Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 142 Gaining Weight 1 Point

Chapter 142

"Rongrong, your father must be burning his brains!" The charming long-haired Oscar pulled the excited young lady into his arms, and said softly, he was indeed happy to win the championship and the soul bone, but this chicken The thief's father-in-law is thinking about the pros and cons of it.

The little man in his arms asked, "Well, Xiao Ao, what does brain burning mean?"

"Well, burning your brain means burning your head and thinking about important and troublesome problems!" Oscar explained with a laugh, in general, Chinese culture is profound and profound!

"Zhuqing, come here!" Oscar also pulled the ice beauty, afraid that Tang San's father would hurt his own people later.

"Have you already allocated them?" the queen asked indifferently, the other titled Douluo did not leave, as if a big battle was imminent, but it seemed that there was no need to appear on the stage by herself, and the consequences would be the consequences, the queen must be a little embarrassed.

Looking at Bibi Dong under the puzzled eyes of the master, the queen ignored him, but said calmly: "Now that it's done, the two elders, Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo, take that girl down!"

Under the queen's explanation, the rest of the people looked at Xiao Wu in shock. A 10-year-old soul beast is still in its infancy, with soul rings and soul bones, all of which are extremely attractive.

Tang San confessed affectionately, and resolutely said: "If you want to catch her, then step over my corpse first!"

Dai Mubai took a step forward, and said: "Seven monsters in one body, as the eldest brother, how can I see my younger siblings being arrested!"

Then, Ma Hongjun was also infected, Oscar shook his head, you will really increase your favorability, and said with a smile: "Why are you so generous to die, no, Tang San's father didn't even show up!"

Forehead!The others were speechless, such a serious and moving scene, Oge, can you be careful, Oscar said, it is what it is, it will also annoy the queen, his future mother-in-law, but Tang San does not accept Qian Renxue !
Sure enough, when they were stunned, Flender's golden iron triangle stood up, and the queen said angrily: "Take it down, blockers, kill without mercy!"

Just as Dugu Bo was about to make a move, the queen's nine soul rings of two yellows, two purples, four blacks, and one red directly suppressed Dugu Bo.

The ninth scarlet soul ring is extraordinarily dazzling, Oscar thought, I will also have it in the future, a god-given soul ring, yes!There is no need to hunt soul beasts, now my aptitude, I don't know if it is still a black-level assessment!

"A chrysanthemum, a little ghost, you dare to hurt my son! Get out!" A low and domineering voice came, and Tang Hao, who was named Douluo by Haotian, appeared on the stage.

"Boy, since I don't have such a father, let you have such a father!"

Looking at the domineering Tang Hao, Oscar muttered, from now on, his son will definitely run amok in the mainland, my father is Oscar, haha!
"Tang Hao!" Bibi Dong shouted sharply.

Clear Sky Hammer, the most powerful attack spirit recognized in the mainland, his attack power is even feared by herself. When he just broke through the title, he was able to severely damage the level 95 Super Douluo Qian Jixun. It is conceivable.

"Want to avenge your teacher? Bibi Dong, do you think you can keep me?"

Tang Hao said domineeringly, and saw seven douluo appear, nine spirit rings hovering brightly, and the ninth was also a particularly eye-catching scarlet spirit ring, and a giant hammer like a hundred-meter mountain appeared.

"Tang Hao, how dare you!" Bibi Dong was furious, Tang Hao aimed at the Pope's Palace.

"Mysterious darkness shrouds!"

Oscar wrapped himself, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing in a black mist. Of course, Tang San and Xiao Wu's wraps were relatively weak, so it would be convenient for Tang Hao to take them away.


There was a loud bang, and the Soul Sage and below were stunned and fell to the ground, their minds went blank.

"Pfft! It's really scary! My Xuanming shrouds me, and I can't completely avoid your impact!" Oscar spat out a mouthful of blood, he was already in the middle stage of transformation.

Tang Hao laughed wildly, and said: "Bibi Dong, just wait, Wuhundian owes me, go to the meeting to get it back, this day is not far away!"


Disappeared after speaking, Tang San and Xiao Wu also disappeared, and Oscar heard his doubtful voice, because his soul avatar was blocked by a soul king, how did he know that Oscar's strength is now comparable to that of a soul sage.

Afterwards, the queen said angrily, "Let them all go, leave the Wuhun Palace!"

I still don't forget to take a look at Oscar. This soul king has given me too many surprises. In the future, there must be the existence of Titled Douluo, black chain martial soul, strong control ability, and it will be terrifying when he grows up.

Everything is calm, Poison Douluo, Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi come here!

"go with!"

With a flick of Oscar's fingers, a black glow, with a green glow, healed the others and began to wake up.

Dugu Bo smiled: "Little monster, I have to doubt, you are food-type, and you are so strong in healing, twin martial souls, or control-type!"

"That's right, you can call me a master of all disciplines! Cough cough!" Oscar replied, he coughed a little bit, and he blocked most of the impact.

"Damn, it's too strong, third brother's father is so fierce, I've decided, from now on third brother's father will be my idol!" Ma Hongjun who just woke up said excitedly.

"Ahem! Fatty, as a human being, you can't blindly follow stars, does your wife still want it!" Oscar reminded, you are my brainless fan, how can you worship other people anymore!
Ma Hongjun flattered: "Oh, brother Ao is my only idol!"

"It has a future!" Oscar laughed.

"Weeds!" Dai Mubai, the boss of the Seven Shrek Monsters, said, Ma Hongjun ignored him, he couldn't beat him.

Shrek carried Flender, sighed, and said: "Sect Master Ning, you can take Ning Rongrong away, the competition is over, they have also graduated, now offending the Spirit Hall, I'm afraid it will be hard!"

Ning Fengzhi nodded, and said: "Rongrong has been away from home for a long time, and it's time to go back, but Wuhundian won't embarrass you as an academy, just keep a low profile! Oscar, you go back with me too!"

Is this a shame for me!Oscar thought about it, but still shook his head, and said, "Old father-in-law, I still have a lot of things to do, anyway, it's so close, you should take Rongrong back first!"

"No, Xiao Ao, I'll follow you!" Ning Rongrong pulled herself reluctantly and said, you just proposed to me just now, thinking, you want to be the first to marry me.

"Okay, you go back to inherit the old father-in-law's property, are you still afraid that I will run away, if you don't have money, go to your house to make a living!" Oscar teased.

"That's right, O boy!" Flender secretly gave a thumbs up.


Ning Rongrong laughed. Girls really look good when they smile, but a certain person has a bad face. Is it my idea that you are playing, but your own money is not easy to get, haha!

Jian Douluo smiled, it was rare to see a boy who was so straightforward and made Ning Fengzhi feel awkward.

"Xiao Ao, remember to come to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to look for me, otherwise, I will look for you! Hehe!"

Ning Rongrong laughed, "Ning Fengzhi dragged her away directly, it's too embarrassing, if others don't look for you, you still post back."

"Yes, old father-in-law, remember to help Rongrong gain weight!" Oscar shouted.

Jian Douluo, Ning Fengzhi and his group left, it is enough to get a genius, the point is, this kid is too irritating.

(End of this chapter)

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