Chapter 157

"Of course I like it! Brother Xue!"

Oscar, who was hugging Xue Qinghe, laughed, thinking, he still has no use for the 5-year soul bone, and Xiao Nizi doesn’t have a soul bone yet, so this one is quite suitable for her. It is powerful!
"Little Ao, why don't you invite your eldest brother to sit down!" Mu Tian said to Oscar, seeing the affectionate look of these two brothers, made him wonder whether his son-in-law had a problem with Oscar's sexual orientation.

"Oh! Brother Xue, come with me!" Oscar recovered from the fragrant embrace and said, reluctantly let go of Xue Qinghe, and Xue Qinghe did the same, with a hint of displeasure.Afterwards, Oscar took his white and tender hand.

"This guy!" Xue Qinghe groaned secretly, nodded, and still let him hold his hand, as if he didn't care that he took advantage of him.

After a while, it was full of guests!
Sitting at the two chief tables were Mu Tian's friends and some guests of extraordinary status, Dugu Bo and Xue Qinghe were also among them, and the ten or so tables below were all well-known rich merchants from Suotuo City, as well as generals and officials from the City Lord's Mansion !

"Xiao Ao, go get ready! The banquet will only start after we get married!" Mu Tian said to Oscar who was following him, and everyone was almost there.

"Yes! Father-in-law!" Oscar saluted, making Mu Tian feel at ease. He is the protagonist here today.

"Brother Xue, the little brother is going to prepare, you and the old monster sit quietly for a while!" Oscar said to Xue Qinghe.

"Go! I also want to see Brother Xiao Ao in red robes!" Xue Qinghe smiled kindly.

"Brother Xue, you can also find a princess! Wear a red robe! Haha!" Oscar replied with a smile, thinking, it's quite interesting for you to marry a wife!

"I'm aiming for the world..." Xue Qinghe began to look for excuses, Oscar interrupted him, then left, and went to his room, everything was arranged by Mrs. Mu!
With a creak, Oscar pushed the door open!
"Uncle, my name is Xiao Huan!"

"Grandpa, my name is Xiaoxi! We are maids dressing up for you!" two eighteen young maids saluted.

"Okay! Get ready!" Oscar said indifferently. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Mu has such a unique maid. She looks good and her skills should be good too.

In Mu Xianer's boudoir, Mrs. Mu personally groomed her, while Nini was helping her.

"Alas! I never thought that our little princess would get married in a blink of an eye!" Madam Mu sighed while looking at the person in the mirror behind Mu Xian'er.

"Mom, Xian'er is not married far away. After getting married, I can still take care of you at home!" Mu Xian'er replied with a smile, and she was also looking forward to this day for a long time!
"En! Nini, bring me a comb!" Mrs. Mu smiled and called Nini, ready to comb for Mu Xianer.

"Yes, ma'am!" Nini nodded obediently, envious in her heart.The comb is carefully made of purple sandalwood, and when Nini picks it up, it feels cool.

"Comb all the way to your hair, you don't have to worry about being rich!" Mrs. Mu took the comb, brushed it down gently, and said.

"Hee hee! Mom, I'm worried about not having any money right now, so I can come back and ask you and Dad for it!" Mu Xian'er laughed as she listened, revealing her two dimples.

"Shut up!"

Mrs. Mu nodded her head and smiled, she was already envious of her. When she married Mu Tian, ​​she didn't have a mother to comb her hair.

"Second comb to the hair, no disease and no worries!" Mrs. Mu combed again, Mu Xian'er began to enjoy herself, and stopped talking. Nini, who was next to her, was already full of envy, a little lost, and cheered up again.

Comb again, and said gently: "Three combs to the head, more children and longer life!"

"Comb to the end again, and the eyebrows are raised! The second comb to the end, fly together! The third comb to the end, forever tied together, with a head and a tail, rich and noble!" Mrs. Mu combed again and again, He also said auspicious words and spoiled her very much.

A handsome man's room!

"Grandpa, it's so beautiful!"

Xiaohuan and Xiaoxi didn't dare to look in the mirror, because when they saw people in the mirror, people's eyes would be blurred and they couldn't bear to leave. For this, Oscar reminded them several times.

