Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 187 Enlightenment Marriage Building

Chapter 187 Enlightenment Marriage Building
The northern part of the Tiandou Empire is the northern province of Arabin. It is ruled by a kingdom called Arabin. Half of the province here is covered with snow and snow. It is very beautiful. The famous one is the Frozen City. Not far from the Frozen Forest, it is a trading place for buying and selling Xuezhi, Snow Lotus and other precious medicinal materials, which is more famous than Arabin City, the capital of the kingdom!
"Phew, after a week of driving, I finally have a decent place to rest!" said a festive man in red, holding in his arms a cute one-year-old girl with big eyes like black pearls!

The little girl scratched his crotch and said with a smile, Oscar hugged the little master, it was because of her on the journey that it was more fun, otherwise he would be suffocated to death!

In Arabian City, Oscar passed the inspection of the guards and came to a famous hotel. He planned to take a good rest before heading to the frozen city!
"Old horse, have you heard! Our Arabian Kingdom's eighteenth-year-old princess Arasha is ready to choose a son-in-law, and young soul masters up to 30 years old can participate!" A plain-looking uncle in his thirties said obsessively , Recalling the noble figure in the curtain.

"Lao He, you are already 35, don't think about it, your son will run away, and his soul power has to reach the level of the soul sect, it is difficult!" An uncle of his age said.

"Hey, it seems that it's still cheaper for those big family children, old horse, you don't know, that princess is really beautiful, you can't forget it even at a glance!" said the uncle named Lao He.

"Old river and old horse? You've made a couple too!" Oscar, who had just entered the hotel, smiled, approached the counter, and said, "Please open up a good room and see you. By the way, prepare some delicious food!"

"Okay, sir!" The counter staff said with a very respectful service attitude. When bowing, they showed their plump cleavage, abiding by the principle that the customer is God.

"Okay, sir, a total of 130 two gold coins!" The staff handed over the key card and said with a smile.

Oscar looked around, really didn't want to look at it, it was too revealing, took out a stored value card, the meaning was clear, swiped the card, no cash!

"Wow! What a beautiful man, if he is here to run for the son-in-law, maybe he can be selected with this face!" After Oscar left, the staff said obsessively.

"Who do you choose? I can have a big princess at home!" How could he not hear the voice of the staff, Oscar smiled wryly.

It is indeed a hotel in the capital of the kingdom. It is much better than the small hotels in the town. The room smells fresh and has been cleaned carefully. The sheets are as good as new. You get what you pay for!
"Boom boom boom!"

Just when he was about to lie down, there was a knock on the door. Oscar walked over to open the door. He saw that it was a food delivery person, but the food delivery person was not simple. He was in his twenties, with first-class looks, wearing revealing V-shaped tops, Two dazzling plump jade balls make people easy to get angry!

"Brother, you are so beautiful, do you need me? There is no charge, how about staying with you for one night!" The delivery boy in scantily dressed said charmingly, looking forward to spending a good night with Oscar.

"Uh! No need!" Oscar took the food and closed the door directly. Looking at the food, he wondered if he lived in the wrong place, shit!horrible.

"Hmph, why are you pretending to be lofty? It's not because of that princess Asha. They are all women, and I'm not bad, too! It's the first time!" the niece said angrily.

They will face these problems sooner or later in this line of work. Seeing that Oscar is so good-looking, instead of being taken by an old man that day, it is better to find a good-looking young one, but they don’t know, they are sent to their door, and they have been rejected.

Just as she was about to leave, Oscar inside opened the door and said to her, "Come in!"

The woman was overjoyed, and hurried in, afraid that he would regret it, but seeing that there was a petite and cute little girl on the bed, she was a little puzzled, and asked, "Is she your daughter?"

Oscar shook his head and said with a smile, "No, you should sit down first!"

"Little Hongming, come here!" Oscar smiled and called the little master, and his little master came over obediently, and then sat on Oscar's lap, and Oscar fed her. The two were somewhat similar, which made people suspect, really not A father and daughter?
"You asked me to come in, and you're not doing business, what do you want!" The woman said slightly dissatisfied, but seeing this beautiful man, she couldn't bear to slam the door and leave!

Seeing her like this, Oscar asked: "What's your name? Since you haven't lost your virginity, why do you still do such a job?"

The woman was silent for a while, then said with a downcast expression: "My name is Qingzhao, do you think we think that we were homeless when we were young, or were bought into these big industries by human traffickers, brought up, and then came out to work, just to Attract customers! Of course, if you are lucky and someone is willing to spend 15 gold coins to take you away, you don’t have to be treated as a one-time item, and then go to a low-level room to serve smelly men, or be sold to a kiln. According to me, you need to spend another [-] gold coins!"

"I'll go, 10 yuan for whoring!"

Oscar calmed down, [-], maybe the rich really come, her appearance is first-rate, the other women should not be bad either!Of course, most of them will be taken away. After all, it cost [-], plus [-], there will be an extra maid in the future. I have to say that this person really knows how to do business!

Then, the girl Qingzhao said: "Of course, the girls in the auction houses are better than ours, and many people like them, but ours is not bad, it's just because their souls are branded, and they are only for men all their lives." Let us vent our desires, and we still have our own choices!"

Looking at the helpless women, Oscar felt that there were unfairness everywhere, and they were the only ones who stood up by themselves. Of course, it was already settled here.

"Qingzhao, if I bought you with money, what are you going to do?" Oscar asked, wanting to see her thoughts. If he lived a peaceful life, he might give her some money so that she could find her in the future. nice family.

"I, I don't know, you bought me, then I can only follow you!" The woman named Qingzhao said blushingly, Oscar is good-looking, and he doesn't look like a poor person, and it may be enough to live with him for a lifetime up!

"No, let me give you a plan. I will buy you and give you 100 million gold coins. You open a marriage building in Arabian City, and then take these women there. If you intend to find a good family, you Help them choose a good family, successfully charge a suitable fee as income, and then..." Oscar began to speak, this will undoubtedly offend many big industries, but it can help them a little bit!

"Marriage building? 100 million..." The woman named Qingzhao began to fantasize, with beautiful prospects and immature plans in her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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