Chapter 194
The Tianzihao room is the most upscale room in the hotel. At this time, Oscar held the exquisite room card bordered with gold silk, opened the door and entered, a burst of fragrance came in, and there was moderate heating. Oscar withdrew the aura, Enjoy the warmth of this high-end room.

"Master, I'm going to take a shower, don't peek! I'll wash it for you after I'm done, hehe!" Oscar put down his petite and charming little master, and said with a teasing smile.

Afterwards, there was the sound of rushing water in the bathroom, and there was still misty mist. In this frozen city, taking such a hot bath is nothing but a pleasure!
"Oh, life is hard, how could I have such a mentally retarded stupid apprentice!" Hong Ming used mana to make himself bigger, looked at the people in the foggy bathroom, and said helplessly.Where does she need to take a bath? These are things that ordinary people have to do!
After a while, the sound stopped!A handsome man with only a bath towel on his body, full of flexibility, no muscles, no fat, and dripping water came out.

"Haha, Master, you've come out!" Oscar looked at this beautiful Master, never tired of seeing her. Compared with other women, she had an aura that was beyond the mundane and unworldly.

"Well, I was afraid that you would take advantage of me. Let's go, silly apprentice. If there is no more delicious food, be careful that I will eat you!" Master Hongming threatened, but seeing Oscar's fearless appearance, he couldn't help it. Bite your red lips tightly!

"Okay, master, I'll take you out to eat delicious food. I heard that the snow river krill in the extreme north is very delicious!" Oscar smiled, put on a red dress, and took the opportunity to put his arms around the beautiful master. The two are somewhat similar , it's just that Oscar lacks aura.

"Sir... so beautiful..."

As soon as she got dressed and opened the door, Oscar was about to go out for a stroll. In the current scene, the female staff member's jade hand stretched out to Oscar's chest, as if knocking on the door!

"It's you, are you okay!" Oscar asked with a smile. This staff member is different from Qingzhao's because she has a backer, and she is also covered by a beautiful boss of the soul saint level. Appreciated by Oscar.

"She is... thank you last time, thank you!" The female staff member looked at the beautiful master Hong Ming, wanted to ask but instead thanked her, her face flushed, recalling that scene, but compared with the person next to him, she felt ashamed .

Oscar didn't pay attention to this point, just smiled and said: "It's a trivial matter, beauty, which one is the best restaurant in Frozen City, and where is it?"

The female staff looked at the two somewhat similar people and wondered if they were siblings, but she replied seriously to Oscar's question: "The best restaurant in Frozen City is Xuemanlou, which has snow Pork meat, snow bird's nest, snow krill, snow bear's paw, snow..."

"Stop! Stop! It's really snowing all over the building, just tell me how to get there!" Oscar interrupted her, and when the snow fell, the good time with the master and the two of them were snowed out by her.

"Xue...wait for the signboard!" The interrupted female staff finally choked out these words, and then said embarrassingly: "I'm sorry, just go out and go left."

"Okay, thank you, beauty!" He took the beauty master by the hand and thanked her before leaving.

"What beauty, just call me Zhaoxue!" the female staff muttered, compared with the one next to him, she was dejected.

Oscar also heard her voice, and the two of them went out, the snowflakes were falling, there were few pedestrians on the road, there were only two or two in a hurry, and they were so tightly wrapped that they couldn't tell the difference between male and female.

"Apprentice, you are so amazing, even the female staff members are fascinated by your fans, and the female boss is also good, Xuehu Wuhun!" Master Hong Ming smiled, covering his red lips, wearing a long black gauze dress , extraordinarily charming.

"Master, it's obvious that you are obsessed!"

"You're still talkative, what Master said is the truth!" Afterwards, the two flirted and walked in the snow, looking like a loving young couple from a distance!
Snow is all over the building, a large restaurant covering an area of ​​more than [-], is already overcrowded at this time, the snowflakes are covering the roof outside, but there will be no trace of falling, there is a layer of tiles on the edge, which will melt the snow, and then flow down, so back and forth , Snowflakes are still covering the top, and the restaurant will not suffer too much backlog.

"Haha, where did the young man come from, to dare to walk in the Frozen City with thin clothes!"

"Mu Da, what's so strange, usually there are one or two outsiders like this, but look at that woman, I really want to have a taste, hehe!"

"Indeed, it's beautiful enough. I've never seen such a beautiful person in my life. That figure, tsk tsk!"

Oscar came in with the beautiful master, and there were some rough men's voices. Those who can enjoy in the big restaurant are all rich people or powerful soul masters. They all have a thick leather jacket by their side for walking. To resist the cold, soul power alone is not enough.

"Boss, is there a private room!" Oscar knocked on the counter angrily, and said to the middle-aged boss in the blue gown. He kept staring at his master, thinking he was nothing!
"Sorry, it's full, but there are still a few vacancies outside, why don't you..." the middle-aged boss said, but was interrupted.

"Forget it, master, then I will personally collect materials to serve you today!" Oscar interrupted him, pulling the beautiful master to prepare to leave!

A middle-aged man with a wretched appearance and ordinary clothes suddenly came out to block the way of Oscar and the two of them, looked at Hong Ming with fiery eyes, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, little brother, it's so snowy outside, why do you have the heart to take it with you?" Such a delicate beauty is going out, listen to my brother, I still have two seats, you can sit down, brother treats, brother treats!"

"Yes! Yes! Little beauty!" At a table not far from this position, there were four middle-aged people jokingly laughing, who should be his companions.

"I don't care, Master, what do you think!" Oscar looked at Master and smiled, as if you were always making up your mind.

"Master, I like to taste what you make yourself. The ones here are so-so!" Hong Ming said coldly, but without looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, he said with extreme disgust: "Besides, I feel disgusted just looking at them. Can you eat it!"

"Hmph! Damn bitch, don't give me a face..." The middle-aged man felt a chill on his neck, and he couldn't speak anymore. There was only a faint line of blood at his Adam's apple!
"Fourth, stinky woman, pay for your life!" The other four shouted, five soul rings lit up on each of them, but none of them were the best soul ring match!
"It's up to you!" Hong Ming said calmly as he threw the Xuanming Sword to Oscar.

"Uh! Master, why don't you come in person!" Oscar smiled wryly. He couldn't see clearly how Master made the move just now, as if the air passed by, that person was already dead.

"Dirty hands!"

The beautiful master said indifferently, the boss who wanted to stop him was stared at by Hong Ming, and he could only look at him tremblingly. His intuition told him that if he dared to step forward, he would be the next one to die!

"Four soul kings, what a pity!" Oscar looked at the few people rushing forward, snow wolves, snow leopards and other beast souls. In the extreme north, ice attribute soul masters accounted for the vast majority.

"Chain, erosion!"

Four chains shot out, and the black light seemed to swallow them. They quickly decayed, and then a dark purple flame burned their bodies to ashes!
After Oscar finished, he said to those people who just looked wrongly: "Warning everyone, if you do too much unrighteousness, you will kill yourself!" It's okay to look at beauties, but it's different if you do it!

"Stupid apprentice, after spending so much time talking, hurry up and cook something delicious for Master!"

"Oh! Good! Good!"

The two frolic and left, as if they were not the ones who killed the five soul kings just now. They killed the five soul kings with just a flick of their fingers, and those two charming figures were too terrifying!

(End of this chapter)

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