Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 186 Going to the Extreme North

Chapter 186 Going to the Extreme North
A magnificent castle, only the rich and powerful Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School can have such a place in the mainland!And a festive and charming figure was walking in this bustling castle, attracting thousands of eyes, most of them were dedicated to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

"Haha, brat, you really are so attractive everywhere!" A kind voice came, and it was easy to know who it was, Ning Fengzhi, the master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, a generation of heroes!
"That's right, you can't insult your father-in-law's reputation!" Oscar laughed. Next to him was an old man with a sharp sword spirit, followed by a skinny old man. The fierce old man was Chen Xin of Douluo Title Sword!

"Yeah! Xiao Ao, I'm going to go out for a while. You already know the way here. Go, Rongrong misses you too!" Ning Fengzhi said, the meaning was clear, he completely regarded Oscar as his own , Ning Fengzhi is getting closer and closer to that realm!

"Yeah! Good!" Oscar replied, his red shadow flashed, he didn't say much to this guy who sold his daughter, he had better take a quick look at this Bai Fumei Ning Rongrong, and then set off to the extreme north!

"Old bone, it's my turn this time!" Jian Douluo laughed, completely like a fighting child!
The skinny old man replied: "Hmph, isn't this the castle yet?"

"Cough! Uncle Jian, Uncle Bone, have you noticed that Oscar's strength is stronger?" Ning Fengzhi said suddenly, just now Oscar flashed past him, and unexpectedly let out no soul power!

"Hmm! This kid can't be treated like an ordinary person, he is simply a monster, a 17-year-old soul king!" Sword Douluo said, and he didn't know how Oscar cultivated!
Bone Douluo said: "Anyway, Feng Zhi, he will be beneficial and not harmful to us when he grows up!"

"Okay, Emperor Xue Ye said he has something important to do with me, we have to hurry there!" Ning Fengzhi laughed, I'm really afraid that these two old fellows will quarrel again!
A beautiful and delicate room, decorated in pink, with a girly fragrance!
"Hmph! Oscar, I thought you forgot about me!" A little woman was angry, her small mouth pouted, making people want to take a bite!
"Cough! Rongrong, it's not that I didn't come to look for you, but something delayed me!" Oscar explained, he came earlier, but he didn't know that Quan Gong had entered a state of epiphany!

"Don't listen!" Miss Ning Rongrong lost her temper, which even Ning Fengzhi would be afraid of. Unfortunately, after going to Shrek Academy, she has restrained herself a lot!
Sure enough, an explanation is a cover-up, and a cover-up is the truth!Since you said that I don't want to come to you, that's it. Seeing that you have so many excuses, don't you just blame yourself for not feeding you, little greedy cat!Oscar was thinking, looking at this little lady with a temper like a big lady, who was starving like a tiger, and pressed her onto the soft pink bed!

Sure enough, when dealing with a woman, you don't need to reason with her. The most direct way is to gag her.Then, the two kissed heartily, and Ning Rongrong did the same, only in this way can he balance his heart, after all, he has too many women!

At this time, Ning Rongrong seemed to be dry wood, but Oscar was not a raging fire, and then a charming voice came from the room!
After a while, the sound in the room quietened down!

"Xiao Ao, you came to see me this time, is there something wrong?" Ning Rongrong leaned obediently in Oscar's arms, hugging him.

"Well, I'm going to go out to practice. By the way, I'll find a soul ring that suits me. Maybe a year or two! I'm already the soul emperor, Rong Rong, you have to work hard!" Oscar said with a smile, pinching her little nose .

"En! Xiao Ao, I know I can't keep you, please stay with me more, okay!" Ning Rongrong said softly, she knew that Oscar had so many women, he could come to him, explaining other Women can't stop him.

"Well, is it enough for a week!" Oscar said with a smirk!
"No, one month! Not even one month, it's too little, two months!" Ning Rongrong said hastily, and used her slender jade fingers to negotiate the conditions.

"No, it's too long, one week, don't worry, this week will supply you with two months' worth!" Oscar smiled, and his actions proved that he began to press her exquisite and small body!

On a beautiful mountain stream, a charming couple watched the sunset, pieces of fire burning clouds, very beautiful!

"Xiao Ao, isn't the sunset in our castle beautiful!" Ning Rongrong asked gently.

"Well, Zai Mei is not as beautiful as you!" Oscar stroked her hair and smiled, smelling the fragrance of her hair.

"Hee hee, I hate it! This is my place for meditation, I call it Qin Gu, Xiao Ao, I want to hear you play the piano!" Ning Rongrong said softly.

"Hmm! Then I'll just come up with a random paragraph!" Oscar said with a smile.

Ning Rongrong said coquettishly: "How can you be casual, be careful!"

Then, the beautiful mountain stream, the charming sunset, the red burning clouds, and the already touching piano sound, Oscar played a piece of piano sound for the eldest lady every day, watching the sunrise and sunset, and a week passed!
Parting moment! "Xiao Ao, I can't bear to part with you!" Ning Rongrong, who was dressed in a white dress and looked charming, hugged Oscar, and said with tears in his eyes.

"Okay, silly Rongrong, my husband can protect you better when he becomes stronger. Wait for me to come back and hold a grand wedding for you!" Oscar hooked her little nose and wiped it away for her. She shed tears and comforted her.

"Well, hubby! I'll be waiting for you, come back soon!" Ning Rongrong said, but still didn't let go of her hand.

Oscar looked at her, knowing that she was his own woman in the dark, and began to kiss her affectionately. After an unknown amount of time, Oscar picked her up and sent her to her room, and opened her mouth. Yushou, under her reluctant calling, quietly left!
"This kid is too cruel!" Watching Hong Ying leave, the two old people said excitedly, Ning Fengzhi is alright, and there are a few women serving him, but they are all old!And Oscar, who left, didn't know it at all, and he sprinkled a lot of food to the two old people.

Just after leaving the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School Castle, Oscar started to fly with his sword, a black glow, a long black gauze skirt scattered, and an enchanting woman more beautiful than a fairy appeared!

The beauty smiled and said: "Hey, apprentice, it's good to be with my wife, and you still have a demigod, why do you want to come out!"

"Little Hongming, come and give this apprentice a kiss!"

Seeing that the rogue master who had been abusing his primordial spirit came out, Oscar leaned forward with his mouth pouted and said.

"Ah bah, it's not big or small, what little Hongming, it's called master!" Master Oscar said with his jade finger to stop the apprentice who wanted to eat tofu to take advantage of it.

"Uh, Master!" Seeing that he stopped him, Oscar changed his tune.

"Good apprentice, only the master can kiss you!" The enchanting master smiled, and approached Oscar, and the red lips were touched with coldness and warmth!
Oscar began to put his arms around his waist, which was as smooth as a snake's waist, and just about to kiss it to his heart's content, the rogue master suddenly turned into a one-year-old girl!
"Stinky apprentice, you still want to take advantage of the master. Let's talk about it after you pass the catastrophe, haha!" The little girl laughed, looking very cute.

"Xiao Hongming, can't I take advantage of you if I become smaller!"

Oscar smiled, patted the little girl's buttocks, then kissed her, picked her up, and went to the north of the Heaven Dou Empire, the land of the extreme north!
(End of this chapter)

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