Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 197 Battle against the Sky King

Chapter 197 Battle against the Sky King
The temperature in the forest began to plummet, which also symbolized that the night of this day was coming!In the cold and windy snow valley, there was not a small wooden house to blow from, but the falling temperature made the invisible girl shiver. She should be curled up inside at this time!
"It's getting dark, I want you to go, but I don't want you to go, my man, I don't know your name yet, or you can come back tomorrow!"

A slim girl hugged the arm of a man in red tightly and said, the strange thing is that her eyes are one black and one white, empty!
"Really, then I'm leaving, I'll come back tomorrow! Also, my name is Oscar!"

As the man in red said, he wanted to pull out his hand. They just enjoyed a delicious meal, Oscar and the little blind girl Roland!

The little blind girl didn't let go, but hugged her even tighter. The two lumps on her chest were as soft and warm as cotton, and she said reluctantly: "Oscar, remember, come to me tomorrow!"

"Okay, okay, I remember!"

Oscar smiled wryly, once upon a time, he was so embarrassed by a female hooligan, and she was a little blind girl.

In the end, the little blind girl Roland finally let go of her hand, Oscar's red shadow flashed, and the blind girl Roland tried to catch it again, but it was in vain!

"Haha, little Roland, then I'm leaving!"

Not far away, Oscar shouted, wanting to see if this little blind girl is really reluctant to give up on herself!
"Oscar, let's go, it's so cold here at night, I really hope you can really come tomorrow!"

The little blind girl muttered, knowing the current situation, she was used to it, even without eyes, she could feel the changes here, and she started to feel lost, and went back to her cabin.

As she was walking, she bumped into someone. The familiar aura made her feel moved and delighted, so she hugged him!
"Oscar, why don't you go? I won't let you go this time. Even if it's cold, I will use my body to keep you warm!"

The little blind girl said excitedly, her thin body is really warm!
"That's a good deal, warm my bed!" Oscar hugged her slender waist and smiled, how many times have you taken advantage of her!

The little blind girl blushed rarely and said, "Yes! Good!"

In the frozen forest, a red shadow shuttled through it, and the biting cold wind didn't even reach the girl in his arms!

"Oscar, where are you taking me?"

Roland asked curiously, but he didn't struggle. He was not the one who was afraid of him, but the only one he relied on.

"Take you back to open a room, and then eat you tonight, hehe, be scared!"

Oscar replied, she always looks like a female hooligan!

Suddenly there was a long howl, and a huge black shadow flew across the sky. Its body was nearly ten meters long, and it was covered in snow white!
"Oscar, it's it, go, leave me alone!"

Little Roland pushed Oscar's chest in a panic, as if she wanted her to bear its coming!
"Is your man the kind of person who loses his woman when he encounters danger!"

Oscar looked at this little blind girl and found it funny again, a 7-year-old snow eagle was nothing but a threat, if it dared to come down, he would lack a soul ring!
"But, it's so powerful, I can't even kill it!" Little Roland said.

"You can't kill me, it proves that I am stronger than it! By the way, Roland, what is your martial soul?"

Oscar suddenly asked curiously, everyone has their own martial soul, what about hers?

"My martial soul~, I'll tell you when it's safe!" Little Roland said in a low tone, leaning his head on Oscar's chest.


Oscar hugged her, and flashed under Snow Eagle's giant claws. The giant eagle's claws broke a big tree, showing the power of the claws!
"If you really dare to come, I don't know if there are any soul bones!"

Oscar laughed, it was you who delivered it to your door, no wonder yourself!With a flash of black light, he stepped on the Xuanming Sword with his toes, and headed straight for Xue Ying!


The little blind girl became nervous, feeling the difference around her, as if she was flying into the air at a high speed, but was interrupted when she wanted to say something!
"Roland, don't talk, trust me!"

Oscar said simply, because the huge snow eagle, with its snow-white wings, was blowing the wind and snow, which seemed to strike Oscar!

"Oh, so smart, no wonder he is the king of the sky!"

Oscar smiled, a little Xuanming Sword rushed out from the bottom of his feet, the person disappeared, and the sword also disappeared!
"The chains are corroded, and all evil is haunted!"

Get close to Xue Ying, and use the unique skills of the two chains, but Xue Ying's huge body can't be bound!Snow Eagle fluttered its wings violently, very angry, this tiny human could actually hurt itself, and the icy chains were colder than the snow here!

The Snow Eagle roared loudly, dragged its black chains, and flew in circles clinking, making Oscar dizzy!
"Damn it, can you fly faster and do more tricks!"

Oscar catches up with the Xuanming sword, plus the exclusive stunt, Xuanming flashes!It is difficult to catch up with this famous speed Snow Eagle!
Thousands of meters above the sky, a giant shadow and a small red dot are chasing each other!
After a long time, when the night really fell, the snow eagle fluttered its wings, and a stronger cold air invaded!

"Is there such a big difference in temperature between day and night! It's just getting dark!"

Oscar felt the slightest bit of coldness, and he could bear it, but Roland in his arms couldn't bear it anymore, and he was still at an altitude of a thousand meters!
"Oscar, I'm ~ fine!"

Feeling that Oscar's speed slowed down, Roland said tremblingly, and hugged Oscar even tighter, feeling very warm!

"What nonsense, let's go back!"

Looking at the arrogant Xue Ying, Oscar said to the little blind girl, thinking, what a good opponent to temper!

Seeing the red figure trying to run away, Snow Eagle chased after him instead!
"Haha, I won't play with you anymore, my sausage, I don't need a spirit ring like yours!"

Oscar smiled provocatively, the red shadow flashed, and he was already a thousand meters away. He used his posture again and rushed back to the Frozen City!

Xue Ying furiously fanned the cold wind and snow, making other spirit beasts terrified, fearing that they would become Xue Ying's delicious food!

"Snow Eagle, the king of the sky, is really a good opponent!"

Oscar looked at the giant shadow in the distance and heaved a sigh of relief as he approached the Frozen City!The night here is too scary, and I haven't even reached the depths of the ice sheet yet!

"Oscar, don't, there are too many people in the city, don't go in!"

The little blind girl Roland stopped Oscar from saying that although she couldn't see, she had relatively strong perceptions in other aspects!
"Can't you just cover your eyes?"

As Oscar said, he was about to take out the cloth!

"No, I tried it, but it didn't work!" Roland shook his head and replied.

"I have a solution, don't worry!"

As Oscar said, he let go of the shroud of darkness and enveloped her. A cloud of black mist flashed into the big city, and even the guards didn't notice any movement. They seemed to be frozen in ice and snow again, becoming sculptures!
Cher Hotel!

"You didn't come back until late at night. I thought you weren't coming back. She is, you, a flowery carrot!"

Oscar went in with Roland in his arms, but faced inexplicable accusations from the female staff member Zhaoxue!
"Oscar, what a warm place, is this the city!"

Hearing another woman's voice, Roland asked, holding Oscar tightly as if protecting his own food.

"Well! There are warmer ones!"

Oscar smiled, ignored Zhaoxue, and carried her into the room!

(End of this chapter)

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