Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 170 A successful conclusion

Chapter 170 A successful conclusion
Star Dou Forest, dressed in a festive Oscar, just finished fooling his little wife, and then under the guidance of the rogue master, he started to draw ghost symbols. He drew on the ground a few times, crooked, like several earthworms writhing, unbearable Into the eye!

"Okay, it's almost done! I'll help guide you later!" The master in his mind couldn't stand it anymore, and reminded him directly that he felt a little dizzy when he saw the deed it drew.

"You should have said it earlier! Master, you made me think about it for so long!" Oscar responded, really, he obviously copied all the answers!I have to spend so much brain power on my own, alas!
"Honey, what did you draw? It's so ugly!" Mu Xian'er approached Oscar and asked, not forgetting to make up for it!

"Can't you see it! Ghost drawing talisman, haha! Xian'er, just wait a while!" Oscar teased her with a smile, saying it was ugly, but he still asked when it was so obvious.

After a while, Oscar's blood flowed, suspended in front of his eyes, like small streams, and began to form strange deeds, the blood was still green, this is not the point, the point is!

"Damn it! Master, if you didn't say it earlier, you would have to let me bleed if you accepted a spiritual pet!" Oscar exclaimed, it was all his own blood!His face was slightly pale, and so much blood was spilled, what a deceitful master!

"I can't bear the fact that the child can't be tied to a wolf! The first time is raw and the second time is familiar, next time you don't need so much blood! Haha!" Seeing Oscar's embarrassment, the beauty master laughed.

And next time?Oscar thought, for a while!Contract made!It is a simple and unsophisticated figure, which contains dozens of deeds, star charts, and rune lines!
"Quick! Break into it's body and recite the spell!" The master in his mind reminded, success or failure depends on one action.

"The contract of the spiritual knot, my glory is your glory! When I live, you will live; if I die, you will perish! Go!" Oscar read, and his handprints were printed.

"Woo! Woo!"

The three-eyed golden lion seemed to be bound in the end, struggling unwillingly, its front paws, grasping deeply like dirt, its sharp teeth bared ferociously, shining extremely brightly.

"Husband!" Mu Xian'er didn't know what Oscar was doing, looking at the seemingly crazy little Jin Ni, she was a little scared, approaching her man, seeking a sense of security.

"It's okay! I plan to subdue it!" Oscar comforted her weakly, expressing his approach!
"Conquer! Husband, are you okay!" Mu Xian'er said in surprise and worry. Captive breeding of soul beasts is common, subduing them is tantamount to nonsense. Oscar also shed a lot of blood at that time, and she didn't dare to fight break him.

"Don't worry, your husband and I are strong and strong!" Oscar smiled, this word is completely opposite to his body, not strong! .

"It's done, congratulations, good apprentice! As long as you don't play too hard, you will be lucky! Go out and pick up money, and you won't die if you jump off a cliff!" The master in his mind said happily, with this, Oscar That's an extra layer of protection!Luck is a kind of invisible and intangible thing. For example, if someone dies, he will not die. It is also a kind of luck, and it is also true if he picks up a soul bone or something!
The three-eyed golden lion began to stand up again, and slowly shrank, turning into a palm-sized miniature golden lion, which floated into Oscar's sea of ​​consciousness, and seemed to have completely disappeared!

"Master, what's going on here?" Oscar asked in amazement, he had never seen it before, and he could become smaller, but he didn't feel the breath of the sea of ​​consciousness Jinyi.

"The spirit pet is like this. You can make it smaller, or you can make it back to its original form. You have ravaged him, and now it is hidden in a small space in your sea of ​​consciousness. It's time to restore your mood!" Master taught earnestly. .

"Uh! Can I summon it out!" Oscar asked, otherwise it has been hiding, what's the use of having it!
The beautiful master smiled and said: "It is possible, but now, you let people be quiet!"

"Honey, where's the little lion!" Mu Xian'er was also very curious to see the changes in Jin Ni, until she disappeared.

"It's gone home to find its mother!" Oscar laughed, and after the black mist dispersed, he led Mu Xian'er back.

"Who captured Jin Ni, don't let me know, I will wash it with your blood..."

There was a terrifying sound coming from the depths of the forest. Oscar did not know about it. The three-eyed golden beast took it away by himself!
A small town not far from the Star Dou Forest!

"Uncle Bai, thank you!" A young man said to a simple and honest uncle.

"It's okay, I'm making money to support my family! Haha!" The uncle seemed to have something happy, always with a smile on his face.

Just as he was about to leave the small town, he was stopped by a young couple.

"Oh! It's your young couple!" Uncle Bai smiled when he saw that it was the former Oscar couple.

"Haha, I didn't expect Uncle Bai to remember our husband and wife!" Oscar laughed, the red robe made people look weird, but festive.

Uncle Bai boasted: "Of course, you are the most handsome man I have ever seen, uncle, and your little wife is the same. It's hard to forget!"

"Haha, Uncle Bai, are you ready to go back? We're done relaxing, and we're ready to go back, I don't know!" Oscar said with a smile.

"It's okay, get in the car, I didn't have time to find you for the money last time, let's count it this time!" Uncle Bai said very straightforwardly, if Oscar didn't stop him, he really wanted to settle the money.

"Husband, do you think I'm very..." A charming woman with a charming figure asked a good-looking man in a hotel in a small town.

"Little fool, you are just afraid that I have too many women, and I will neglect you in the future. Don't worry, your husband is not that kind of person! We will almost arrive in Soto City soon!" The good-looking man comforted him, blaming himself for not taking the initiative. up.

Soto City, a bustling street!

A charming young couple walking down the street!
"Master, are you sure you have a treasure!" Oscar dragged his little wife who wanted to get home quickly, looking for the "treasure", and couldn't believe that he would have such good luck just taking Jin Ni away.

An unassuming little stall!A dark lump the size of a newborn baby, black and shiny, because the stall is asking for tens of thousands of dollars, but no one cares about it.

"Boss, how do you sell this piece of ore?"

Just when he thought that no one would buy it, a red shadow appeared, and when he raised his eyes to see clearly, he sighed, what a beautiful man, and the woman in the light yellow dress is also unusual, with a plump figure and full of charm.

"Cough! Boss!" Oscar coughed, his voice was a little cold, this guy, looking at my wife in front of me, believe it or not, I'll beat you up.

"Fifty thousand gold coins! The price is the same!" The boss insisted.

"Hey!" Oscar took out a stored-value card and gave it to him, and put away the shiny black metal directly. He secretly rejoiced and sent it. The black iron concentrate, the weapons made are all cut iron like mud, and are conceived with spiritual energy. If it is made, at least it can become a low-level spiritual weapon!

In a while, Mufu!
"elder brother!"

Regardless of everyone else, a weak and weak woman rushed into the chest of the man in red, sniffing his scent, and felt relieved.

"Okay, little girl! My brother is back!" Oscar stroked her hair, comforting her, and this trip has come to a successful conclusion.

(End of this chapter)

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