Chapter 185

"Husband, how are you feeling?"

In the forest with pure and abundant energy, a voice pulled back Oscar, who was distracted, looking at the plump and charming figure in front of him, he couldn't help but pull people into his chest.

"Well, Pearl, it's very good!" Oscar hugged her, and said, blowing hot air in her ear, he didn't know whether to praise the forest or her figure, it made the woman tremble, but now there was no one else After a while, the dry wood seemed to be caught in a raging fire, and the two began to linger together!
"Huh! Zhu'er, after so long, will they doubt it?" It was a well-fed one, but Oscar said with a little worry, and he didn't expect that the big sister Jiang Zhu would suddenly be so powerful, a little she-wolf in full form , and here, several hours have passed.

"Hee hee, husband, haven't you discovered my soul power? I'm already level 42!" The crimson pearl jade body leaned against his chest and smiled while playing with the crimson hair.

"Huh? Last time you seemed to be around level 37 or eighth. How could you improve so fast!" Oscar was also curious, how could it be possible to rise so fast in just a few months, a total of five or six levels!
"Because of this forest, the time here is different from the outside. More than ten days here is equivalent to one day outside. I come in to practice in my free time, which means that more than three or four years have passed! It has only been a few hours, and only a few minutes have passed outside. Husband..." Jiang Zhu explained, continuing to radiate the brilliance of the little she-wolf, Oscar felt that he had been dragged into a pit by this big sister, so pleasantly surprised!
"What's the matter? I've been looking for someone for half an hour, but no one came out!" Mu Xian'er couldn't wait any longer, and her stomach was hungry. She didn't practice the same way as Nini, she didn't need to eat or drink, Nini made it Although the food was delicious, she wanted Oscar more!
calm days,
Accompanied by his wife and children, another month has passed, and Oscar is also preparing to go out to practice, and there is some echo in the dark!
On the eve of leaving, Oscar was with Mu Xian'er, and the other women did not object. At this moment, she said softly, "Husband, I also want to give birth to a child for you!"

"But! Xian'er, giving birth will be very painful, are you sure?" Oscar stroked her pretty face and smiled. It can be said that he and her were childhood sweethearts. Recalling the scene of her chivalrous woman, I was full The appearance of saliva.

"Yeah!" Mu Xian'er nodded vigorously, and replied, grabbing it with her little hand, Oscar knew that this time he couldn't escape, it seemed that when he came back, he would like to be a father again, so he could only satisfy her!
The next day, her five women were already assembled!

Before parting, Oscar hugged his little wife and the ice beauty and said: "Zhuqing, Xian'er! I will leave the family to you. I have agreed with the dean. If you feel bored, you can teach the students!"

"Don't worry! Husband, you won't be bored with me here!" Mu Xian'er smiled as if patting her chest to assure her, with two small dimples and long eyelashes, Oscar couldn't help but kiss her lightly on the head.

"Well, pay attention to safety!" The ice beauty also said simply, don't favor one person over another, Oscar kissed the ice beauty lightly again.

"Brother!" Xiao Nizi also leaned over and said reluctantly, obviously wanting to.

Oscar put her in his arms, and said with a smile: "Xiao Nizi, you are now level 29, ready to level [-], don't get the third soul ring so fast, wait for me to come back!"

"Well, I'll listen to my brother!" Nini said contentedly as her hair was stroked.

Oscar then put his arms around Jiang Zhu and said: "Zhu'er, I entrust you with their normal practice, and take them in to practice for a while every day!"

"Xiao Ao, don't you plan to take the star map with you, it should be able to help you!" Jiangzhu hugged Oscar tightly and said, Jiangzhu is the one who occupies the most time among them, she has a semi-magic weapon and occupies Oscar One day is equivalent to ten days of squeezing.

Aokang smiled and said: "No, you need it more than I do!" After finishing speaking, he kissed her on the forehead, hoping that she would not trap Mu Xianer and the others, lest they get involved.

"Lingling, wait for me to come back!" Oscar hugged the flowery, blue-haired little woman again, comforting each one!
Oscar suddenly said seriously: "Okay, I'm going to leave, promise me, you'll be fine, I don't want anything to happen to any of you, promise me!"

"Well! Xiao Ao, husband, brother! We promise you!"

The five women nodded and said, although they usually have some conflicts, they all get along well. As Oscar's veritable wife, Mu Xianer did not occupy Oscar too much. Eat it, or rather, Oscar spoiled her!

In the end, he was hugged by five little women. Except for Nini's immature, all the other women were plump and charming!
Leaving Gentle Township, Oscar first informed Dean Fu Rand, and then went to meet that girl who had been lurking in Heaven Dou City for more than 20 years!
Heaven Dou City Royal Villa!
"My lord, please come in!"

The Bieyuan was heavily guarded, and the two guards changed from wanting to stop to respectful, because the strange gold medal in Oscar's hand was different from the one Bibi Dong gave her.

"Brother Xue!" Oscar, with loose long hair and fluttering red clothes, looked at the elegant young man not far away, and shouted freely.

"Oh! So it's brother Xiao Ao. Aren't you at home with your little wife? Why are you so interested in coming to my place again!" The elegant and handsome young man smiled kindly.

"Brother Xue, the last wedding didn't have time to fulfill the friendship of the landlord, so you left! This will not give brother face!" After Oscar finished speaking, his long red sleeves hooked Xue Qinghe's shoulder with his left hand, hooking shoulders and backs look like.

"I'm in a hurry for my brother, but how dare you bother me on the wedding night of your bridal chamber? Look at you, you are still wearing new clothes!" Xue Qinghe smiled kindly, making it impossible to find fault.

"Well, the little girl at home likes it, so that's up to her, but this time, I'm saying goodbye to Big Brother Xue!" Oscar suddenly let go of Xue Qinghe, poured himself a cup of good tea and began to taste it.

"Farewell? Where are you going?" Xue Qinghe was also puzzled, okay, why did you leave!Also a little bit reluctant!

"If you want to go out for a walk, you can't stay at home all the time!" Oscar laughed and drank the tea, but he was not polite to him.

Looking at Oscar who was not polite, Xue Qinghe teased and said: "There are so many little wives in the family, you will be willing!"

Oscar said: "I'm not willing, but I also want to see the outside world!"

"That's right, the mainland is so colorful, it would be a pity not to visit it!" Xue Qinghe nodded.

"Brother Xue, do you want to go together!" Oscar said jokingly, and dragged him out for a date, not bad!

"No, Xiao Ao, I still have a lot of things to deal with, let's talk about it later!" Xue Qinghe declined politely, thinking too.

"That's all right, Big Brother Xue, can I give you a hug!" Oscar said with a laugh, but he had already acted and hugged the young man into his arms.

"!" Xue Qinghe also had black lines on his face, is it interesting for you to ask, you are already hugging!However, feeling the aura of this festive and coquettish man again, she suddenly felt relieved, and also began to hug his feminine body tightly, Xue Qinghe raised his head a little higher, and leaned on his shoulder!

After a while, this sound made Xue Qinghe, who had just been addicted to it, tremble, because Oscar was taking pictures of his butt, and couldn't help but blushed!
"Haha, brother Xue's waist is really thin, and his hips are also very elastic. I'm leaving, don't miss me!" Oscar Hongying waved his hand, and he had already arrived at the door. He was very free and easy, and even said a word of praise!
"This guy, did he already know my gender..." Looking at Oscar who had gone away, Xue Qinghe muttered with a blush on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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