Chapter 176
No amount of sowing, no reaping, at this time, a secluded courtyard, a festive man dressed in red, has just harvested a plump and charming woman, but he still needs to work several more times!
"Zhuqing!" Hong Ying entered the room of the ice beauty, for this cold but extremely fiery woman, she must nourish herself!
"Lingling!" Soon, Hong Ying entered a room full of flower fragrance again, full of love, the fragrance of crabapple!
"Xiao Nizi!" Then, Hong Ying touched a simple and fragrant room again, and Nini called out to her brother in admonishment! !
"Xian'er wife!" Finally, Hong Ying returned to the main wife's room, and called out again. Oscar said that they were all tigers.

"Hmph! It's all rewarded, mine!" Mu Xian'er said with the attitude of a little she-wolf, other women have eaten meat, how could she let it go!

"Uh! Mrs. Xian'er, can it be tomorrow!" Oscar said with a wry smile, too many women is not a good thing!
"No!" Mu Xian'er said firmly.In the end, what Mu Xian'er said could not be, that is, let him hug her to sleep, Oscar was very helpless, this sweet wife is so good at acting, he even fooled himself.

In this way, three days passed, Oscar enjoyed it very much, and Ye Lingling, Xiao Nizi was teasing the children in the yard, Mu Xianer and Zhu Zhuqing went to settle their grievances, and Jiang Zhu pondered the magical effect of Star Map.

"Haha! Xiaohua, you lost again!" Oscar teased the child, his chubby little hands were a little red, Oswald wanted to protest, babbling, but his little hands were still being held up by the bad dad , was photographed on the back of the hand again.

"Brother Ao! The dean told you to come over!" After a while, a red-haired meatball appeared at the gate of the courtyard and shouted with a smile.

"Oh! What's the matter?" Oscar asked. It should be a good thing for the picky dean to find him.

Ma Hongjun replied: "I don't know either, the teacher must have something for you to do!"

Shrek Academy Dean's Office!

"Little Ao! It's been two or three days since you came back! Are you planning to go to work? Now the academy is out of action!" said a middle-aged man who was drinking some delicious tea.

"Uh! Dean, if you have anything to say, just tell me!" Oscar replied, knowing that there was nothing good, if you want me to go to class, aren't you afraid that the female students will go crazy!Moreover, if you can't spare your hand, are you still drinking tea leisurely!

"Cough! It's nothing serious. By the way, Xiao Ao, how much soul power do you have now?" Flender asked suddenly.

"I just broke through level [-], and I haven't obtained a soul ring yet!" Oscar said leisurely, waiting for the giant pit to appear.

"Well, it's level 17, what are you talking about! Level [-]!" Flender was so leisurely that he was shocked, how did he cultivate, he is the soul emperor, he is not yet [-] years old!

After being shocked, Flender smiled and said, "Cough! Xiao Ao, you know that the academy needs to expand now, and there is no room for it. Now there are a group of students, all of whom are at level [-]. Tomorrow, you and Hongjun will bring a few of them to obtain Get a soul ring!"

"Okay!" Oscar was speechless. They all belonged to his juniors, so he just went to the Sunset Forest. His sixth spirit ring, which the rogue master asked for, was a 7-year spirit beast. Find something that advanced.

the next day!
Oscar brought the fat guy, but this guy held his head high and his chest high, he looked like he was showing his prestige in the academy a lot!

Three men and two women were already waiting, and they were very excited because they got the news from a fat man that Senior Ao was the team leader this time.

"Wow! Senior Ao is so beautiful!" Seeing the festive appearance of Oscar with long hair fluttering, the five nearly 20-year-old students exclaimed. They are considered geniuses in the academy, and it's hard to admire someone like this.

"Ding Cheng! This time you are the captain! Alright, let's go!" Oscar said majesticly, showing the momentum of a teacher.

"Yes! Teacher!" The first student on the right, who was stronger, replied.

Afterwards, a group of seven people set off from Tiandou City to the Sunset Forest, which is the closest to the imperial capital!
Somewhere in a small town!

"You can make arrangements separately. All the expenses outside the school will be borne by the students themselves!" Oscar said seriously, suddenly feeling that it is quite interesting to lead students.

"Ao Xue, teacher, come and have dinner with us!" Captain Ding Cheng said, looking forward to it.

"No, fat man, let's go!" After Oscar finished speaking, he booked a room with Ma Hongjun. As far as students were concerned, their arrangement was just like that at that time!
"Oh! What a pity!" A pure and lovely girl in a white dress sighed.The rest of them are all like this. Senior Ao is so beautiful, it's a pleasure to look at!

"Okay, Weiwei, let's share one room! The boys let them squeeze in one room!" Another girl in a green dress laughed.

The next day was gray, Oscar asked Ma Hongjun to wake them up, the plan of the day was in the morning, young man, why sleep so much!

Sunset Forest!

"Ding Cheng! Lead the team! Quan Gong, Shanhaiguan, you are in charge of protecting and assisting Wan Xiangyan, Deng Weiwei, and scouting the environment! You can only rely on yourself now, and you and I, senior Hongjun, will not take it lightly unless you Life is in danger!" Oscar arranged for several students to say.

Deng Weiwei's martial soul is Wind Chaser, a great soul master of the agility department, three male students, two are from the assault department, one is defensive, and Wan Xiangyan is a blue flower martial soul, The auxiliary effect is excellent.

"Yes! Teacher!" The five students shouted, looking arrogant and high-spirited.

In the big forest, half a day has passed!Several students are still moving forward.

"Screw rustle!"

After a while, there was movement from the lush bushes, and suddenly, a huge black shadow of five or six meters came!
"What are you looking at! Can't defend yourself!"

Oscar slapped, repelled the black shadow and said, these great soul masters, it's not the first time they have come to the forest, the teacher who leads the team, you still have to cheer up!They are all the flowers of the academy!
"Teacher, I'm sorry!" Ding Cheng, as the captain, admitted his mistake very honestly!
"Forget it, the shadow chimpanzee that was attacked just now is nearly a thousand years old, it is not suitable for you, remember, after you graduate, you may all face the problem of hunting soul rings yourself, only by being vigilant at all times can you survive, you know! "Oscar said, this class is very worthwhile.

"Yes! Teacher!" Several people became vigilant. Oscar didn't know what he said. In the end, he helped them so much. No matter how much he taught in the academy, there was no atmosphere like the death just now, which made people understand!
"Captain! Not far ahead is a rock beast about 300 years old! It's a defensive mountain and sea beast spirit suitable for Shanhai Pass!" Deng Weiwei whispered, afraid of disturbing the giant rock beast.

"You guys know how to do it!" Oscar said, and several people nodded in excitement.

"Black Tiger Possession!" Ding Cheng's two yellow soul rings lit up, and his body was covered in black hair, exuding the aura of a beast king!

"Mountain and Sea Beast! Possessed!" Compared with Ding Cheng, Shanhaiguan's martial soul is much weirder. Mainland martial souls are full of strange things. Even the master can't guarantee to know all the martial souls. This should be the reason why he can pass the examination!

Quan Gong's is a blood-colored giant knife, a knife-like weapon with a martial soul, which is very rare, and he can still cultivate to the level of a soul master. Deng Weiwei's body is covered with blue feathers, and Wan Xiangyan's two soul rings light up, with a clear color and fragrance of flowers Floating out, the soul power and defense of teammates have been improved.

The battle between the five great soul masters and the thousand-year-old rock beast is about to start!
(End of this chapter)

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