Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 198 Made the Female Staff Cry

Chapter 198 Made the Female Staff Cry
"Hmph! Damn guy!"

Seeing that she was ignored by him, the female staff member named Zhaoxue was annoyed. Looking at this huge hall, she was helpless. Anyone who could come and stay here was a big client, and her job was to look after this hotel!

Day two!Every time Oscar saw these two unique words, he wanted to laugh!
"Little Roland, are you afraid? I, an ugly man, will eat you later!"

Entering the room, Oscar put her on a soft bed and "threatened" her.

"Tch! You just have a lustful heart but no guts. You have talked so much, but you haven't seen a single action!"

The little blind girl Roland responded very directly, and shocked Oscar who was pouring water, and the hot water almost spilled out!
"Yes! Yes! I am lustful!"

Oscar smiled, vaguely, the relationship between the two was very ambiguous, more like a flirting young couple!
"Hey, it's hot water, drink some!"

The hot water that Oscar poured was for Roland, he's fine if he doesn't eat or drink!Instead, I remembered that sentence: drink plenty of hot water if you have nothing to do!

In a warm room, a young man and woman are silent!

"Well, Oscar, I want to take a bath!"

The blind girl Roland's face was as red as a cloud of fire, and she spoke in a soft voice, looking at Oscar with black and white eyes!
"You want me to wash it for you?" Oscar responded awkwardly!
"Ah bah! You have a good idea, just help me to the bathroom!"

The little blind girl's face turned even redder, what was this guy thinking, and she said a little angrily!
"Oh, where do you need help, my little girl who warms the bed!"

Oscar picked her up again, always saying that he could give it to himself, but now he was shy after washing his body, could it be related to the environment, the air here is warm, so his skin became thinner?

"I don't want to be your bed warming girl, I want to be~"

Roland was hugged, and said happily, he was still by his side, he was already very satisfied!

"Don't think about it, I'm so ugly, it's time to fix your eyes, and you will dislike me!"

As Oscar said, he looked at Roland who suddenly felt strange, and asked with concern: "Little Roland, what's wrong with you?"

"Oscar, don't you want to know my martial soul? My martial soul is my eyes. When I awakened, my family members all left me because of it!"

As the girl said, the crystals began to slip. Losing her family is the most painful thing!

As soon as Roland's words came out, Oscar stopped, the main body martial soul, what level of martial soul is this, can torture such a beautiful girl like this, and he almost suffered from it, how is the beauty master so far, I don't even know it!
"Okay, little Roland cried like a little cat, it doesn't look good anymore!"

Oscar wiped away her tears and comforted her. Sure enough, are women made of water? My bamboo is better!
"Pfft! No way, I don't even know what I look like!"

Roland, the blind girl, said with a smile through her tears!

"Roland, tell me, maybe no one taught you to control your martial soul, you try to treat it as a part of your body, focus on it, you are in charge, control it slowly~"

Oscar was talking seriously, but was interrupted by the beauty's laughter!
"Hee hee, it's a part of me!"

Roland laughed, but still tried it on purpose. His eyes turned blue, and he looked at the man hugging him. He was fuzzy, with messy long hair and a red robe. Before he could see his face clearly, It went dark in a flash!


Oscar didn't notice her instant change, and felt something was wrong, so he let out a cry!
"It's okay, Oscar, you go out first, I, I can do it myself!"

The blind girl Roland shyly pushed Oscar, her face turned red!

"Well, I'm just outside, call me if you have anything to do, wait for you to clean up, and then warm my bed, haha!"

Oscar smiled. After all, she is also a girl, so she turned off her consciousness and walked on!

"Stinky man, dead pervert, playboy..."

The female staff, Zhao Xue, has been cursing a certain man!

"Hey! Zhaoxue, who are you scolding!"

Oscar's sudden appearance shouted behind her!
"Ah~, what are you doing, you don't know that people scare people to death!"

A cry of exclamation could almost spread throughout the entire hotel. Afterwards, blame the visitor!
"Oh, the customer is God. If you treat your customers like this, I will go to your boss and fine you wages!"

As Oscar said, he walked towards the place where Shangguan Xueer had appeared before, with a look of reason.

"What God, say, what's the matter!"

Zhaoxue seemed to see the purpose of this philandering big carrot.

"Zhaoxue! What happened just now, why are you yelling!"

The strong woman Shangguan Xue'er came out, with a look of refusal to be thousands of miles away, her body was cold, but she couldn't hide her mature figure!

"Boss, it's okay, a big red mouse just came, I was shocked!"

Zhaoxue stared at Oscar and said, pointing at Sang and scolding Huai!
"Boss, I want a bad review. Your staff's service attitude is very bad!" Oscar stood up and said.

"What a bad review, you're the one who scared me!" Zhaoxue responded.

"What's so scary, it's obvious that you scolded someone for being too obsessed!"


"What are you arguing about! Zhaoxue, it's your fault, I apologize to the guests!"

Shangguan Xueer looked very uncomfortable with the two bickering, especially when she saw Oscar's charming face, speaking with the momentum of a big boss and a strong woman!

"Oh!" Zhaoxue responded with great reluctance, usually the boss is not like this, why?Turning around and bowing to Oscar, he said viciously, "I'm sorry!"

"Boss Shangguan, your employees are not sincere enough, I am a little scared!"

Oscar said to Shangguan Xue'er, still looking like a scared baby, making Zhaoxue's anger instantly burst!

Shangguan Xueer said something seriously, but her eyes were fixed on Oscar, this person is really interesting, I can't tell the level of his soul power, there is only one word, strong!


Finally, with tears in her eyes, Zhaoxue apologized very "sincerely"!
"It's not a big deal, it's just that my little girl who warms the bed is taking a bath, she can't see, Zhaoxue, just go and help me check the situation!"

Oscar smiled, I'm so embarrassed, it's obviously not my fault, it's you who called out your boss, okay?

"I don't..."

Zhaoxue wants to say, I don't want to help people take a bath!She was interrupted by Shangguan Xueer and said, "Zhaoxue, since the guests need it, you should go there!"

"Yes, boss!"

Zhaoxue responded, full of grievances, walked up without even looking at Oscar!
"Hey, Boss Shangguan is easy to talk to, thank you!"

Oscar said with a smile, turned around and wanted to leave, Roland is still not well!

Shangguan Xue'er said: "My guest, wait a minute, I have something that you might be interested in!"

(End of this chapter)

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