Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 165 The First Meal of the Picnic

Chapter 165 The First Meal of the Picnic

In the huge forest, an embarrassing scene happened at this time. A big blue bull-headed snake with eyes as big as copper bells was staring at the figure of a pink girl in front of her. Behind her figure was a charming man in a red robe. Behind the man was another woman hugging him, a black and beautiful gorilla, as if watching a play from the sidelines.

"Okay, Tianqing Niuban, I'll stay here for a month, and it's also good for Xiao Wu, what do you think!" Finally, the beautiful man stood up to break the embarrassing situation, he must not let his plan fail.

"Ming dynasty!"

Xiao Wu called out to that pink and tender fifteen-year-old girl again, her eyes flickering at the bull-headed giant snake in front of her, begging!
"Hey! Well, it's up to you!" The huge snake retracted into the lake, and the Azure Bull Python finally compromised and sighed.

The tranquil lake surface reappeared, and Mu Xianer poked her head out and asked, "Xiao Wu, why did they listen to you!"

"Xian'er, why are you struggling so much!" Oscar patted her little head and said, this time there is no danger, there is no need to go to war, but here, it is much better than going on vacation outside, quiet and safe!

"Brother Ao, where's the news about the third brother!"

At this time, Xiao Wu asked Oscar again, she finally knew why, Oscar said to stop and tell her, she also vaguely knew that Da Ming seemed to be guarding something, even if he usually chatted, he just poked his head out That's all.

"Little San! He is training with his father. For you, he has suffered so much. His soul power has been sealed, and he keeps practicing hammering under the waterfall every day!" , Training with his dad is right.

"Well! I can't be left behind in the future!" Xiao Wu's face began to become firm, recalling what Tang Hao said when they left, only when they have the ability to protect themselves can they meet again.

"Okay, that's all for the basics!" Oscar finally shrugged his shoulders. Apart from going to the Slaughter City for training and being accompanied by Hu Liena, it seemed that they were all together.

"Well, thank you, Brother Ao!" Xiao Wu was very satisfied after hearing this, and replied gratefully, including thanking Oscar for taking the risk to see her, her face turned red, and she dared not look at Oscar.

"It's okay, Xiao Wu, I have a surprise for you later, but I'm well prepared!" Oscar said to Xiao Wu with a smile.

At the beginning, I moved out the kitchen utensils from the black thread bracelet, a large pot, a simple kitchen seat, and flint, for making a fire, and what else!Hey hey hey, a lot of carrots, the exclusive taste of rabbits!

"Honey, why are they all vegetarian! And they're carrots!" Mu Xian'er looked at the pile of carrots, wondering if he was here to catch little white rabbits!Making up the knife in time made Xiao Wu feel warm in her heart.

"Eat more vegetarians and stay healthy!"

Oscar simply replied to her, how can there be so many reasons, take care of vegetarians!Otherwise, why not eat roasted rabbit meat in front of Xiao Wu!I really want to try it!

"Oh! Then why are so many vegetarian dishes all carrots?" Mu Xian'er began to ask, picked up two green loofahs, washed them on the lake, then handed one to Xiao Wu, and the two sisters began to gnaw.

"Hee hee, Brother Ao, thank you!" Xiao Wu looked at the pile of carrots and said with a smile, she was bored in the forest by herself, and she missed Tang San, Da Ming and Er Ming wouldn't let her leave.

"It's okay, I'll let you try Aoge's skills! Xian'er, you and Xiao Wu start training, whoever loses will not be allowed to eat!"

Oscar laughed and said, killing two birds with one stone, Xiao Wu can also touch the popularity of himself and Mu Xianer, Xiao Wu's strong attack type, and Mu Xianer's sensitive attack type, some of them are playing tricks.

Xiao Wu didn't know Oscar's intention, it was to help herself train, and also to help Mu Xian'er train, and then started to activate the soul ability.

"Sister Xian'er, be careful! The second soul skill, Charm!"

As Xiao Wu said, a red light flashed out of her eyes, Mu Xian'er was still a beat behind, already bewildered, Xiao Wu's first soul skill Waist Bow was activated.

"It seems that in the future, I will find a spiritual defense head soul bone for Xian'er, otherwise I will be unable to defend against these weird spiritual attacks!" Looking at Mu Xian'er's flaws, Oscar muttered, and Zhu Zhuqing also wanted to one.

"White Ape Transformation!"

Just when Xiao Wu caught Mu Xian'er, Mu Xian'er's big move came on. The ape transformation was similar to the white tiger King Kong transformation, and it was strengthened in all aspects. Mu Xian'er, who had a higher soul power than Xiao Wu, had an advantage of.After the competition, Xiao Wu's spirit power is the lowest among the seven monsters. She has just broken through, from level 41 to level 42, and it's only been a month. level up.

"I have to say, watching girls fight is also a kind of enjoyment!" Oscar smiled, quickly slicing radish, cucumber, and, of course, potato shreds, haha!

The water used for washing pots and cooking is the fresh water that comes with it. Although the dishes fried with the aura of the lake water will be more fragrant, Oscar doesn't want to drink the bath water of a python. He doesn't know if it is fishy or not.

After a while, the food was fragrant, and the two of them were sweating profusely, outlining Mu Xianer's exquisite curves very well, and Oscar took out a small table for four.

The soul beasts outside the core area started to riot, but they didn't dare to set foot here. The king of the forest is not the one they dare to provoke.

"Okay, you two take a break and prepare to eat, the first meal of the picnic!"

Oscar said with a smile, Xiao Wu lacks spirit power, but the flash and golden body are enough for Mu Xianer to drink a pot, making people feel that Xiao Wu is more like the agility attack type.

"What kind of picnic!" Mu Xianer asked curiously again, seeing Oscar say something new, she would learn a little bit.

"It's cooking and eating in the wild! Little greedy cat!"

Oscar said with a smile, he did not provide the big recovery sausage, and there was also spiritual energy treatment, because the center of the lake of life is full of spiritual energy, allowing them to recover naturally, the effect is better, and it is conducive to the improvement of soul power.

After a while, Mu Xian'er couldn't bear it first, and went to the table to eat, and then Xiao Wu followed, also curious about what Oscar did, it was so delicious!
"Hoo hoo! Delicious!" Mu Xian'er didn't care if it was hot or not, and began to stuff it into her mouth, looking like a real snack.

Xiao Wu looked at the three combinations of red, green and yellow dishes, and there were dots of green, red, and red millet pepper powder in it, which greatly increased people's appetite, and the amount of Oscar's seasoning was just right. After taking the rice scooped by Oscar .


She tasted a piece of shredded radish, neither salty nor bland, moderate in taste, and not spicy, which made her exhale.

"It's delicious! That's why I'm so lucky to marry him!"

Mu Xian'er said something nonsensical, Xiao Wu smiled, and saw that the two were really a good match, one was bold and straightforward, and had a smart smile, Oscar was more feminine, and more charming than a woman.

this day!It passed like this again, challenged the Titan giant ape, felt the coercion of the Azure Bull Python, thought, it should be more than 40 years old, and now it is generally described as 10 years.

It was successfully carried out, the first meal of the forest honeymoon!
(End of this chapter)

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