang San is also excited at this time, Dai Mubai's doing this undoubtedly showed his big brother's aura, and even took care of Tang San!
"Go, third brother, don't shirk!" Ma Hongjun said, Oscar nodded, I don't care, it's all your fault anyway, so I won't go into the muddy water.

"What a beautiful empress, what a pity!" Looking at the empress above, there was only admiration, without any blasphemy in her eyes.

In the end, Tang San walked up to the empress. The empress was a little startled. Shouldn't it be the soul king of the food department with twin martial souls who came up? He was in a daze for a while, and then said: "You are very outstanding, worthy of being his disciple. Are you willing to join us?" Spirit Hall!"

Oscar knew that this empress was still reluctant to part with a genius, thinking, Wu Zetian also reused many people who opposed her, all of them were talents!She had once assassinated Tang San, if she couldn't take it for her own use, then she could only destroy him!

In the end Tang San still refused, the empress' face changed slightly, and immediately returned to normal, then she said to Oscar: "That soul king student, would you like to join the Spirit Hall, we will give you better cultivation resources!"

Oscar, who has nothing to do, is in a daze. It's none of my business. It's still a naked temptation. Being rich is amazing, it seems that being rich is really amazing!
As long as life is full of love, you can be comfortable without money!
Oscar put one hand on his chest. To show your kindness, Oscar smiled slightly and saluted slightly: "Noble empress, it is a great honor for me to be favored by you, but I can't, I still have my own life!"

The Empress felt comfortable listening, unlike Tang San, who didn't know why, but was rejected, but didn't get angry, he seemed to salute the elders as a junior, and so did the people present, this is the etiquette learned by Oscar, and there is no strange feeling Come, it can make people feel respectful.

The queen nodded and said regretfully, "What a pity for a genius!"

Oscar shook his head lightly, without being rude, and said with a smile: "Noble empress, maybe we can meet again because of her!"

The queen was unknown for a while, because she?Who is she, even the queen has forgotten, she herself has a daughter outside!
"Then look forward to it!" The queen replied, and then handed the brocade plate to Tang San, the breath of the three spirit bones made Tang San tremble with excitement.

If you go to the God Realm in the future and have a god of angels to accompany you, you won't be alone, Oscar thought, it's still a first-level god mansion, and you can have more protection in the future battles in the God Realm.

"It's so embarrassing, can you pay attention to your image, you are a man like a sea god!" Oscar wanted to cover his face, looking at the trembling Tang San.

When he walked down, he was surrounded by greedy eyes.Xiao Wu was the first to speak, and said, "I give up, none of the three spirit bones is suitable for me!"

Xiao Wu lowered her head, Dai Mubai also said: "I also give up, there is no one suitable for me either!"

When Oscar arrived, Oscar said affectionately: "Little San, do you still remember the year? This one is for you!"

Only then did Tang San come to his senses, killing the spirit bone of Shinian, he felt that Oscar was being polite to him, and nodded gratefully.

Then there are four people, and there are only three soul bones, the master said: "The left leg of Chasing the Wind of Extreme Speed ​​is suitable for the agility attack system, it should be suitable for Zhu Zhuqing, the right arm of the Burst and Burning Flame is suitable for Ma Hongjun, as for the wisdom of the spirit skull……"

This spirit bone is useful to both Ning Rongrong and Tang San, and it is of the highest quality. Oscar also wants to get it for Ning Rongrong, but Tang San has put in so much effort, the current spirit bone is rare, if there is no chance , even Titled Douluo would never meet a soul bone, so having one is not bad.

Tang San sighed secretly, and regretfully said: "I'll let..."

"No, third brother, it should belong to you. You have paid too much, and our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School will not lack soul bones!" Ning Rongrong said, with an extra maturity, she has not played many games The battle, but the spirit bone is also attracting her.

Tang San hesitated, saying he was not moved, is it possible?One soul bone has one more soul ability, and it is difficult for a ten thousand year soul beast to drop one, so what Ning Rongrong said was just to make him feel at ease.

"Master, help me see this spirit bone, is it a head spirit bone!" At this moment, Oscar stood up and said, taking out the spirit bone from that year.

Another soul bone, the master took it tremblingly, he heard from Tang San, thought that Oscar had absorbed it, then observed carefully, and said: "This is also a skull soul bone, the main illusion, gems, more suitable for Rongrong! "

Oscar smiled, fortunately, there was no change, holding the spirit bone, knelt down on one knee with a smile, and said to Ning Rongrong: "Rongrong, this is a dowry gift, would you like to marry me, handsome and charming, Where is Mr. Oscar!"

Afterwards, Oscar felt that it was so weird that he proposed with a bone!Well!Seems to be!

"Yeah!" Ning Rongrong nodded blushingly. There are so many people, but they are so happy. I didn't expect to have a soul bone, and the feeling of reluctance became better. I didn't care about other people, so I tapped Oscar's face lightly. .


Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun laughed, Ning Rongrong blushed even more!
"Xiao Ao, thank you!" Little Pepper said happily, then took the colorful and blurred soul bone without ceremony, and looked at Ning Fengzhi excitedly!
Oscar snickered: "Is it about to start?"

(End of this chapter)

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