"Xiaohuan Xiaoxi, the technique is good! What kind of reward do you want!" Looking at the long and smooth hair, I didn't expect that after careful grooming, the feeling changed a lot, Oscar praised.

"My lord, we are Madam's exclusive grooming maids, we dare not ask for a reward!" Xiao Huan said while looking at Oscar in a blur.

Xiaoxi blushed and said, "Yes! Uncle, can we take a closer look at you!"

"Xiaoxi, don't be rude!" Xiaohuan reprimanded, Xiaoxi is more direct than her, but Oscar is the groom!

"Xiao Huan, it's okay! Help me put on my new clothes!" Oscar said with a slight smile, touching people's hearts.

"Yes, uncle!" Xiao Xi was already stunned, they had never seen such a beautiful man before!
"Bad apprentices, even the maids are not spared!" Master's teasing voice came from his mind.

"Master, he is so serious about sorting out for me, you can't refuse such a small request!" Oscar responded with a smile.

The two maids were pulling a bright red robe, each grabbing a sleeve, looking at this bright red dress, without any decoration, pure red, just like the ancient groom's outfit for watching movies and TV.

The two maids helped Oscar tidy up the new clothes at close range, and tied the red belt around his waist with flushed faces. The new red clothes made Oscar a lot more happy.

The wedding personnel asked about the situation on both sides, and the happy announcer shouted: "Two newcomers are invited to come on stage!"

Afterwards, all the guests looked towards Mu Xianer. That was the bride. The bride who appeared on the scene was covered with a red cloth, which made people feel sorry. Looking at her exquisite figure and Mrs. Mu's charm, she must be the bride. It should be beautiful.

"Wow! Is this the groom?"

All the people sitting there exclaimed, looking at the groom, the long black hair neatly hanging down corresponded to the festive new clothes, a red concentric knot was tied at the end of the hair, and two red ribbons were scattered.

Black crystal-like shining eyes, jade eyelashes on the peach blossom eyes, a soft and charming face, and a coordinated figure. The red robe is tied with a belt, which has a special taste.

"I'm really not reconciled, maybe you are the most beautiful man!" Xue Qinghe was fascinated, thinking that the bride was herself, and it was the first time that she was so fascinated by a man.

"Little monster, you don't look bad!" Dugu Bo looked at him and said with a wild smile.

"Obviously she is as beautiful as a fairy! The bride should be even more beautiful, what a pity!" Some people who came to the wedding said, Dugu Bo was sitting at the head, and his status was not ordinary.

"Hmm! My brother is so beautiful!" Xiao Nizi looked at her with bright eyes, but she had never seen an Oscar that had been combed carefully.

"He stole the limelight! Our little princess is not bad!" Mrs. Mu held onto Mu Xian'er, who was about to move, fearing that this little guy couldn't help but lift her head.

Entering the hall, there is a red and festive "囍" on it, Flender and Mu Tian are still sitting in the important seats, and Ma Hongjun is standing beside Flender.

"Wow! Brother Ao is so beautiful! I feel that seeing Ao is much more eye-catching than looking at women!" Ma Hongjun said without any scruples.

"Cough!" Flender coughed, and the little fat man immediately restrained himself. Under the teacher's authority, he was still a good student.

"Quick, quick! Follow! Watch the groom get married!" Someone in the crowd shouted, and everyone started to follow, swarming at the door and watching.

"Xiao Ao! Our Xian'er will be handed over to you! Treat her well, don't let her down!" Madam Mu ordered, and a maid brought a red string, and asked Mu Xian'er to hold one end.

"Mother-in-law, please don't worry, if you lose the world in this life, you won't lose Xian'er either!" Oscar said resolutely, taking the other end of the red rope with a big red flower in the middle, his words are convincing .

"The groom said it well!" shouted the watching guests, they all came to congratulate, Oscar smiled back.

"The groom's smile is even more beautiful!" a guest said excitedly.

"Haha, that's laughing at me!" said another rambunctious guest.

"You fart, it's obviously aimed at me!"


The person in charge of the wedding shouted: "Next, the two newcomers will start! Let's worship the heavens and the earth!"

(End of this chapter)

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