Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 160 My Daughter

Chapter 160 My Daughter
After the wedding banquet last night, the guests left one after another, and the Mu Mansion returned to harmony and tranquility, as if the hustle and bustle of yesterday had ceased to exist.

Inside the new house, there is a charming beauty, with white jade shoulders exposed, under the quilt, there is a faint spring light, his arms are like koalas, and he is embracing a charming man with messy hair. The man is quietly propping his head , looking at her with admiration.

After three poles in the sun, the beautiful man finally couldn't bear it anymore. This guy, I told you to toss about all night, but now it's better to stay in bed. He grabbed a lock of her beautiful hair and said teasingly: "Xian'er wife, wake up, the sun is drying your little butt!" Already!"

"Don't get up! Husband, let's go back to sleep!" The little woman pulled Oscar over again, and the two naked bodies touched together again. She seemed to like the solid feeling very much.

Oscar lifted the quilt, revealing his jade body, Mu Xianer curled up like a frightened kitten, and said dissatisfiedly, "Honey, cover me up!"

Oscar kissed tenderly, and said with a smile: "Your parents have worried a lot about you, please go and say hello first, and sleep with you later!"

"Alright then! Husband, help me get dressed!" Mu Xian'er said lazily with her arms around Oscar, her jade body fully displayed in front of him.

"Okay!" Oscar tidied up. The clothes were no longer new, but a tight-fitting cheongsam. Under Mu Xianer's teasing, he put them on clumsily for her.

I have to say that the cheongsam really showed her figure to the fullest, and her plump breasts seemed to come out. My own is much simpler, it is still a red gown, and it can't be changed anywhere. Women's clothes are really beautiful. All kinds!Men are much more monotonous!
"En! Why don't you sleep a little longer!" After drinking the tea served by the two newcomers, Madam Mu laughed.

"Mom and Dad have put so much thought into me, how can my daughter ignore the basic etiquette!" Mu Xian'er said obediently, her beautifully coiled hair at this time showed the charm of a woman.

"Cough!" Oscar was speechless, just now in the room, you didn't think so, did you, I did the hair for you.

"It seems that our fairy has really grown up! From now on, you two, let's live together!" Mu Tian said with a smile when he heard this.

"Yes, father-in-law!" Oscar saluted respectfully, not in that high-spirited way, but indifferent and calm.

"Xiao Ao, this is the gift money for getting married. You and Xian'er will need a lot of space in your future life. All the gifts from yesterday are in it!" Madam Mu smiled and took out a soul tool to store ring.

"Okay, sister-in-law!" Oscar smiled back, took the ring, and spoke words that made Mrs. Mu laugh regardless of Mu Tian's feelings.

"Xian'er, I'll let you take care of these from now on!" Oscar said, putting the ring on her finger himself.

"En!" Mu Xian'er nodded happily, and the meaning was clear.

"Father-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, in the next month, I will take Mu Xianer out for a month and live the married life alone!" Oscar said to Mu Tian and Mrs. Mu.

"Is it a honeymoon?" Mu Xian'er had heard about it a long time ago. Regardless of her parents' presence, she asked Oscar, looking forward to the honeymoon he said.

"Yeah! Don't you like it!" Oscar nodded, responding to her.

"Alright, do you want Grandpa Pu to follow you!" Mu Tian worried, although soul masters are controlled by the national sect, there are still many hidden dangers.

"No need, father-in-law, my spirit power is now level 58, and my self-protection ability is enough!" Oscar replied with a smile.

"That's it, pay attention to safety!" Mu Tian nodded and said, Oscar's strange methods, it is said that even ghost servants are difficult to track.

Oscar and Mu Xianer were about to leave, but Mrs. Mu suddenly stopped her and said, "Xiao Ao, I've also heard about the princess, she should be waiting for you! Also, men have three wives and four concubines, so treat Xian'er well." Son!"

"Don't worry! Mother-in-law!" This time, Oscar responded seriously.Then he dragged Mu Xian'er away.

Then I went to Flender's residence and served tea. The dean was the first person here to care about himself. Although he was picky, he had to say that it was the best way to train.

"Little Ao, you have also graduated, and now you have a family. Do you plan to become a teacher in the academy? You must be a high-level teacher!" After drinking tea, Flender laughed.

Oscar said with a smile: "Of course, but I have conditions!"

"Yes, the salary will give you the treatment of Zao Wou-Ki!" Flender laughed, if Zao Wou-Ki was here, he would definitely beat him to death, what about my treatment, salary increase!

"It's not about money, Dean. I plan to go out to practice in half a year. I will stay soon. My condition is that Zhuqing and the others will also become teachers and practice in the academy!" Don't forget the promotion of these little girls.

"Okay! That's the deal!" Flender laughed. Every woman in Oscar's soul power is not bad, and they are all at the high-level soul sect level, which is a profit.

The deal is settled, and Flender is about to leave, and he will be in charge of the expansion of the college!

"Brother Ao, remember, when the time comes, find me a beautiful wife!" Ma Hongjun, a fat red-haired man, trembling all over his body.

"Okay! I will!" Oscar gave him a hug, and said with a smile, he couldn't hug him, but he still wanted to laugh, let you follow Tang San, wouldn't his wife be easy to catch!

Oscar and Mu Xianer kept sending Flender out of Soto City!

"Xiao Ao, let's go back with Xian'er!" Flender said gratifiedly, this trip was not bad, seeing such a respectful side of Oscar made it all worth it.

"Dean, my salary is higher than Teacher Zhao's!" Looking at Flender who was going away, Oscar shouted teasingly.

"This kid!" Flender laughed, leading Ma Hongjun, and gradually disappeared from their sight.

Mu Mansion!A guest room for guests to rest.

"Xian'er, you go back first, ask Nini to wait for me to go back!" Oscar said to Mu Xian'er, and next, he will take a look at Princess Crescent Moon and his second child.

"Well, don't make us wait too long!" Mu Xianer said playfully, and kissed Oscar without any scruples. They were already a legitimate couple.

"Okay, let's go!" Oscar separated from her, he was really clingy, he wanted to support each of them.

A deity makes a mountain, not its altitude!The current guest room is like this. After Princess Crescent Moon moved in, the originally simple guest room became extravagant.

"Wow, haha!"

A child's laughter could be heard in the room. An elegant woman was smiling and teasing the half-year-old child in her arms.

Squeak!Oscar pushed the door, and the sound stopped abruptly!

"My knight, you are here!" the woman said lightly, but her heart was trembling, and she controlled the feeling of wanting to pounce.

"Well, Your Royal Highness!" Oscar responded to the woman with a smile, walked over, and the beauty was in his arms, which was also a comfort to her.

"Xiao Ao, does our daughter look good!" Surrounded by the familiar breath, Princess Crescent Moon trembled, and asked gently, smiling, revealing the beauty of a crescent moon.

"My daughter!" Oscar looked at the little girl in her arms. Her small mouth was slightly raised, somewhat similar to Princess Moon, and her big black jewel-like eyes blinked and blinked!
Suddenly, the rogue master's voice came from his mind, and he seemed to say in disbelief: "Wow, I really didn't expect that Xuanming Jue can really affect future generations!"

(End of this chapter)

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