Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 158 The princess arrives

Chapter 158 The princess arrives
Under the command of the wedding conductor, Nini helped Mu Xian'er turn around. When Oscar turned around, he smiled at Xiao Nizi, hoping she would be relieved, and bowed slightly towards the door.

"Two thanks to the high hall!"

Turning around again, looking at Mu Tian and Flender above, they nodded, Oscar bowed down again this time, and Mu Xianer, who was covered with a red cloth, also bowed slightly.

"Bye husband and wife!"

Oscar looked at the trembling little woman with a red hood on the opposite side, and found it funny again. Are you nervous or excited?

"Princess Crescent Moon, come here!"

A powerful voice came from outside the door, interrupting the wedding of the couple. Mu Tian rushed out to welcome them, as did other officials. They were all officials belonging to the kingdom, and the etiquette could not be ignored.

"City Lord Mu, there is no need to be too polite, the newcomer will continue!" The woman in the curtain said kindly, making people look at the charming figure, full of charm!

"Yes!" Mu Tian replied respectfully, and welcomed Princess Yueya in.

"You're still here! I haven't looked for you for a long time, I really shouldn't!" Oscar secretly thought, noticing the accompanying person, and the one from last time, Yue Ya'er planned to give it to his bodyguard, Ying Tian, ​​who didn't expect What's more, his aura has reached the level of a soul saint.


A child's cry came from inside the curtain, causing Oscar to tremble, his consciousness swept away, and he saw a woman inside the curtain, breastfeeding a half-year-old child.

The woman raised her head and smiled. Oscar quickly withdrew his consciousness and smiled wryly. A woman's sixth sense is too terrifying.

"I didn't expect it to be true, the princess and the wild man gave birth to a child!" Some guests said secretly.

"Hush! Don't die! Hundreds of people died during the discussions at that time!" Another guest advised.

The crowd's voice made Oscar very unhappy. Crescent Moon's method should not be like this, there must be some reason.

"Husband and wife worship!" The wedding conductor continued to shout.

Oscar and Mu Xian'er bowed to each other. At this moment, they are a real couple. They didn't expect a retro wedding.

"Send the newcomer into the house!" Finally shouted, the wedding was over, the banquet was ready, and the aroma of vegetables had already filled the mansion.

"Wow! That's the princess! It's so beautiful! Who has defiled the princess!" Some guests were dissatisfied that such a beautiful and noble princess already had a child.

"I've seen the princess!" Mu Tian led the people to salute, and everyone else knelt down, except for Dugu Bo and Xue Qinghe. Dugu Bo is a titled Douluo, and his status can be imagined. It is a vassal of others.

"City Lord Mu, you say you don't need to be too polite! Let's all be flat!" Princess Yueya said with a gentle manner, which made more people angry and dissatisfied. Who has tarnished such a fairy princess.

"Haha, Ao kid must have brought you here! Unexpectedly, this guy has a child!" Dugu Bo laughed.

"Oh? Senior Dugu Bo has seen how many children of Brother Xiao Ao?" Xue Qinghe asked with a depressed chest. According to the news he got, Oscar had only one child.

"I've only seen three! His eldest daughter must be two years old, and his son is also one year old. Well, it should be a girl, half a year old!" Dugu Bo replied flatly, he is not Xue Qinghe camp.

"That is indeed a house full of children!" Xue Qinghe replied depressedly, for some reason, listening to it made people not happy.

"Princess please take a seat!"

Mu Tian respectfully said, guide the princess to the female family seats in Mrs. Mu's line!
Princess Yueya, who was not interested in drinking, tasted some food without any taste, and then said to Mrs. Mu: "Mrs. Mu, where is the elegant room?"

"It's over there, princess, I'll go with you!" Mrs. Mu pointed to a place and said with a smile. She was also the former princess, and she was somewhat related to Yueya.

"No need, Madam Mu!" Princess Yueya said kindly, and started to walk over.

The new house is not far away!Oscar took Mu Xianer by the hand and led her to the new house.

Nini on the side looked at Oscar obsessively, and said with a smile: "Brother, Nini really wants to see you wear new clothes every day!"

"Okay! From now on, my brother will wear it for my little girl to see every day!" Oscar said dotingly, but he didn't know this sentence, which made Oscar change his dressing style, turning the black robe into a red robe.

"Nini, it's because you want to experience the feeling of getting married, but your brother is mine alone today!" said Mu Xian'er who was covered with a red cloth, Nini was thinking too much.

"My knight!"

Just when they arrived at the new house, a moving voice came.The person who came made Nini feel inferior, with a noble temperament, she felt like a phoenix aloof.

"My Royal Highness, you really surprised me. You came so timely. I plan to look for you again in a while!" Oscar replied calmly.

"Hmph!" Mu Xian'er stretched out her small hand and twisted Oscar's waist.

"Don't make trouble, Xiaoxian'er wife, I will have a bridal chamber with you later!" Oscar grabbed her hand and smiled.

"Ah bah! Whoever wants to have a bridal chamber with you, remember, you can only be mine tonight!" Mu Xian'er warned, she didn't want her man to fool around with other women during her bridal night.

"Okay!" Oscar said softly, and then sent her to the new house. If Mrs. Mu hadn't told her, only the groom could take off the red cloth, and she wanted to tear it off.

"Nini, you're watching here too!" Oscar said to the little girl who wanted to follow.

"Well, brother!" Nini replied weakly.

"Nini, why are you still following him like that!" Mu Xian'er said dissatisfiedly, Nini really has her heart set on Oscar.

"You are really cruel, you have left our mother for more than two years!" Watching Oscar come out, Princess Crescent Moon said angrily.

"You know! Why ask again?" Oscar hugged her, he really didn't have time, he just finished the game!
"Then I don't care, you don't know how much I have been wronged! When I was pregnant, my father wanted to force me to marry those noble sons casually! I am afraid that he will lose face!" Yue Ya'er complained like a little woman at this time.

"Everything is over, and, besides, I'm back! Even if you are a Title Douluo, if you want to hurt you, you must step over me!" Oscar gently wiped away the crystal clear tears for her, and comforted her.

"Pfft! That's a good deal! Among them, Oris has been secretly slandering me, and he also sent the news. I killed the person he instigated, and you can kill him for me!" Princess Crescent Moon said with a smile.It was a comfort to rest on the breast of this charming man.

"Okay! I'm just newly married now, let him live a few more days!" Oscar replied resolutely, Contra, I also want to see what level my combat power is.

"My knight, you look so good in your new clothes, if we come, it will be more exciting!" Princess Crescent Moon said with a smirk, wanting to kiss her, no matter where she is.

"Don't! No!"

Oscar also trembled at the thought, seeing her, although it was exciting, but he had already promised Mu Xian'er, that little woman who was willing to live and die with her, how could he do this.

"Why not, can't you just make up for me!" Princess Crescent Moon said coquettishly, with a greedy look.

"Do you want your man to be the kind of person who talks and doesn't count? Alright! I'll come back to you in a few days!" Oscar replied.

"Just a kiss is not enough!" Princess Yueya was disappointed, and then said pitifully.

Oscar couldn't resist, so he kissed her on the cheek and said, "My princess, let's go!"

"No, I want it here too!" Yue Ya'er laughed.

"Come on, you have come from a long way, go and take good care of your little belly first!"

Oscar was speechless, and pushed her out as he spoke, otherwise she would push her further and let him kiss her all over.

(End of this chapter)

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