Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 177 The teacher is amazing

Chapter 177 The teacher is amazing

"Rock Shield!"

boom!A stone shield that suddenly appeared blocked the attack of a lizard spirit beast with rock scales, making Ding Cheng, who was fighting, immune from the attack and relieved.

Shanhaiguan's special martial spirit, the first soul skill is to add a shield defense to oneself, and the second soul skill is to create a shield for teammates, the defense is top-notch!
"Damn it! The second soul skill, black tiger's heart!" Behind the shield, Ding Cheng's second soul ring lit up, and he struck out with sharp claws like tiger claws, really digging out his heart.

"Ugh! Heihu took his heart out, not bad! Not bad!"

Oscar, who was watching the battle, said with a smile, the martial spirits of these students are all unique and outstanding. The scene now is like how they dealt with the cockscomb snake at the beginning. Of course, Zao Wou-ki still needs to suppress it in the end!
"What kind of spirit is this flower!" Looking at the huge blue flower in Wan Xiangyan's hand, Oscar was very puzzled.

"Blood crack!"

After Ding Chengheihu's heart was fruitless, a scarlet knife shadow attacked the rock beast, and Quan Gong also made a move!

boom!A bang!A knife mark was left on the back of the huge rock beast, which showed that Quan Gong's attack was not bad, but it was a rock beast!

"This group of guys have so much soul power, and their soul skills are all thrown around, won't they look for weaknesses!" Oscar said dissatisfiedly, holding his forehead.

"Green You Claw!"

Deng Weiwei, the great soul master of the sensitive attack department, also made a move, and the first soul skill Qing Youbu accelerated!The second soul skill, claw attack!Only after attacking the rock beast's eyes, Oscar nodded, this is a bit clever, other men like hammering stones!

Half an hour passed, and the five of them fought for half an hour. They all tried their best, but this spirit beast was too tough!It means I can't move!

"Fatty, you're almost level 44, why don't you go and try?" Oscar said with a smile, looking at this big meaty ball, it's good to let him move around.

"Hehe! Brother Ao understands me. In fact, there are quite a lot of female students in our college!" Ma Hongjun laughed, ready to show off his skills in front of the students!
"Haha! Fatty, is this rock beast so easy to burn!" Looking at the proud Ma Hongjun, Oscar muttered, not hiding the smile at the corner of his mouth at all, it's Ma Hongjun who hasn't been in the pit for a long time!
"Burning Phoenix!"

Ma Hongjun radiated red flames all over his body, startling the five students, it was a purple soul ring!Ma Hongjun's four soul rings, two yellow and two purple, lit up, looking very cool!

"Phoenix FireWire!"

Ma Hongjun then lit up the first soul skill, and a flame spewed out from his mouth!


The rock beast was burned red by the flames, roared, and couldn't get rid of it, and gradually began to go berserk, with brown eyes staring at Ma Hongjun, it was this person who made him feel unceasingly painful!

"Senior Hong Jun is so amazing!" The eyes of the five students twinkled like stars, full of envy, thinking, after returning this time, they should all have a thousand-year soul ring!
"I have a mushroom sausage!"

"Hongjun, next, mushroom sausage!" Oscar quietly made a mushroom sausage, then shouted and threw it at Ma Hongjun, and then shouted to Ding Cheng and the others: "Ding Cheng, lead the team to retreat!"

"Boom!" Just as the five of Ding Cheng retreated, the frenzied rock beast rushed over and slapped it!Ma Hongjun ate the sausage and started to fly.

This small team of five is pretty good, but it lacks a control system, considering the importance of the brain!

"Wow! Senior Hongjun can fly!" Shanhaiguan exclaimed, when they retreated, they didn't notice Oscar's spirit ring!
"Auxiliary role!" Ding Cheng said, Wan Xiangyan also looked at Oscar, and his heart trembled suddenly, what a beautiful person, I can never get tired of watching it, and I really want my own martial soul, which can assist in flying, but, then No, the blue and white martial spirit can only emit the fragrance of flowers, and there are very few spirit beasts that can bestow flight!

"Really! It's amazing!" Deng Weiwei smiled playfully, a bit wretched!The other three boys don't understand, they are all adults!
Wan Xiangyan blushed and said angrily, "Weiwei, I didn't expect you to be such a girl, break up with me!" After she finished speaking, she agreed in her heart, cough!The more I think about it, the redder my face becomes!
"Cough! Cough!" Oscar was choked, his face darkened, you, what kind of student!So open-minded, but indeed, it is quite powerful!Ha ha!

The three male students were all watching Ma Hongjun's battle, and the on-site combat teaching was beneficial to them all. Only the two female students were secretly watching Teacher Mei!
Oscar "elegantly" recited the spell, his voice was very low, and five soul rings, two yellow, one purple, two black, lit up!

"Soul King! Two ten-thousand-year soul rings!" The two women blushed and exclaimed. Although Oscar's voice was very low, why couldn't the two female students who focused on him hear him!They only saw Oscar's soul ring now, and they were shocked again!

"Teacher, good, it's amazing!" The three male students turned their heads and were also stunned. Oscar, the senior of the Shrek Seven Devils, is actually the soul king at such a young age. It's not a rumor, it's what he saw with his own eyes!
"Fatty, make a quick decision!" Throwing two sausages, I have used up my fourth soul skill, Fatty, if you still can't turn it over after you activate Berserk, you just quit the group!

"Okay!" Ma Hongjun caught the two sausages and stuffed them into his mouth, his soul power recovered, all attributes became the strongest, plus the suppression of the martial soul!

"Want to run! Chains of doom!"

Oscar saw that the scarred rock beast wanted to escape, several black lights flashed out, the students couldn't see what it was, they could only hear the clanging sound.

"Misfortune erosion!" Trapped the rock beast, the black chain broke its powerful defensive scales.

"Shanhai Pass, it's yours now, stab it through the eyeball!" Oscar said, and took out a sharp dagger for him.

"Yes! Teacher!" Seeing that Oscar subdued the rock beast as soon as he made a move, he admired him very much, and said respectfully after recovering.

"How is it possible! Teacher, do you have two martial spirits!" Deng Weiwei, a bold girl, asked in disbelief.

"It's not my martial soul, it's just my weapon!" Oscar laughed. In fact, it's almost the same as the martial soul. The chain of doom is his natal spiritual weapon, and the Xuanming sword is his natal fairy weapon!
"Pfft!" The rock beast with empty eyes was finally relieved, and a gorgeous purple soul ring appeared!
The student Quan Gong said: "I envy Shanhaiguan, it turns out to be the first among us to become a soul master!"

Ding Cheng patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "We can do it soon!"

An hour later, Shanhaiguan successfully absorbed the spirit ring, and was very grateful to Oscar.Hun Zun, he is the one, bowed to Oscar: "Teacher, thank you!"

"En! Congratulations, you have stepped out of the most important threshold of a soul teacher!" Oscar said with a slight smile, as a teacher also hopes that students will be outstanding.Next, continue to look for other people's soul rings!

(End of this chapter)

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