Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 178 Green Shadow Sable

Chapter 178 Green Shadow Sable

Sunset Forest!

At this time, the forest is as its name suggests, the sun has set, and Oscar and his party of seven have not yet found a second suitable soul beast!

"Ding Cheng! We're going to camp in the Sunset Forest today, you make arrangements and take turns guarding!" Oscar saw that the night was coming, so he said!
"Yes! Teacher!" Ding Cheng replied respectfully. Today Oscar's methods have convinced them all. The support is super strong, and the combat power and appearance are beyond the charts. Where can I find such a teacher!
And Oscar chose to camp outside the forest because there were not many powerful soul beasts in the outskirts, and more importantly, in order to train them, since he became their team leader, he should try his best to ensure the significance of this "travel".

"Fine! Fatty, it's not too embarrassing to be out of the spotlight today!" Surrounded by the bonfire, Oscar looked at Ma Hongjun and said with a smile.

"Hey, Brother Ao, your sausage is really good! Brother Ao, what about my wife?" Ma Hongjun laughed, worried about his own happy life.

"What's the hurry, I have to wait for the mistress to come back! When the time comes, let him be your matchmaker!" Oscar said with a smile, he doesn't have the time to accompany you to the Min Clan and establish a sect?Let's talk about it then!

"Snort! Snort!"

After chatting for a while, Ma Hongjun returned to the tent and fell asleep. I have to say, his heart is so big, Oscar still covered his consciousness to ensure safety!


A scream startled everyone, a red shadow appeared at the source of the sound, it was so embarrassing, Oscar wanted to say, Deng Weiwei, why don't you scream after you put on your pants!You just took back your consciousness, and you screamed!

"Old! Teacher!" Deng Weiwei also blushed, she didn't know it, and she didn't expect that Oscar would come so soon.

"It's just a ten-year tentacle monster, let's go back and rest!" Oscar said to the few people who rushed over.This kind of soul beast is like a human hand, with five tentacles. When touching a human, it feels the same as a human. This may be the reason for Deng Weiwei's toes. They often live in the dark!
"Hmph! Damn it, dare to scare me!" Deng Wei was so angry that he kicked the half-meter-long tentacle monster away, and suddenly, a black shadow rushed out!

"Ah!" Deng Weiwei looked at the big colorful bug and exclaimed again!

"Roar!" With a roar of the tiger, the black tiger pounced on Deng Weiwei, and it was only when he got closer that he could see clearly that there was a tentacle monster lying on its head!
A red shadow blasted the black tiger away, Oscar said: "I wanted the students to have a good rest first, but you came out anyway, so let's accept it!"

"Teacher, I'm afraid!" Deng Weiwei hugged the red figure, and said coquettishly, just now Xiaojie was touched by the tentacle monster, and he was nervous, now, another vicious soul beast came out.


Ding Cheng and the others came here again, they were in a hurry, and they understood!But Deng Weiwei yelled several times this night, was drowsy, and was awakened again, which was very unpleasant!
"Uh..., Weiwei, we didn't see it!" Wan Xiangyan laughed jokingly, looking at Deng Weiwei at this time, he actually hugged the male god Oscar, thinking that it was him!

After a while, a black shadow of six to seven meters appeared in front of them, it was a colorful black tiger!
"Ding Cheng, this is just the Barman Black Tiger, with a cultivation base of nearly 500 years, which is just suitable for your Black Tiger Wuhun!" Oscar said to Ding Cheng, motioning him to absorb it!
"Hey! Student Deng Weiwei, can you let go or not!" Oscar looked at Deng Weiwei who was still hugging him, he didn't know what happened, the tiger king was still sleeping, and he was woken up by you!

"Oh!" Deng Weiwei was embarrassed, hugging the teacher, suddenly felt like hugging Runyu, and reluctantly let go!

Heihu was also in a daze. He was sleeping soundly, but suddenly a hand woke him up, and he was killed when he ran out. If he knew about Dou E, he would definitely shout!I am more wronged than Dou E!
"Haha, Ding Cheng, congratulations!" Shanhaiguan Quangong and the others congratulated. It is also a happy thing for a teammate to become a soul master!

"Weiwei! What's it like to hug a senior?" In the girl's tent, Wan Xiangyan kept asking Deng Weiwei, as if to taste that feeling again!
"It's just so ordinary! Xiangyan! Don't you like Teacher?" Deng Weiwei asked in turn, this guy asked himself a dozen times.

"Teacher is our senior. I heard that he is young and is a male god. The whole school likes it. Is it normal that I like it too!" The senior leads the team.

Nothing happened all night, but on the second day, Ding Cheng was the first to wake up with a radiant face. Unexpectedly, he became the Soul Lord after only one night!
"Okay, let's continue!" Oscar said lightly!Ma Hongjun followed very energetically, he slept soundly last night, worried?Unless Oscar is dead, I don't even need to get up, and it's useless to get up!Oscar didn't know what he was thinking, otherwise he would have crushed him to death!

After searching for a long time, Oscar's spiritual sense has several strongholds, and he is not in a hurry. Watching their performance, it is also a way to relax by himself!

"Teacher! There's movement, a big black mouse! About six meters away!" Deng Weiwei didn't call him captain this time, but Oscar. He felt that Oscar was there, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

"Okay! Continue to observe!" Oscar replied, what kind of mouse, that is Qingying Sable, with a cultivation base of 600 years, this is better, then there is no need to go to find another soul beast.

"It's coming towards us!" Deng Weiwei said again.

"Get ready to fight!" Ding Cheng shouted, setting up his position, the improvement of his soul power made him eager to try!
"Black Tiger Cracking Fist!"

The purple soul ring lit up, and Oscar was speechless, you are awesome, just use the big move, you just wait to be taken away!


Giant rat, no, Qingying Diao was stunned by the bombardment, what's the situation, there are tigers in front, and chasers behind, whoever I provoke!
"Blood crack!"

Quan Gong's second soul skill was activated, a blood shadow, a blue shadow sable flashed, and with the ultimate skill of his life, an afterimage was hit by Quan Gong.


Qingying Diao screamed, as if resisting, although everyone shouted and beat the mouse crossing the street, but I am a mink, see clearly!

"Green You Claw!" Deng Weiwei activated, this soul ring should be suitable for him, the speed type should have a phantom effect!

In a quarter of an hour!
"Chain!" A black chain directly entangled Qingying Diao layer by layer, Qingying Diao suffered a lot!
"Deng Weiwei! This is only yours!" Oscar said.

"Teacher, I don't have a dagger, why don't you give me one?" Deng Weiwei said playfully, after killing the soul beast in Shanhaiguan last time, Oscar didn't want to go back, so he gave it to him directly, and she also wanted one!
"No more!" Oscar said indifferently, he is not a weapon maker, even if he was, he can't afford to lose, he knew it would not set a precedent.

"Oh, Weiwei, return it to me when you're done using it!" It was given by the teacher, and Shanhaiguan took out the dagger reluctantly and said, he was defensive, but he didn't have Ding Cheng's strength, and directly stabbed a tiger to death.

"Student Shanhaiguan, yes! Yes!" Deng Weiwei smiled and snatched the dagger. This is the dagger used by the male god!If you take it out, it will definitely be snapped up!


When Deng Weiwei was about to stab Qingying Diao, he was interrupted by a voice!
(End of this chapter)

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