Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 179 Drinking the Soul Emperor

Chapter 179 Drinking the Soul Emperor

When this voice came, a group of five people appeared. The head of an old man in his sixties and seventies should be their team leader teacher. The other four people, all around 20 years old, should also come to obtain souls. ring!

"Student Deng Weiwei! I have never seen you so obedient. Hurry up! Get rid of Qingying Diao and absorb the soul ring, don't you want to become a soul master?" Oscar said seriously, hating iron but not steel, others called Stop and you stop!

The mysterious Oscar, these words made it hard for them to imagine, Ding Cheng felt very much, what he said, he really liked it!


Deng Weiwei stabbed down very obediently this time, the sound of piercing the corpse made people furious, but the dust has settled, the momentum cannot be weak!
The old man's face twitched, and he asked angrily: "Damn it, didn't I tell you to slow down, you are from that academy!"

"Wow! Fu Xin, those two girls are so beautiful! And the long-haired guy in festive clothes is also so beautiful!" A young man thought to himself, but the old man stared at him and shut up.

"Old man, are you not blind? Didn't you see our badge!" Oscar laughed. Of course, he and Ma Hongjun didn't want to wear hospital uniforms anymore. Looking at the badge of the person who came, it looked familiar, but he couldn't remember it!
"Huh? Shrek Academy?" The old man was startled. Now Shrek Academy is not in the limelight. It has won the championship, and there is a Titled Douluo guarding it!
"It's good if you know, step back quickly, I won't bully the old man!" Oscar looked at the distracted old man and smiled.

"Hmph, where's your leading teacher? We were the first to discover this Qingying Sable. So what if it's Shrek Academy? You can't bully others!" said the old man. They are all young people in their twenties, so the teacher should not be there.

"I am the teacher leading the team, Oscar! What! The first to discover is yours? Then I was the first to discover this forest, are you in my territory now! And you are also the first to be discovered by me, are you No, it is also my private property!" Oscar sneered, heh, it's yours to find out, it's ridiculous!I also discovered a new continent!

"You! Lizi, sharp teeth and sharp mouth! Whether you are a teacher or not, you must give me an explanation today. We hunted down the green shadow sable first!" When I got up, I felt that I was really unreasonable when I was told by this charming man in red. I also missed the phantom of Qingying Diao, and I had to take care of the students!
"Old, teacher! That's the soul emperor!" Ding Cheng and others were shocked, looking at the six soul rings on the old man's body, the martial soul black eagle, is not a bad martial soul, no matter how powerful Oscar is, it seems to be a soul It's just a king.

"Don't worry! Your Austrian senior doesn't look like a mountain, this old man, hey! His bones are going to loose a few pieces!" Ma Hongjun smiled, looking at the shocked students, the teacher dared to send you out with confidence, and was afraid what.

"Deng Weiwei, what are you looking at, quickly absorb the spirit ring, Ding Cheng, protect her!" Oscar said, ignoring the old man, and said to Deng Weiwei and the others.

"Teacher, aren't you worried!" Deng Weiwei said, Soul Emperor!The realm they want to step into in this life.

"What are you worried about, the first soul ring is still white, old man, as long as he is happy!" Oscar said speechlessly, and finally Deng Weiwei began to absorb Qingying Diao's thousand-year soul ring under the protection of Ma Hongjun and others.

"Zhuzi, let you know that the person who taught you today is called Ji Ruchang!" The old man rushed forward, his eyes as sharp as a martial spirit black eagle.

"The guy who relies on the old and sells the old, shameless! Get out!" Oscar shouted, his momentum was released, the jewel-like eyes, suddenly deep, endless vicissitudes, Ji Ruchang saw that there was everything in it, and there were mountains and rivers of corpses.

"How, how is it possible! Impossible! Ah! Ah! Ah!" The old man Ji Ruchang yelled as if he had gone crazy, completely ignoring his students, and walked out of the sunset forest like a crazy old man.

"Mr. Ji! Fuxin, let's follow! Huh! Shrek Academy, you wait, our Oakland Academy will remember you!" The young man threatened.

"Noisy! Look for a beating!" A black chain hit the young man like lightning!
"Ah!" The young man yelled, the scars on his back were like a river of blood, and it was so cold that his soul was trembling!

"Yixing! Let's go!" The young man named Fu Xin began to support the young man, and the group left in a panic. They didn't know why Teacher Ji went crazy after being drunk by that man, it was too scary!

"Old, teacher, give up a six-ring soul emperor! My idol!" Shanhaiguan cheered, his goal in this life is to follow behind the teacher, he is too powerful!

"That's not it, this time, the trip was worthwhile!" Ding Cheng sighed, seeing the teacher's domineering side, it's enough to go back for a few years, and Quan Gong is the same!
"In the future, I will look for men like this!" Only Wan Xiangyan secretly said, she is in the auxiliary department, and has no combat power. Such a strong man is suitable for her to rely on.

Only Deng Weiwei will complain every time in the future, and feel that it's a pity that he can't see the domineering side of his idol!
"Fatty, keep an eye on them!" Oscar turned around and said indifferently, his eyes had recovered, anyway, there was a soul beast not far from here, it was on the way, so we had to go back early.

"Xuan Ming flashes!"

The red shadow disappeared, leaving behind a few people who were shocked.

"Senior Hong Jun, what level of soul king is Mr. Ao?" Wan Xiangyan asked using the beauty trick, his voice was delicate, numb, and very clingy, making it hard to refuse.

"Well! I heard from the dean that Aoge is already at level 5! He just doesn't have a suitable spirit ring. Have you seen his fifth spirit ring? It's a [-]-year-old spirit beast! Aoge killed it alone... "Oscar didn't know at all, Ma Hongjun just sold himself like this!
Wan Xiangyan and the others surrounded Ma Hongjun like stars holding the moon, satisfying his vanity, as if every amazing record of Oscar was his own glory!
"Hmm! What are you doing!" The red shadow suddenly appeared, startling them all, who suddenly looked at him with admiration. True to age, they're really going crazy!
Ding Cheng said: "Teacher, you are amazing!"

"Yes, teacher, you are amazing, I admire you so much!" Wan Xiangyan also said excitedly, the male student said it was fine, but you are a woman, why do you feel weird saying this!

"This is a 500-year-old hyperactive scented tea spirit beast. Xiangyan, you should absorb it. The third spirit skill may be able to make teammates enter a hyperactive state without any side effects!" Oscar said, putting the five or six-meter-long The flower tea soul beast was thrown beside her.

Oscar's dagger fell into Wan Xiangyan's hands again, and was blown by Ma Hongjun. In the hearts of several people, Oscar became a man like a god!
(End of this chapter)

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