Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 183 Teacher, I Didn’t Hug Enough

Chapter 183 Teacher, I Didn’t Hug Enough

A beautiful red shadow, I don't know how long it has been traveling in the air, looking at the scenes on the ground, a country with reasonable rule is indeed much better, after all, soul masters are under control, low-level soul masters still have financial subsidies, only diaspora Some low-level soul masters who rely on their soul power to do evil.

"It's time to get ready for dawn, I should go back too!"

Hong Ying sighed, Yu Jian turned around like a shooting star.He guessed that if he obtained the energy of the sixth soul ring and reached the fusion stage, perhaps the current Douluo Continent would not be able to stop him with more than two hands!

In a small town not far from Sunset Forest, there are already five people waiting. They all have expectations. They got up early this time, hoping to see the people they want to see!
"Wow, are those gods in the sky, how can they fly!" Some traders looked at Hong Ying and sighed. Although they awakened their martial souls, they had no soul power, and they were still the same as ordinary people!
"I don't understand! He may be a high-level soul master above the soul master!" One of the well-dressed traders said, he should be the leader of this small caravan, after all, the others are simple commoners. Vendors nodding is not agreeing!
"Teacher!" Ding Cheng and the others yelled, respectful yet apprehensive. When the teacher left, he looked very lonely and unhappy.

Hong Ying nodded, and said calmly: "Yes! Ready to go back to the academy! Fatty, come up!"

After a while, a small path, a group of five people wearing shit-green hospital uniforms, seemed to be chasing something with all their strength, but no one on the passerby noticed that there was a red shadow hanging above the sky!
Shrek Academy!director's office!
"Flender! These are the best students in the intermediate class. How could you let Xiao Ao take him out like this? Although Xiao Ao's combat power is very strong, the danger of the forest is well known!" Ease, the ruddy middle-aged man roared.

"Xiao Gang, it's good for them to let them stay with the monster Oscar. Moreover, Oscar's soul power has reached Soul Emperor, so it should be fine!" The man named Flender replied uncertainly. Not as good as the Star Dou Great Forest, but the danger is not small.

"Flender, it's been more than three months, and I haven't seen them come back, can you guarantee it!" Xiaogang said excitedly, as the real leader of Shrek Academy, Flender dared not refute!

Afterwards, the noise outside the office attracted them. After all, now the college is like their children, their spiritual support, and they put their whole body into it.

"That's senior Hongjun, and, also, that's senior Ao, wow, wow, wow! It's so beautiful!" In Shrek Academy, the ones who exclaimed the most crazily were all female students, because all the men were fascinated. It's depressing!

"Teacher, will you come and teach us!"

Ding Cheng was the first to ask. First, he came to Shrek Academy because he was famous.Now, he has been convinced by Oscar, this teacher who is younger than them but already a strong soul emperor level, this is also their lifelong pursuit!

Looking at the expectant gazes of several people, only Quan Gong lowered his head in shame, feeling that he was like a student who made the teacher unhappy, Oscar said with a smile: "Probably not, the teacher is going to go out to practice for a while, and when he comes back , you should have graduated!"

Oscar's words made them feel lost, but his smile made them suddenly clear, and the haze was swept away!
"Teacher, can we give you a hug!" Ding Cheng said reluctantly, on this point, Oscar suddenly discovered that Ding Cheng and Dai Mubai really looked like each other, and they both doubted whether it was Tiger Spirit or not, they both liked to come here set!
"Okay!" Oscar said with a smile, apart from bringing Dai Mubai back then, this can be regarded as the students he has formally led!
"Hee hee! Teacher, here we come!" Ding Cheng laughed, and then Shanhaiguan, Quan Gong, and the three men hugged Oscar and the teacher regardless of their appearance, and suddenly made them feel like they were hugging a woman. Although Oscar's body was tall, he was very feminine!

"Hey! Enough is enough!" Half an hour passed, looking at the three obsessed teenagers, Oscar said helplessly, wondering if it would affect their sexual orientation.

"Hey!" Ding Cheng was the first to let go, smirking, he was really fascinated, smelling the fresh breath from the teacher, people couldn't put it down!

"Teacher, I'm sorry!" Quan Gong was the last one to let go, and said with his head down, very sincere.

"Okay, Quan Gong, you will have a long road ahead, teacher, you are just a guide, and cultivation depends on the individual!" Oscar patted his shoulder and comforted him.

"That teacher!" Quan Gong suddenly said with bright eyes!

"Don't think about it, wait until when you reach Title Douluo!" Oscar said with a smile, Title Douluo, his self-protection ability is enough, Oscar's words will be the motivation for his future cultivation!
"Teacher, we're done hugging the man, we want to hug too!" Deng Weiwei said with a playful smile, her face was flushed, but her face was determined. If you don't cherish this time, you might not have another chance in the future!
Oscar was stunned, but still nodded, and said, "In the future, the mainland will be wonderful with you!"

"The teacher is so old-fashioned, shouldn't he be younger than us!" Wan Xiangyan muttered, Deng Weiwei took the lead, and she also wanted to take advantage of it!

"Hee hee! Teacher, is this your wedding dress? It's so beautiful!" Deng Weiwei whispered while hugging Oscar, and Wan Xiangyan agreed.

"Yes, the teacher already has a very beautiful little wife!" Oscar laughed, seeing their frustrated expressions, he was relieved!
A later male student said jealously: "Wow! That's senior Deng Weiwei from the intermediate class, and senior Xiang Yan, who is holding them!"

"Senior Ao, don't you know that! But, I'm so envious, I was treated like this that day, and death is worth it!"

While the students were discussing, a voice frightened them!

"Cough! There's so much time for discussions, and the physical class in the afternoon will be doubled!" The serious voice came, but people couldn't doubt it.

"Ah! It's the master, let's go, or it will be miserable to be remembered!" The students fled and returned to the teacher.

"Xiao Gang, it seems that your reputation is bigger than that of the dean of me!" Flender, the leader of Shrek Academy, laughed.

"Hmph! The villains let me do it!" The master snorted coldly, and started walking towards Oscar and the others on the playground. Flender followed awkwardly. Usually, the master is responsible for the physical training, so he just drank tea and looked at the plan. .

"Deng Weiwei, Xiangyan, do you want to give the senior a hug too!" Ma Hongjun looked anxious, such a good treatment, why didn't he have his own share, why was it a woman, she would throw herself into Aoge's arms.

"Hey, you two, enough is enough!" Oscar glared at the fat man, looked at Deng Weiwei who were still hugging him, and smiled wryly.

"Teacher, I haven't hugged enough yet!" Deng Weiwei was very straightforward, and she was the one who hugged her the hardest, but then, the dream was finally shattered!


The master coughed, Deng Weiwei and Wan Xiangyan trembled, quickly withdrew their hands, and became obedient, and then shouted with Ding Cheng and the others in awe:

"Hello Master! Hello Dean!"

(End of this chapter)

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