Chapter 171

At this time, in a huge mansion, a table of five people was having dinner happily, just like an ordinary family. next to it.

"Stinky boy, do you still dare to come!" The middle-aged man stimulated the young man and said, he is Mu Tian, ​​who is the lord of Suotuo City!
"Why don't you dare! My son-in-law can only risk his life to accompany the gentleman! Tsk tsk, father-in-law, how much wine do you have? Give me some!"

Oscar couldn't bear to poke at such a low-end provocative method, but he was also moved by fine wine, so why not dare, now that his two little girls are here, I'm afraid of you!
"I'll just collect this little, and I'll give you ten or so altars when the time comes, you really need it!" Mu Tian said proudly, this is brewed with a secret recipe handed down from his ancestors!Knowing that there are quite a few Oscar women, besides envy is jealousy!
"It's extremely, it's extremely, it's still my father-in-law who is generous and really heroic!" Oscar flattered him again, and gave me ten jars for this little collection, you will be drunk if you don't drink it!
"Mom!" Mu Xian'er recalled that day a little bit, she also looked like that at that time, she said to Mrs. Mu, I hope she can persuade her!
It's the same this time, Madam Mu didn't persuade, but said with a joke: "Hey, our little princess is still afraid! Don't you want to!"

In the end, the son-in-law and the son-in-law drank two jars of fine wine again, and Oscar was not as embarrassed as last time, but the two young ladies must be fed tonight. I have to say, the medicine is quite strong , I don’t know if there will be any sequelae if I drink too much!

In this way, apart from dealing with some government affairs, Mu Tian had a drink with his son-in-law. Oscar also stayed in Mu's house for four or five days. Mu Xianer was very angry and gave him to Nini!
outside the city!Parting scene!

"Boy, your achievements will not be lower than mine in the future, take good care of Xian'er!" Mu Tian said reluctantly, raising his daughter for so many years, he still ran away with other men!
"Okay, brother Tian, ​​you are still so wordy, so we can live in a world of two people, I don't know when it will be, we can hug a grandson!" Mrs. Mu pushed Mu Tian and said, and watched With a glance at Oscar, he wondered if her daughter had succeeded in the past month.

Oscar looked around leisurely, pretending to be stupid, he still wanted children, let's wait a few years, he didn't want to bring so many children!

The capital of the Kingdom of Barak!Barrack City!
"Stinky husband! You still want to find your princess!" Mu Xianer tugged on Oscar's arm in dissatisfaction, and said angrily.On the other side, Nini pulled quietly. For a month, she also wanted to spend time alone with her brother.

"Oh! Let's go on the way!" Oscar said with a sneer. After the meeting, he still has to go and see Meng Yiran. The little girl is good. I don't know how that kid Oswald is doing!

In the quiet small courtyard, the woman inside the curtain carefully took care of the half-year-old child. Looking at the child, it was like seeing the man she was thinking of.

"Lin Wanjun, it's interesting. My knight, you are really powerful. Even the daughter of a rich family who pays attention to etiquette falls in love with you!" Princess Yueya smiled, which also proved that she has a good vision. She came here in person when she was in the limelight. Ask yourself to inquire about him!

"Beautiful man! Mr... oh!" A maid in the small courtyard wanted to exclaim, but was covered by a red and festive figure.

"Hush, Xiaoyu, if you alarm the princess, I'll make her sell you out!" Oscar covered the little mouth of the little maid Xiaoyu, threatening, not seeing each other for more than a year, the little maid became more and more interesting.

"Beautiful man, Xiaoyu dare not!" The little maid trembled, what they fear most is being betrayed, because wherever they are betrayed, they will be afraid, where they have no right to choose, they are instructed by others to sell their bodies!

"Well, Xiaoyu, you are so obedient!" Oscar laughed, let go of her hand covering her little mouth, and did not forget to move her little chin to make the little maid shy. This intimate movement aroused someone dissatisfaction.

"Honey, it's not enough to have us, you don't even let the maids go!" Mu Xian'er pinched her little hand, causing Oscar's waist to ache!Oscar wanted to say that Xiao Huan Xiao Xi is also good.

"Hee hee, sister Xian'er, brother just likes to play!" Xiao Nizi rescued, Oscar was very grateful, marrying a wife like this, what more can a husband ask for!

After a while, I saw the charming and noble woman in the curtain, Princess Crescent Moon, dressed in a golden gown, his plump figure, the charm of being a first-time mother, every movement is so attractive, recalling, especially her The skillful technique is beyond parry for most people!
"Fortunately, I followed!" Mu Xian'er said angrily. She never expected that Princess Crescent Moon would be so charming. Could it be that having children would be so different from having no children?

"You guys are here, sit down! Xiaoyu! Serve tea!" Princess Yueya said in the middle of the curtain, with an elegant and graceful manner.

"Yes!" The little maid Xiaoyu replied with a blushing face, and began to prepare tea.

"My Royal Highness, perhaps, our next move can be made!" Oscar replied with a smile, Oris, it's time to charge some interest!Yue Ya'er actually likes it, so make her a queen!

"Don't worry, the child just fell asleep, and, my knight, I really miss it!" Princess Crescent Moon put down the child lightly, and came down with her bare feet. Only then did Oscar realize that her feet were so beautiful and well cared for. Well, it's full of elasticity, and the small courtyard is very clean, and there are no dirt particles when walking. Oscar thought, why there are no such things as socks.

"Sister Xian'er, do you mind!" Princess Crescent Moon pressed into Oscar's arms and asked his wife provocatively.

"I don't mind, but it's strange to have a beautiful and noble princess like you. I'm very proud. My husband is so good! If you want to come, you should call me sister!" Mu Xianer replied flatly, praising her. You can't call your husband casually, but she can!Moreover, it smells like gunpowder!

Oscar didn't even realize that the little wife was so aggressive, looking at the beauty in front of him, he could only swallow dryly.

"Xiaoyu is so good, the tea is served very quickly!" Seeing the little maid prepare the tea, Oscar broke the embarrassing situation.Holding Nini, if the two of them want to quarrel, maybe they can drink tea and enjoy it at the same time.

"Xiaoyu, go down!" Princess Yueya also ordered, there is no need for her to disturb here, Xiaoyu is very smart, she retreated, and stayed outside the small courtyard to obey orders.

"My knight, what are your plans! It shouldn't be too long!"

Princess Crescent Moon asked, the dumbfounding scene, Mu Xian'er was forgotten, and this little girl who looked like the little girl next door was tightly hugging Oscar's arms, the two women looked like they had the same hatred for her!
(End of this chapter)

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