Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 182 My Apprentice, Only Her

Chapter 182 My Apprentice, Only Her
In a simple little hotel!

A puff of black mist suddenly enveloped one of the five people, a young man in his twenties, dressed simply and with black hair hanging down. The one who gained the most should be him!
"Teacher, what's wrong with Quan Gong?" A sturdy young man asked, he was the team leader Ding Cheng, looking at Quan Gong's eyes seemed to be dull, but also seemed to be agile!
"He has entered the state of enlightenment. Simply put, when he enters the Title Douluo in the future, he will definitely gain his own domain. Domain is a power that can increase his strength. It is not something you can touch now, and ordinary Title Douluo Luo, there is no domain at all, understand!" Oscar explained to the other four students who were curious about the baby's appearance.

"Teacher, why didn't we enter Mingwu!" Deng Weiwei asked playfully, especially when Oscar said that Quan Gong would reach Douluo, which made her very upset.
"Because you didn't have Quan Gong to concentrate on watching!" Oscar said with a smile, all of you are watching yourself playing swords.

"Okay, Quan Gong won't be disturbed now, let's go on, we've arrived at Shanhaiguan!" Oscar said, Xuan Ming shrouded Quan Gong, even if the Titled Douluo came, it would take a while to affect him, yes Influence, this is the condensed version of Xuanming Shroud, the defense is stronger!

Because of Quan Gong's matter, everyone listened more attentively. In fact, they didn't enter enlightenment. Another reason was the contact with weapons. They were all beast spirits!

"Shanhaiguan's martial spirit is mainly for defense. For the fourth spirit ring, try to obtain the team's defensive spirit skills as much as possible. In that case, the defensive effect will be improved qualitatively. If you resolutely follow this path, whether you join the empire or the big family in the future , are very welcome!" Oscar said, a soul master who can help him resist attacks, I believe no one will be so stupid as to push away.

"Yes, teacher!" Shanhaiguan said, his martial spirit is mainly for defense!
"Usually pay attention to comprehensive development, physical training is also very important to you!" Oscar added.

"Ding Cheng, as the captain, you are also blessed with a black tiger spirit. I suggest you study some books on strategy and planning in your spare time. In the future, you will be able to combine your absolute strength with planning. Where will you be? You will also be a qualified leader!" Oscar said. , This is just a basic awakening. As for the future path, it is up to them to choose.

"Yes! Teacher!" Ding Cheng replied respectfully. That was the path he wanted to take. As the king of the tiger, his path would not be ordinary.

"Okay, the basics have awakened you all. Another important point is that even under the protection of others, your own soul power cannot be exhausted!" Oscar suddenly said seriously, making several people tremble!
"Although the attack of the thousand-year soul skill is stronger, have you considered your own soul power? Do you know why the first and second skills of a senior soul master can crush you!" Oscar asked.

Ding Cheng replied: "Because the soul power is high!"

Oscar nodded, and said: "Yes, but they will use the first and second soul skills to deal with enemies with low soul power, because they save soul power and use them more often! Finally, I will teach you a method: try to use the hundred-year-old Use the soul skill as a thousand year soul skill!"

"Teacher, how can you use a century-old soul skill as a thousand-year soul skill!" Ding Cheng asked, Shanhaiguan, Deng Weiwei and others were also curious, and Oscar would open a new door for them!

"Go back and practice the first and second soul skills a thousand times, and you'll know it after 50 times!" Oscar replied, which meant to compress the soul power, just like his own situation. It is even more difficult to improve. Maybe they will be in their [-]s and [-]s, and their soul power can only be controlled by the soul sect. At that time, the vigor of youth is gone.

"Oh!" Deng Weiwei was a little speechless, he didn't expect it to be like this, but he still wanted to try what it would be like to practice thousands of times, Oscar wanted to say, the feeling of overdrawn soul power.Making sausages for the Shrek Academy team has been done hundreds of times.

"Alright, Quan Gong won't wake up for the time being. The longer the enlightenment time is, the more he will grow up in the future! Everyone should take the opportunity to cultivate and stabilize their soul power, and leave after Quan Gong wakes up!" Oscar ordered, and also I want to see how long this guy can understand!

"I'll go, a month has passed, Quan Gong, isn't he hungry!" Deng Weiwei, who was active among the four, said, this kind of training is very boring!

"Hee hee, Wei Wei, isn't it accompanied by the teacher you like!" Wan Xiangyan laughed, and in their hearts, they worshiped Oscar more. The key point is that Oscar is so beautiful!
Another half month has passed!
"It's been more than a month, it's really not normal, I hope your blood knife can kill treacherous evil in the future!" In the simple hotel, the festive figure looked at the humanity in the black mist.

"Brother Ao, it's so boring!" The fat man on the side exclaimed, he felt that it was better to be in the academy, and there were fellow students around him.

"Fatty, isn't there still Ding Cheng and the others surrounding you!" Oscar laughed, this guy sold himself out!Ma Hongjun was speechless when he heard Oscar talking about those students. If he didn't have information about Oscar, he probably wouldn't have paid any attention to what he said.

Three months later!

"Teacher! Where am I! Ding Cheng, Shanhaiguan..." The black mist in the hotel called out, leading the six people over.

With a flash of red shadow, Oscar dispersed the black mist with a wave of his hand. Quan Gong, who was full of energy, didn't look like he hadn't touched a drop of water for three months.


Quan Gong's stomach let out a sound of protest!


Ding Cheng who rushed over, Shanhaiguan began to laugh, just in time to see the embarrassed Quan Gong, the happiness of a good gay friend, maybe it is that simple.

"The meal has been ordered, let's eat!" Oscar said lightly, when he was about to turn and leave, Quan Gong stopped him.


Quan Gong suddenly shouted with great respect, and then knelt down with a plop!His actions confused Ding Cheng and the others, Oscar turned his back to him, Quan Gong seemed to be looking at a high mountain!
Quan Gong kowtowed and said very respectfully: "Teacher! Please accept me as an apprentice. I would like to follow the teacher all my life!"

"Fatty, keep an eye on them and leave tomorrow!" After Oscar finished speaking, a red shadow flashed, ignoring Quan Gong who was kneeling!
Outside the hotel, Oscar was holding the Xuanming Sword in a disturbed state, flying aimlessly, his attitude was so similar!
In Oscar's mind, the master's laughter came, "Good apprentice, his aptitude is not bad, he can comprehend the Xuanming swordsmanship that only has a body for three months, and accept an apprentice..."

"Master, let me be quiet!"

Oscar said in a low tone, afterward, his master didn't bother him, Oscar flew aimlessly, as if, only this wind could make him feel better, he was too much like her, and he didn't want to experience it again, because thinking about:

My apprentice, only her!

(End of this chapter)

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