Chapter 159

After sending off the Crescent Princess, Oscar re-entered the new house. The red candles were brightly beating, the curtains were all joyful, and the windows were pasted with red letters.

"Nini, do you also want to stay and have a bridal chamber together!" Oscar looked at the reluctant little girl and teased.

"Brother! Me!" Xiao Nizi quietly touched over and hugged Oscar, like a thief, and with a weak appearance, she was very cute.

"Little idiot, you are the most important thing in my brother's heart!" Oscar hugged her back, his delicate body made people feel pity, he touched her small mouth, lovingly said.

"Yeah! Brother! I wish you and Sister Xian'er a happy wedding!" Listening to Oscar's words, Xiao Nizi knew that her brother would not forget her, so she replied contentedly, and then ran out like flying.

Oscar smiled, watching the little fool run away, and with a wave of his hand, the door and window quickly closed by themselves!

Oscar slowly approached Mu Xian'er, never thought that he would get married, and in the deepest world of his consciousness, as the master said, all these things will disappear, but he felt a little bit reluctant.

"Forget it! You can't persuade the past, but you can still chase after the coming!" Oscar advised himself that future events cannot be prevented by his current strength.

"Xiao Ao, what's wrong with you?" Seeing that Oscar hadn't moved for a long time, Mu Xian'er asked with concern.

"It's okay, Xian'er, a spring night is worth a thousand dollars! We, haha!" Oscar smiled, took off the red hijab, and was shocked by this scene.

Mu Xian'er was not covered by the rosy robe, she had already grown like a lotus, and the protruding parts had been completed, but at this moment, looking at Mu Xian'er wearing a phoenix crown, Oscar was also fascinated, Pale blush, small sticky red mouth, thousands of golden threads hanging in front of her eyes, the phoenix head stands upright, under the candlelight, the golden light is shining, and I know why, a woman's life is only the most beautiful when she is married.

"Xian'er, you are so beautiful!" Oscar looked at the person in front of him, and praised from the bottom of his heart. There was still a trace of sweat on her forehead. She didn't know whether it was from nervousness or the phoenix crown.


Mu Xian'er's small mouth trembled, and she replied in a touching voice. Oscar's new clothes didn't look too bad, but there was a lack of embellishments, and her long hair was only tied with a concentric knot.

"Well, Xian'er!" Oscar replied softly, and personally untied the phoenix crown for her, and the golden Xiayi was also very charming.

"Bad guy, wait a minute, I still have to drink a cup of wine!" Mu Xianer smiled, looked at the greedy Oscar, and pushed him away with a smile. Madam Mu told her that the meaning of drinking a cup of wine is that the husband and wife will be together forever in the future. Share weal and woe!

Oscar was not in a hurry anymore, it was also a kind of enjoyment to see the charming people walking around by the candlelight like elves, there was an old saying, when the gold list was signed, it was a wedding night.

"Husband! Let's drink!" Mu Xian'er came with two red cups, smiling, revealing the dimples on both sides. She looked so charming that people couldn't bear to look away.

"Huh! Xian'er! Life after life, we will never be separated!" Oscar said suddenly, probably because he was moved by this person. Their lives have already been tied together, and this sentence is also true.

"Huh! Husband, we will never be separated!" This sentence made Mu Xianer very satisfied. Afterwards, she intertwined with Oscar, drank the glass of wine, leaned her delicate body into Oscar's arms, and the two began to linger .

The city of Suotuo celebrated with joy, the streets were brightly lit all night, and every corner was illuminated by ordinary people. They were all under the care of the city lord Mutian, which can be regarded as the good reputation accumulated by Mutian.

At this time, on the bright street, a young man in his thirties was walking leisurely. His figure was very lonely and desolate. He looked like a man who had lost his love, without a smile on his face.

"Perhaps, I really shouldn't come, but I just want to see you again, Oscar, do I really like you! Are you the nemesis of my life?" The young man said sadly, but no one responded to him, just Talk to yourself.

"Forget it, I should go back too! There is nothing worth nostalgic for!" The young man sighed, shook his head, trying to forget the charming red figure in his mind, and left overnight without saying goodbye.

Not far from Heaven Dou City, Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect Castle!

A 15-year-old girl with abnormally fair skin muttered and said dissatisfiedly: "This bad guy, you haven't looked for me for more than a month. I didn't expect you to hide from me to get married, and you didn't even bring Zhuqing with you." !"

She is Ning Rongrong, the eldest lady of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, the real Bai Fumei, but it's useless to complain, rushing over now is useless, and can't stop her.

Nanerfu City!The Mengshu family!

"So what if you get married! I'm already your woman!" A plump and charming woman said, comforting herself a bit.

In order to get rid of her dissatisfaction, she picked a lot of leaves at random, aimed at the target in the distance, and several green lights flew out like sharp weapons. She should have touched the realm where everything can be used. Remembering the bet at the beginning, the clip of her kissing, since then From then on, I started to like that guy.

Wuhun City!Pope Palace!
In the quiet hall, the wise queen sitting on the throne said, "It's better not to let Nana know about this, so as not to disturb her mind during cultivation!"

In Mu's quiet new house, no one came to disturb, but an interesting scene happened.

"Xian'er, why are you pushing me!" Oscar expressed his puzzlement, you are obviously weak and boneless, yet you still have the strength to push yourself away.

"Husband, you took all the bargains! Today you are mine!" Mu Xian'er said domineeringly, and even pounced on her.

Oscar smiled, put his slender hands on her flat belly, and massaged.

Mu Xian'er blushed, then leaned close to Oscar's ear, and said weakly: "Xiao Ao, I want to give birth to you as well!"

"Huh? Why! Isn't it great to have Xiaohua?" Oscar asked with his arms around her, is he really going to take the baby into the world?

"What's the matter, it's Nini's, I don't care, I want it too! I'm your wife!" Mu Xian'er said angrily, vowing not to give up.

Outside the red curtain, the candlelight flickered, as if even it didn't want to see this moving and beautiful picture!

(End of this chapter)

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