Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 164 Azure Cow Python

Chapter 164 Azure Cow Python
what happened!Why does holding him make me feel like being in nature, in the clear stream? Could it be that I like him too!No!I like the third brother!In the arms of Oscar in the red robe, this pink and tender fifteen-year-old girl began to think wildly!
Oscar didn't move, he hugged this man quietly, Mu Xianer was also watching, the only curious thing was seeing Oscar hugging the girl, himself, and the other women who hugged him The action gives people a different feeling, just like the feeling of hugging between brothers and sisters.

"Brother Ao, why am I somewhat dependent on your aura!" After hugging for a while, the pink girl with long braids asked Xiao Wu.

"Because! Soul beast transformation requires human breath, and my cultivation method is based on the water attribute, and water is the source of life!" Oscar said, tickling her little nose, everything in the world is inseparable from water, And in this scene, if Tang San was there, he would definitely be looking for him desperately.

"Oh! So that's how it is!" Xiao Wu said suddenly, her face flushed slightly, she was frightened by Oscar's intimate gesture, and thought she had feelings for Oscar, the figure in the deepest part of her heart was still that simple boy.

"Okay, Xiao Wu, this is my wife Xian'er, you've seen her before! We're married, we're going out to relax, and I'll drop by to see you!" Oscar smiled, holding Mu Xian'er's little hand, and introduced.

"Hello, Xiao Wu, I took advantage last time! Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to beat you!" Mu Xianer stretched out her right hand generously, and began to talk. As for the soul beast transformation, she didn't know so much. Extremely secretive.

"Hello! You're not bad either!" Xiao Wu held her hand, and the two women looked like they didn't know each other, and they began to cherish each other, like good sisters. They had to admire Mu Xian'er's skills, and they had improved a lot.

"Haha, Xiao Wu, why don't you take us, husband and wife, to your house? We came from a long way!" Oscar said with a smile.Mu Xian'er glared at him, "It's just a few steps away from thousands of miles, and they all take a carriage.

"Er Ming!"

When Xiao Wu shouted, the gorilla bent down, and Oscar saw it clearly. It had to be said that the black hair was quite shiny, and it looked hygienic!
Er Ming said: When the girl comes back, of course she has to wash it well!
"Hee hee, my husband, it's so exciting!" Standing on the palm of the gorilla, the gorilla fell together, and the wind whistled past her ears. Mu Xian'er couldn't help hugging Oscar tightly and laughed.

Oscar muttered: "Do women like the feeling of bungee jumping!"

"What bungee jumping?" I still heard a little wind and asked curiously.

"It's nothing!" Oscar smiled mischievously, otherwise you would have to experience bungee jumping again, wouldn't you be digging your own grave!
After a while, following the gorilla and Xiao Wu, a small lake with strong aura appeared in front of them. The lake was neither big nor small, but it was more harmonious in this core area. Ripples, shimmering under the warm sunshine, a good place for the first vacation, but unfortunately, only the strong can see such a beautiful scenery, as for staying, it depends on the temper of the king of the forest.

"It's really a treasure land for retirement!" Looking at this treasure land, Oscar exclaimed happily!

"Hey, apprentice, you don't want to die! There's still a mid-level ninth-level monster in the water, and that dragon is hidden under the lake!" The voice of the rogue master came from his mind, like surprise, but also a little cautious.

"Uh! Master, isn't there a little sister protecting me!" Oscar responded with a smile, stretching his waist, looking at the pink girl, with Xiao Wu here, why should he be worried.

"Apprentice! This gorilla is barely enough. Get out the ninth-level mid-level one in the lake, and this humanoid monster. Three of them are in one pot. Give that ring to Master, and Master should be able to restore half of it!" Came from the mind. She has a lion-like tone and opens her mouth wide!

"Master, you really dare to think about it!" Oscar rolled his eyes at her. Others are satisfied with just one, so you can get three at once!Is the gorilla still reluctant!

"Don't be afraid! Good apprentice, even if the injured dragon comes out, I can take you and your little girl away as a teacher!" Her domineering voice came from her mind, this is a tempting mom, three A 10-year soul bone, cough cough!


A shocking cow cry brought Oscar back to his senses. Its call was as powerful as the Titan Great Ape, and on top of it, a giant figure leaned out and covered the small core area. Only a weak The sun shone around, and a pair of bull-headed shadows with horns appeared.

"Damn it! Why is it so big!"

Oscar said rudely, pulled Mu Xian'er, saw it clearly, there was only one head, it was so big, how did Bibi Dong kill the two of their brothers and flee, the six Titled Douluo shouldn't have Ah, it should kill one or two with a flick of it.

"Humans, get out of here quickly!"

The huge bull's head speaks out, its majesty and majesty cannot be offended, the huge horns are extremely scary, and the mane under the cow's neck is bright green, and the blue scales are covered with blue scales, each of which is very crystal clear. It has a name that shocks the mainland—— Azure Bull Python!
"Da Ming, he is my friend, he came to see me!" Xiao Wu stood up and shouted, compared with her tiny figure, Oscar thought, these two big guys like Xiao Wu, could this be the elephant and the ant Is it love, ah bah, is Xiao Wu still a big rabbit?Regardless of Tianqing Niuban, Oscar was thinking wildly, and suddenly felt that he was gossip.

"That doesn't work either, Er Ming, send them away!" the big soul beast with the body of a giant bull and snake ordered.Very resolute, Xiao Wu's face was useless, and the giant ape moved.

"Are you afraid of me! Sky blue bull python!" Oscar replied bluntly, it had already been implemented, this guy seemed to be guarding something, and when Di Tian came, he was also guarding every inch of it.

"Hmph, human beings like ants, how can I be afraid of you! Get out of the forest quickly!" The sky blue bull python replied contemptuously, if you don't move, you are giving my sister face.

"Oh, if I hang on, what will you do to me, old cow!" Oscar laughed, completely ignoring its majesty.

"Hey! Then I have to send you away forcibly. As for the casualties, I don't care!" Lao Niu said slightly, unexpectedly, he was provoked by a human being who didn't even have a title.

The cyan snake's body completely exposed the surface of the lake and roared towards Oscar. Oscar was unafraid of the invisible coercion, and his feet had already sunk into the mud, reaching his ankles.He was waiting, wanting to see his position in Xiao Wu's heart, whether she would stop the Azure Bull Python for himself.

"Ming dynasty!"

A pink figure in front of Oscar blocked the giant bull, Oscar smiled, unexpectedly, Xiao Wu was still very affectionate, thinking at this moment, I'm covering this sister!

(End of this chapter)

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