Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 184 is the teacher's name, Hongming

Chapter 184 is the teacher's name, Hongming
"Hmm! Tell me about what you have gained from this trip!" Looking at the polite and respectful students, the middle-aged man in the lead nodded and said.Even Dean Flender can only follow behind him and watch. There is a specialization in art, and the master is a professional!
"Well, Dean, Master, this time it's also consummated. They're back, I should go back to accompany my wife and children!" Oscar said with a smile. He hasn't been back for three months. I don't know if they have fought. I'm looking forward to it!

Flender suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Hurry up! Otherwise, Zhuqing and Mu Xian'er will come to me again to ask for someone!"

"Wife, child!"

Seeing Oscar's red shadow flashing, Ding Cheng, Deng Weiwei and the others muttered, it's incredible, it's hard to accept that their teacher has a child, and the master's advice to them is not what Oscar can care about !

A nice yard surrounded by trees and fresh air!This is Oscar's yard, but at this moment a discordant voice came out: "Hmph, if my husband doesn't come back this time, Zhuqing, we'll tear down his dean's room and put more ingredients in his tea!"

The little girl named Zhuqing said simply: "As long as you like it!" She didn't care at all, but under the cold surface, she was still worried about him.

"No wonder Flender let himself back so soon!" Oscar laughed outside the courtyard. Hearing Mu Xianer's voice, it was indeed a husband and wife with one heart. are afraid.

"Cough! Wife Xian'er, Zhuqing, little girl, Lingling, I'm back!" Oscar called out with a cough.He started to walk in, and suddenly the screen changed, his face was pale and weak, and he lacked of energy, it was obvious that he was seriously injured.

"Xiao Ao, hubby, brother!"

Four voices rang out, the two called Xiao Ao were from Ye Lingling and Zhu Zhuqing, and the other two were from Mu Xian'er and Xiao Nizi.


Oscar nodded, and these little women who were worried about him embraced him, and it seemed that one was missing, and his spiritual sense didn't find it, so he asked, "Where is Jiangzhu, is there something wrong with her?"

In Sky Dou City and Shrek Academy, I believe that those who belong to the Demon Power Clan will not mess around, because the risk is too great, but after leaving the Academy, Oscar cannot be guaranteed!
"Hmph, you don't even care about your wife!" Mu Xian'er pouted, hammering on Oscar's chest.She was the envy of other women, and she was married to Oscar, a real couple worthy of the name.


Mu Xian'er was suddenly attacked, and she groaned, Oscar smiled, satisfied her fiercely, and then asked: "Then wife Xian'er, can you tell me, where is the Crimson Pearl?"

"In the picture of the forest, she said that she will give you a surprise when you come back. Husband, are you okay, are you injured?" Mu Xian'er asked with concern. Kissing each other, quite satisfied.

And the weak little girl also said with concern: "Brother, are you okay!"

"Little girl, it's all right, don't worry, it will be fine after a few days of recovery, cough! cough!" Oscar pretended to be very realistic, thinking that he could "recover" for a few days.

"Where does it take a few days, crabapple flowers!" Ye Lingling smiled, and a pink-white flower appeared, emitting a white light to invade Oscar's body! ? ? ? ?Oscar is speechless, he doesn't want to find a nanny wife like you anymore, but it's quite comfortable to be warm all over!


Suddenly, a cute boy about one and a half years old shouted!
"Lingling, it's much better, haha! Brat, Dad didn't hurt you for nothing!" Oscar laughed, sucked Oswald over, and carried the little guy, he was still babbling and laughing.

After kneading his son for 2 minutes, he lost his attention, and Oscar said with a smile, "Okay, the pain is over, let's play!"

Just like that, Oswald was thrown out by his unscrupulous father, but Nini, the mother, was smiling, because when Oswald was about to land, a black mist caught him and bounced a few times. Under it, countless small black animals gathered, let him crawl and catch, and had a great time.

When they came to Jiangzhu's room, there was no movement at all, Oscar opened the door and went in, only a picture of stars floating in the air!

"Hee hee! Xiao Ao, you're back!"

The voice came out from the picture, full of joy, and then a white light flashed, a woman with a charming figure, crimson color waist length and blue hair fluttering said with a smile.

"Well, Sister Jiangzhu!" Oscar smiled, approached her, and gave her a hug.

"Husband, come, I have a surprise for you!" Jiang Zhu cried with a blushing face, and being hugged by him showed that she already had a place in his heart. Usually, seeing Mu Xian'er called her husband, she didn't feel that way either. taste.

Immediately afterwards, in front of a picture of a forest, a pair of handsome men and women just disappeared in the same place, but in the forest above the picture, there were two more villains!
A forest, lush and green trees, he was interrupted before he could take a breath of the forest!

The master in his mind said in surprise: "Wow! Good apprentice, you have your own small world, haha, when the time comes to complete it, it will be of great help to you in the future!" As a master, he only has things he is interested in. Only then can she speak out.

Oscar asked: "Master, is this Star Dou Catalog very helpful to you?"

"Yes! It's very big!" The beauty master didn't hide it, but responded resolutely. Who wouldn't covet a semi-divine weapon? Although it doesn't attack, the auxiliary effect is also very good, and it can be accelerated by practicing in it.

"Then, I'll give it to you after five years!" Oscar said lightly.

This master didn't know what kind of injury he suffered, and it took him so long to recover. Last time, he also gave himself the top spiritual weapon. Although she sucked all the treasures of marriage into the Xuanming Sword, it was still far from enough.

The person in his mind was also shocked and said: "Really, really? Apprentice, that will be of great help to your stepping into Hunyuan Daluoxian in the future!"

"Hunyuan Daluoxian?" Oscar muttered, hearing the word again, he couldn't help trembling, this realm is still too far away from him now, he shook his head and said: "Master, although I don't know your name, you Accompany me for thousands of years, and give me a chance to start again, I love you, whether it is the stars in the sky or the heart of the earth, if you like it, I will fetch it for you as an apprentice!"

"Stupid apprentice, I'm so moved by the teacher, but it's not that simple to win the heart of the earth in a plane!" The unscrupulous master's jokes came from his mind, and there was joy in it.

"I know, if I am not careful, I will be destroyed with this plane!" Oscar responded lightly, as if it was just an ordinary thing!
"My dear apprentice, Master didn't hurt you for nothing. Well, let's just concentrate on being with you, little girl! Also, my name is Hong Ming..." Finally, the goblin master in my mind seemed to hide and didn't make any more sound. !

Oscar responded with a smile, "Hong Ming, Master, what a beautiful name!"

(End of this chapter)

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