Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 180 Too Big to Kill

Chapter 180 Too Big to Kill
"Hey! Xiangyan also found the soul ring, teacher, where is the soul emperor!" At this time, Deng Weiwei had already absorbed the soul ring, looking at the big flower tea beast next to Wan Xiangyan, and the soul emperor. A group of people have disappeared and asked curiously!

"Ha! Ha!" Ding Cheng couldn't help it, and burst out laughing, Hun Emperor, the teacher was so scared that he went crazy!Shanhaiguan and Quan Gong were also smiling!Only Deng Weiwei missed such a thing, she would regret it for the rest of her life if she knew about it!

"Captain, what are you laughing at!" Deng Weiwei asked curiously, blinking her small eyes, smiling at the corners of her mouth, with a charming figure, it is said that a hero is sad for a beauty!
"Boring! Wait for Wan Xiangyan to finish absorbing the soul ring, and prepare to continue!" Oscar said lightly, with his hands behind his back, with the image of a strict teacher!

"Damn it! Brother Ao, you're pretending!" Ma Hongjun groaned to himself, looking at the majestic and unquestionable Oscar, he still followed him.

After a while, on the way to search in the forest, a girl in a white dress was always complaining and understood the reason of the matter, because she missed the wonderful moment and hated herself so much, how could she listen to the teacher like that!
"What are you thinking about? Only by concentrating on exploring the road pattern can we ensure the safety of the team!" Oscar trained, and a black light hit her head with a flick of her finger, making her feel suddenly clear!
"Yes! Teacher!" Deng Weiwei, a girl in a white skirt, began to reply respectfully, also curious, what made her feel refreshed at that time.

"I can complete the task today, I really want to stay in the forest for a few more days!" Oscar muttered when his spiritual sense detected a black shadow not far away. For some reason, these spirit beasts like to send them to their door!
"Screw rustle!"

The movement of the tall bushes made Ding Cheng and the others stay vigilant, and began to set up a battle lineup, ready to fight!

A black shadow appeared, and under the sunlight, one can see its appearance clearly, it turned out to be a six-meter-tall black giant bear!
"Rock Shield! Rock Armor!"

After cooperating, Shanhaiguan released the defense very well and in a timely manner to protect his teammates, and the third soul skill also flickered, Rock Armor, a more advanced defense skill.

The giant black bear shattered the rock shield with one punch, showing its strength. It began to growl, and its giant palm kept beating its own chest, as if it wanted to smash these little ants to pieces!
"Earth-shattering black bear, about 500 years old, strong type, very suitable for Quan Gong, you have to be careful!" Oscar shouted, completely watching the show, letting this black bear play with them.

"Don't be afraid, we have a teacher here, let's fight freely!" Ding Cheng said boldly, anyway, this spirit beast is a training partner, and Quan Gong is also excited because it is his third spirit ring!

"Black Tiger Cracking Fist!"

Ding Cheng released his big move again, but the comparison between his fist and the black bear is too small!

Ding Cheng was blown away, followed by a strange scent of flowers, the light yellow powder was inhaled by several people, and he became excited, his soul power, speed and other attributes increased, it was Wan Xiangyan's third soul skill that was activated, excited!

Then, in just a quarter of an hour, a few people were defeated. The thousand-year-old soul beast was still reluctant. Although they already had four soul masters, the Earth-Splitting Black Bear was a powerful soul beast!
"Really, it collapsed so quickly, it won't last!!" Oscar was speechless, complaining a few words!However, the results were good. Perhaps because of his own existence, they all gave it a go. Sure enough, under the protection of the eagle, it is impossible for the eagle to become the overlord of a generation!

"Teacher, save me!"

Seeing the huge black bear's paw being photographed, Ding Cheng shouted that he had no strength left, and Wan Xiangyan's hyperactive pollen effect could only last for about 3 minutes.

A red figure appeared, supporting the huge bear's paw with one hand, and scolded: "Are you guys working so hard! I really don't know how your actual combat teacher taught you, shame on you!"

Facing Oscar's instruction, several people scratched their heads in embarrassment, thinking in their hearts, isn't there a teacher, you, young man, are always full of vigor!


The black bear was furious. He didn't expect to be pushed away by a small person at his age, and continued to rush towards Oscar. It was only a thousand-year-old soul beast, and only a soul beast with more than ten thousand years would have a little intelligence. , so now they are relying on the instinct of beasts to fight.

"Xuanming handprint!"

Oscar pinched his fingers, and a huge black handprint began to gather in front of him. With the continuous improvement of his soul power and aura, his methods became more and more fierce. I don't know if it is time to compete with Title Douluo up!


With a loud noise, the black bear fell to the ground, dying. With a flash of the Xuanming Sword, Oscar quickly cut off two black bear paws, and said with a smile, "Go back and make a pair of steamed bear paws for Xiao Nizi, let her mend it!"

"Idol!" Quan Gong said with a slobber, they worked so hard that they couldn't hurt the black bear a single point, let Oscar take a shot, and instantly killed him. Sometimes, they all suspected that the teacher was really a support, when did the support attack become so strong!
"Quan Gong, why don't you hurry over here, don't you want to feed the mosquitoes in the forest!" Oscar looked at the bewildered boys and girls and called out.

"Yes, teacher! Hehe!" Quan respectfully smiled.

"Brother Ao, I won't help the old lady crossing the road, so I will obey you!" Ma Hongjun leaned closer to Oscar and said in secret, this limelight was completely out of Oscar's hands, as if he was traveling with him, that is, the green leaf!
"Well, Xiangyan, can you give me the teacher's dagger? The black bear is too big, and I can't kill it!" Quan Gong said to Wan Xiangyan, a girl in blue, with a special purpose.

"Hmph! Your own martial soul is a blood knife, don't give it to me!" Wan Xiangyan looked at Quan Gong vigilantly, as if I would call you if you want to come again.

"That, Xiangyan! The dagger is mine!" Shanhaiguan said honestly, Wan Xiangyan is an assistant, it is understandable, since Deng Weiwei borrowed it, she has no intention of returning it at all, and they are girls again!

"Hey, this is for you!"

Wan Xiangyan knew she was wrong, Oscar had indeed given the dagger to Shanhaiguan, and now she took out a delicate and beautiful dagger with a shiny blade and a blue gemstone!
"Uh! This is not old..." Shanhaiguan said honestly, trying to say that this is not the teacher's dagger, but was interrupted.

"Do you want to love me? I want the teacher's dagger!" Wan Xiangyan protected his soul tool. Oscar's dagger was obviously not as good as his own, but it was used by a male god!
"Oh! Yes, I want!" Shanhaiguan hurriedly replied, yes, it's better than no.When I took this exquisite dagger, I suddenly felt a strange feeling, like first love. Looking at Wan Xiangyan, I felt an inexplicable affection for him. Sometimes when love comes, nothing can stop it!
Oscar looked at the dramatic side and didn't say anything. It was just a dagger that Flender cheated on him back then. Unexpectedly, it was still so popular, and Wan Xiangyan's daggers were all made of fine iron , at least worth hundreds of gold soul coins!

Quan Gong's blood knife pierced the black bear's heart, and a gorgeous purple soul ring appeared, which also began to announce that the hunt is over!
(End of this chapter)

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