Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 195 The Little Blind Girl in the Forest

Chapter 195 The Little Blind Girl in the Forest
Outside the Frozen City, there is a huge forest, covered with layers of ice and snow, named the Frozen Forest. There are countless unknown soul beasts in it, and it is the source of the soul rings of ice attribute soul masters, but if you go deeper, it is the place where humans Because there is a boundless snow field inside, the temperature is extremely cold, the soul beasts are more than 5000 years old, and the environment is harsh, people call it the forbidden land of the ice field!
Not far from the frozen forest, two figures, one red and one black, were walking, completely unafraid of the cold ice and snow!
"Well, Snow Lake, there should be fish, master, do you like fish!" The figure in red laughed, looking at the woman in the long black gauze dress obsessively.

"I'll go back to sleep if I talk nonsense, or I'll waste my mana!" said the woman in a long black gauze dress, snow-white flowers fell, black and white, don't look beautiful!

"Mysterious Nether Body!"


With a sound, the Xuanming body was used, and it smashed a thick piece of ice with all its strength, and felt that the big ice lake trembled!
"Master, snow perch, wow, I thought I was going to go into the water to catch it!" Oscar foolishly mentioned the few silly fish that had been knocked unconscious and smiled.

"I'd better go back, look at your stupidity!" Hong Ming said that he wanted to go back, but he didn't go back. Although it would consume his mana, he still prefers to live a life with Oscar like this, which has never happened in ten thousand years happy.

"Don't, master, just wait a little longer!" Oscar held the beautiful master's jade hand, the water was icy, and the snow perch didn't have the fishy smell like ordinary fish.

"Sure enough, it's a good place to practice!" After entering the Frozen Forest, Oscar sighed. He could feel the cold air just outside the Frozen Forest. It seemed that his Mysterious Body could enter the Dacheng state in the past few years.

Walking and walking, not far away from the spiritual detection, a snow-white and ferocious wolf followed a slim girl of about seventeen or eighteen. The girl was wrapped in a thin leather jacket, carrying a small bag of bulging things on her back, and holding a bag in her hand. A wooden stick, exploring the road ahead!

Just when the snow wolf was about to pounce on the food, a mountain in red flashed past!
"Oh! I just like to meddle in my own business so much!" Hong Ming looked at this silly apprentice, thinking he was so stupid, and muttered with red lips.

Oscar grabbed the snow wolf's front paw with one hand, and swung it vigorously, causing the snow wolf to smash into the deep snow layer, the solution is over!

"Girl, why are you alone in the forest? It was so dangerous just now!" Oscar approached the girl, wanting to lead her way, but his spiritual sense detected that she was invisible!

"Don't! Don't! Don't come here! Don't look at me!" The girl said nervously, as if Oscar was a hooligan who wanted to molest her.

"Uh, what's wrong with you?" Oscar also asked curiously, why is he afraid of himself?Or is she afraid of something?

"Don't... Ah!" Oscar patted this strange girl on the shoulder, jumping like a frightened bunny, her eyes were tightly closed, and she didn't care that she was about to fall down.


Oscar held her lubricated little hand to prevent her from falling, but the girl became even more frightened and struggled. Oscar accidentally pulled her closer, and his lips touched lightly!
The girl trembled, and the lubricating feeling made her open her eyes. They were a pair of bewitching eyes, one black and one white, exuding a strange black glow, coming towards Oscar!

"Hmm! What's going on?"

Oscar suddenly felt a trance in front of his eyes, the girls in front of him turned into countless, a sudden sharp pain in his mind, a pain that was worse than death, he quickly let go of her jade hand, hugged his head, hoping to relieve it!

A little golden lion in the sea of ​​consciousness roared angrily at the invading black light, and started chasing it like a life-and-death enemy. It was Oscar's first pet, the three-eyed golden lion, the imperial auspicious beast.

"I killed another person. I didn't do it on purpose. Why, just let me die!" The girl squatted down in pain, muttering to herself.Recalling the painful scene, awakening Wuhun is obviously a good thing for many people, but when it came to me, he became blind, and even killed the awakening master of Wuhun Temple, and asked his parents to repay and protect him. look at yourself.In the end, her parents were also killed by herself, as well as her younger brother. In the end, she hid here, hoping to be eaten by a spirit beast. Unexpectedly, another one was killed today!
"It's just a faint light of death, and you, an idiot apprentice, have been made like this. It's shameful!" Hong Ming in a black dress came over. Fortunately, Oscar had a strong sense of the sea, and there was also the three-eyed Jin Ni, the beast of luck. , otherwise they will all die.

"go with!"

When Hong Ming waved his hand, a more overbearing black air invaded Oscar's sea of ​​consciousness, scaring away the three-eyed Jin Ni, and finally, overbearingly swallowed that ray of death light!

"Forget it, I'll leave this source to you, otherwise, that day, you, a stupid apprentice, would have been killed like this!" After Hong Ming finished speaking, her face was a little pale, and she entered the space of Xuanming Sword in a flash!
"I haven't experienced such pain for a long time. What happened just now, Master!" After a long time, Oscar got up, not daring to recall the feeling of death, and called out, because his master Hong Ming was gone!

"Idiot, stop shouting, to save you, I have to rest for a while, don't bother me!" Hong Ming replied with a weak voice.

Oscar remained silent, is he still too weak!
"Why do you want me to live, why do you want me to live..." The girl squatting on the side kept mumbling, she really didn't want to live anymore, every time she killed another person, she would blame herself for a long time!

"What's the matter with you!" Oscar asked looking at the charming girl, he was indeed shot by the black light in her eyes just now, that kind of intense invasion and pain.

"You! You're not dead?" The girl suddenly looked up, but unfortunately she couldn't see Oscar, with black and white eyes, and there were crystal tears beside the small eyes!
"Oh, you really want me to die, so I'll die first!" Oscar laughed, looking at the exquisite and slim girl, perhaps, even she herself didn't know that she was so attractive.

"No! No! Just as long as you're fine!" The girl nervously touched, but suddenly her jade hand was caught. The girl stood up, and instead of pulling back her hand, she touched Oscar's whole body!
"It's really okay, it's really okay, it's great!" The girl said excitedly, staggered, and fell into Oscar's chest, but hugged him and cried: "Thank you, let me lose a piece of self-confidence!" responsibility!"

Oscar looked at the little blind girl, what had happened to her, stroked her hair, hoping to calm her down, but after a while, the girl fell asleep, smelling the freshness and tenderness of Oscar's body , sleeping comfortably, with crystals in the corners of his eyes.

"Uh! At least find a place to sleep again!" Oscar looked at the person in his arms, and began to gently hug her. His spiritual sense searched out a wide area until he saw a snow valley and a simple wooden house , Here, she is the only one.

Holding this girl in her arms, she used her body skills, and the red shadows connected, and she traveled through the forest!
"I'm going, there are so many skeletons!" The consciousness swept out and knew that there were many skeletons. Although I didn't pay attention to it, when I arrived in this valley, there were no less than a hundred skeletons. Looking at the person in my arms, it was too scary Bar!
I don't know what your name is?Scary little blind girl!
(End of this chapter)

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